Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Mathias Ademar

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Everything posted by Mathias Ademar

  1. So i did a general search on the forums and came up with nothing other than a brief mention of the mod i made a while back. Most of ProjectRed is not nativley compatible with TFC mainly due to ore gen for things like ruby, peridot, and sapphires. (yes i know that some of the ores themselves are covered by ore dic, but the plants dont gen) as well as most of the recipies require vanilla stone for the circut plates. i would make and addon to fix this myself, but im not good with minetweaker or coding. if any one would like to step up to bat i would be ever so grateful. thanks for taking the time to read this.
  2. [TFC 0.79.25+] TFCRailcraft

    Awsome. And railcraft works for me as long as I have rc define steam and creosote in the config.
  3. [TFC 0.79.25+] TFCRailcraft

    i hope this doesnt become abandoned, i use this tweak a lot. :/ Edit: looks like there was a PR to update it to 79.24, i hope it works for me.
  4. Drinking from large vessels, barrels, buckets etc.

    lol i would TOTALLY use that. XD anyways. i can see this being an ok mechanic, though i dont see myself ever using it as i mainly just drink from ponds. i rarely even make jugs/ waterskins.
  5. so how exactly can i use the metal arrows/ bolts and the crossbow? none of them seem to have recipies. :/
  6. What pages should be updated first?

    Ah ok. Thanks. Guess I'll check that one off my list. Lol.
  7. What pages should be updated first?

    Is the calendar page as updated as its gonna get? (I save the wiki pages as PDFs so I can check the when I'm offline) just wanting to know if I need to keep track of that page anymore. Lol
  8. How not to play Terrafirmacraft

    Oh this just made my day. XD
  9. What pages should be updated first?

    You could put a list of what pages are done so others could better help with updating/ suggestions for updates. Just my opinion though.
  10. [79.28] Pretty Good Starting Zone

    Seed updated to 79.25 from 79.21 Lol. Gotta thank my gf for letting me use her laptop. XD
  11. Skills

    This is true. I concede my point. Lol
  12. Clothing

    "Witty Jack be close den you tink" - Tia Dalma
  13. Great series man, and wonderful tutorials by the way, keep up the awesome work. ^_^V
  14. Skills

    What about a gardening skill? It would work like the seed bonus from agriculture, but it will give you double flowers/ decor plants (such as pumpkins) once you reach Expert. Or it could simply be added to agriculture itself. My main reason for this suggestion was because as of right now, even though the spawn like mad, if we use up all the nearby plants for decor, but don't want to wander too far to get more, we could simply grow them.
  15. Chemistry / Alchemy as a system and profession

    This could be a very long, but worth it, method for "potion brewing" since its unlikely for people to travel to the nether in TFC. Though i think it would be best labled as Alchemy, as opposed to Chemistry, if we are to keep with the appropriate time period.
  16. Does this still work for 79.24? It would suck if it became abandoned, I use this addon a lot. Lol
  17. Future of Chisels and planks in TFC2

    What will be used for stairs and slabs in the meantime Bioxