Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by WillOfStone

  1. A shared attitude/goal among players really helps.   If you want to encourage more community involvement, the the rewards for working together must be much greater than what's available to an individual.  Similar to what the good MMO's do.  You can play most of the game by yourself, but to get the really good stuff/beat the bosses, you need to team up.  In the end though it's all about personality.  If you want a server of helpful friendly people then you need to set the tone.  Make people feel appreciated and welcome.   So many servers fail on this and have to resort to gimmicks to keep players.   I was on a great server for the last 2 years, where even the staff loved playing on it and it showed.

    I have an official 1.10.2 mod pack on Curse right now that makes it impossible for a single player to take on the mobs/dungeons by themselves.   Work together or die. 

    This is just on normal difficulty. ;)

    Once I've done some more tweaking, it will take a party of 4 or more to take on any of the challenges.  D&D style. 


    Great thread BTW.  I've done a lot of thinking and wondering on this same topic lately. 


  2. A fire would just be the most visible source of energy.  You can pull it from other sources as well, the higher the base temperature of the item(tree, stone, animal), the more energy available.  Anything above absolute zero will have some atomic motion(energy).   We might think of a stone laying on the ground as "cold", yet it is relatively warm on the Kelvin scale.   Once you  have this energy, you can use it as you will.  Making flame would just be one application.   Energy can be converted into any type of matter.  There's even an equation for it. E=MC2 or Energy = Mass x the speed of light squared.   

    With the ability to manipulate energy/matter you could produce any number of "magical" effects.  Freezing someone(removing their body heat), or turning the ground at their feet to some other form, like lava or quicksand.   Or even the long sought after Philosopher's Stone, turning lead/iron etc, into gold.  

    So there's no real need to destroy an object to release it's energy.  More a siphoning of it rather than a total conversion.  

    The details of how this is accomplished would need to remain unexplained.  Otherwise it wouldn't be magic, but science.



  3. All I can think of is that the items between the supports are interfering somehow.   I've never had things in between them, but I'll give it a try.  Creative world, right?

    Edit: It's caused by not having enough beams in inventory.  The game mechanic will only place one beam if you are pulling from the creative tab.  It only sees one, even though it's unlimited.


  4. 17 hours ago, Motherwyvern said:

    I did a little experimenting and you can easily place sheets on any type of chiseled block, as well as chisel the block while the sheet is attached.  I usually use lumber whenever possible to help keep lag down.  As with lumber the sheets can also occupy the same space as one another; just use a block beside the place where you want the sheet, place the sheet, and take up the block.

    I started using sheets decoratively when I played in survival on another server and I had long ago reached colored steel.  Now I'm building a town for my own server and I'm seeing where the special TFC materials can take me creatively.  Screenshots of our builds are available on our server website and I always welcome new ideas, tips and tricks for building in TFC.

    Thanks.  I'll check it out.  As to tips and tricks, I'm still in the apprentice builder stage. lol

    Some of our players are doing great stuff though. I'm going to try and make a video once the village is a little farther along.


  5. Very nice.  Really like the Cabinet.  This is the first time I've reached colored steel and had some extra metal to play with.  I only play survival and it's too valuable early game.  Looking forward to playing around with it some more, as now my main focus is just building stuff.  :)

    Do you have to place the sheets on the block before you chisel it, or will it allow you to place it afterwords? 



  6. 16 minutes ago, Bunsan said:

    You can make hidden doors too. Place them and then break the block you placed them on. Then you can walk right through them. 


    Strange, in the year I've been reading this board, I'd not seen mention of using these sheets decoratively before.  I'm using Platinum sheets as a faux mirror behind my bar.  I'll post a pic when done. :)


  7. 8 hours ago, Bunsan said:

    Quite the opposite. Moving animals on water is far easier. They water ski quite well. You can go full speed without concern of the rope breaking. It is quite entertaining watching a half dozen cows flying along behind you  


    The only one that is challenging is chickens as they have a tendency to drown due to the boat desync. Stopping occasionally does help prevent this. 

    Water skiing cows. lol


  8. In honor of the players who make our server what it is, we are having a Player Appreciation Day on May 1st.   There will be a prize drawing in the forum and some goodies passed out on the server.  We will also be doing some community building outside spawn that weekend. 

    All whitelisted players are eligible for the drawing.  Just make a reply in the forum in the drawing thread to enter.

    1st prize will be a copy of Space Engineers on Steam, a $24.99 value, and 2,500 bonus claim blocks.  2nd prize will be 5,000 bonus claim blocks and 3rd prize is 2,500 bonus claim blocks.



  9. ^True, but I was thinking make it harder to level each skill. Right now it's pretty easy for a single player to level multiple skills.   To be called an expert in a skill should mean something more than that you planted a garden two years in a row. :)


  10. Will the main focus of TFC2 still be co-op?  An idea for advancement in tech could be that at least one player has to reach a certain level in each skill area.  Agriculture, prospecting, smithing, etc.   A single player could still do it, but it would encourage co-op play to advance faster.   Whatever the next incarnation is, I'm sure I'll enjoy it.  Even if it is vastly different than TFC1. 


  11. A  picture of our spawn building with all the new Merchants shops.  Each player built and owned.  Mine is in the bottom right corner.  :)

    A big thanks to aleksey_t for this wonderful addon.  It's a huge hit.



