Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Menoch

  1. Also, how much ram do you have allotted to run TFC? As I understand it, TFC requires more Ram than normal MC.
  2. Question

    Griefers are like hackers. Protection from them is only long and drawn out. Inevitably the little parasites find a way around it.
  3. Sandboxing to kill time

    Ok... so I just shat me pantaloons! I WANT! Lol. I shouldn't get it as I am fighting a tight deadline to get my game up to speed, but I can NOT pass this game by. Pre-Order here I come!
  4. Re-Introducing fear (Part 2)...

    So two things that peak my interest have been mentioned... The first, and I think probably the one with more impact in the long run, is fog. It would be quite interesting to have a world-gen that placed fog in biomes like swamps and jungles... especially at night. Deserts would let you see for as far as your options are set to, but in other areas, perhaps it would be better to have a sight-distance-limitation. This in turn would improve performance perhaps? I dunno just me thinking aloud.... err.. in text... Ambience like fog and fireflies at dusk and nightfall would be incredible awesome as well. Creature sounds, namely Zombies and the like, are, I think, a preference. I lost count how many times I am minding my own beez when I all-of-a-sudden hear a creeper getting ready to detonate right behind me. This is why I always play MC with an extra set of britches! But they do nothing in TFC, really. As for Zombies, I think that they should always be silent unless they see their food... namely the player. At which time they begin to moan and shuffle forward. Spiders... well.. I have never heard a spider irl, but I know that the fact that they are silent makes them all the more creepier! So yea.... I am all for silent current mobs and fog. Now what would really be creepy is having a thick fog and hearing a zombie that you can't see, but the fact that you can hear it means it can definitely see you... CREEEEPY!!!! As far as Animals and the future of such mobs is still up in the air. I do think that animals should be heard when they call to each other (i.e.: mating season, wolves communicating at night, or if there is a herd, and the likes)... but perhaps that is all? Again, just me thinking in text.
  5. Re-Introducing fear (Part 2)...

    And fear takes yet another form!

    I work in retail. Trust me when I say I have plenty of madness....

    Human souls are high in cholesterol and anger. They taste like sour milk and give heartburn and gas. I would rather eat space debris.
  8. Discussion thread for the Combat Revamp

    Yes it is and you are right.. it is. A common Wild Boar piglet found in the Netherlands. But Back to... un-reality....
  9. Discussion thread for the Combat Revamp

    Well this one could! HAVE AT YOU!
  10. Discussion thread for the Combat Revamp

    Native American: War Shield: War Shields were made to be used as a means of defence on horseback only and were therefore found as a defensive weapon amongst the Great Plains Indians. The war shields were made from the skin of a buffalo’s neck which had been smoked and hardened with glue extracted from the hoofs of the bison. The more skins used in making the war shields, the better protection they would offer. The war shields were arrow proof and according to George Catlin “…would glance off a rifle shot with perfect effect by being turned obliquely, which they do with great skill.” Because the war shields were used on horseback they were small measuring 20-24 inches in diameter and light in weight, similar to those used by the Ancient Roman cavalry. The war shields were not meant to shield the body as such, they were mainly used as arrow deflectors but could also provide protection against the Spear of an enemy. The circular, hide, war shield illustrated in the following picture measured 20 inches (50cm) in diameter and is edged with red flannel, with feathers, beads, fur and a piece of human scalp attached. The war shield belonged to a Comanche warrior and is believed to have been taken in a battle with the Osage tribe. Medicine Shield (thought for magic uses?) Medicine Shields were sacred objects decorated with symbolic designs that reflected the personal vision and “medicine” or spirit-guided inherent power of Native American warriors. Medicine shields were not the kind that were used in battles – but every warrior had a medicine shield. He would not use this shield for protection during battles, however, he might still carry his medicine shield with him attaching it to his horse in order to gain spiritual protection. The medicine shields had specific spiritual meaning to each warrior and were created following the rite of passage called a Vision Quest. A Vision Quest was undertaken to seek and identify a Power Animal to help them as a spiritual guide to walk through different stages of life for the purpose of teaching and guiding them, and in some instances protecting them. Following the Vision Quest the young Indian would meet with the Medicine Man who would interpret his dreams and this interpretation would then be transferred onto the shield in the form of sacred symbols and depictions of the spirit guide. Medicine shields were typically made out of animal skin that was stretched over a wooden hoop. Pictures, emblems and symbols would be then painted on the Medicine shields. As the young warrior grew in stature additional objects reflecting his prowess as a warrior were added to the Medicine shield such as feathers and scalps. Laser Pistol: A Vision Quest was undertaken by some Native Americans, namely of the Slapaho Tribe, wherein the final outcome was contact with the Mother Ship. These vision warriors were then rewarded with their very own Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator. But... again... this is only after smoking much Peyote.
  11. Discussion thread for the Combat Revamp

    OOOOOH! You did it now Bioxx. You opened up the floodgates! LMAO!!!!
  12. Discussion thread for the Combat Revamp

    So what you are saying is that someone forgot to tell the zulu tribe that their shields were supposed to be made of oak? There were more areas of the world using different types of weapons and armor than Europe and asia. Since TFC is gearing towards the early development of the player, these types of weapons and armor (stone, wood, leather and bone), should be more varied than just metals and woods. Indeed Wooden shields rock, but until you figure out your place in the metal working field, how are you going to hold the boards of wood together effectively without tacks, nails, or metal bands? Leather/bamboo shields (depending on the locale) should be a good starter (if shields are going to be implemented). And even if they are not, leather armor and leather and bone armor is a good start too. This adds a lot of variation for not just end-game items, but also for beginning. With the implementation of differing attack types (which weapons could theoretically have using the MODE option that tools have), you can make whatever type of armor (again) fits your play style. This is just an opinion, but going from no shield straight to wood and metal shields just kinda feels like an important step in the discovery phase is skipped.
  13. Discussion thread for the Combat Revamp

    Just because you wear plate armor doesn't mean you can't use a bow. So in THIS scenario, player A pulls out a bow and arrow and shoots player B in his forehead. Rinse, repeat. Lol.
  14. Discussion thread for the Combat Revamp

    ~ CHAIN MESH ~ Butted Chain Mesh vs. Arrows: Riveted Chain Mesh vs. Sword Point: Improvised Weapons vs. Chain Mesh... I think butted... ~ PLATE ARMOR ~ Plate Armor vs. Arrows: Plate Armor vs. Swords: ~ LEATHER and CLOTH armor ~ Well.... not much to be said here except for their effectiveness against the elements, and in leather's corner, its effectiveness against weapons designed with a drawing, edged surface as opposed to piercing... So what should set armors apart from each other aside from protective nature? SPEED! Heavier armor will slow you down making it difficult to run from, or chase down your opponent. This will make cloth and leather desireable depending on a players flavor of gaming. Personally, I would rather wear leather for quickness over Plate mail for toe-to toe defense. Hit em from a distance I always say...
  15. Summary of suggestions looked at

    Well since TFC is still in Beta, the likelihood that your saves will have to be ditched a few months down the road stand moderately high anyway. Not to poo on your wheaties. But I do appreciate where you are coming from. I felt the same way about playing B75 when I heard B76 was coming with all of its changes... and then upon deleting all of my old saves and such when coming into B76, I found out B75 saves would still work. Go figure. LOL. Ooopie! If you really are a MinecraftAddict then I can imagine the cold sweats and wracking pain you endured while going through your withdrawals!
  16. Discussion thread for the Combat Revamp

    And taking that into account, if you DO decide to go into the hit location area of combat, it would be important to note the on/off switch (the head) is the one area most people try to protect, either instinctively or through combat awareness. It should also be noted that this is the ONE place to go for in combat, from full contact training to no-holds-barred street fighting. So my question would be how would one approach the percentage chance of hitting a certain area given the "Intelligence" of the opponent being fought. (i.e.: Male Koalas go after each other's genitals when they fight, as opposed to an MMA combatant who will go for the head every time an opportunity is offered.) But let me point out that this is in the MMA fights (rules) and that surprisingly enough, and understandable enough, the nads are the number one spot to go for when fighting. It may seem dirty, but if it was good enough for Bruce Lee (Tao of Jeet Kun Do), then by golly maybe we should look into crafting Red Steel Jimmy Hats!!! ... ... I have been witness to the "percentile die" rolling out some insane low numbers on a streak, and have also seen some video games dole out some seemingly unfair "random" outcomes time after time. While the hit location would be a fun aspect to combat were this Skyrim or Call of Duty, I am thinking that given the limited threshold of the MC combat system, unless debuffs are going to be the outcome of a "hit location" score (i.e: slow movement when taking a shot to the leg, dazed when struck in the head, high pitched voice when cracked in the man-berries...), Omicrons figures would be the best way to go. This in fact is the system I am using in my rpg at the moment and it has worked for the past decade in it... and swimmingly well. Now that out of the way, and since there are piercing, slashing, and crushing weapons in-game (at least on other players), will we PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be seeing other creatures enter the much lacking creature variety picture? And if so, will they the be able to dole out varying damage types such as crushing, piercing, and slashing? The Aurox that Bludgeons as it stomps and Pierces as it gores, or the jungle gorilla that bludgeons you to death, and yes of course the skelly that pierces you with its bow of skewering.... these varying damage types would add a whole new facet of importance to different armor types and their importance. If skeletons are only found underground, and you are going to explore a cave system, one type of armor might be favored over another, etc..etc...etc..
  17. Is there a way ?

    "It's log... it's log... it's big, it's heavy, its wood! it's log, it's log... it's better than bad, it's good!" Don't forget the G.I. Log, now with Kung Fu grip! I have actually noticed, since HF10, that sequoia leaves no longer disappear. They just float up thar in the blue when you chop the tree down. White Cedar has done it to me a couple of times too, but Sequoia seems persistant.
  18. OH HEEEEY!

    So... would we call it abnormanity? Or sanality? On a side note, the lack of normal people on this forum is why I keep coming back. I don't do any other forum... I feel at Home here... among the padded walls and screams from down the thread... where Nurse Ratchette brings the pills and my Pajamas have buckles and long sleeves!
  19. House

    That is some level 9000 badassery! Very nice! Can I live there?
  20. OH HEEEEY!

    More like abandoned the forums.... "Dem peoples is crazy.... CRAZAY!!"
  21. OH HEEEEY!

    Damn! That train wreck HAD to be somebody's bad day! Just think about it.. that bad day has been brought back from the "anals" of history! I wonder if the conductor died... or spilled his tea.
  22. Memory Leaks

    I noticed that when barrels are sealed, and I log out or leave the chunk and then come back, they are unsealed. Could it have something to do with a timer for the barrel seal? Not sure if soehow that is having an effect? But barrels send me into a lagfest when they are on screen or in my general vicinity.
  23. b76 hotfix 9 bucket bug

    I have been using flux into a bucket of water to make limewater. I add the sand afterward. I have not run into this problem on HF9 yet. I do however have 2 other buckets in my inventory when I do this. I will try it out using just one bucket in my inventory and see if I get the same effect you are having.
  24. [B76] Latest version bugs & FAQ.

    I get the same prob on my Mac mini. It is definitely a memory leak. I get no log report either. Perhaps a ball pean hammer and some chewing gum will do the trick?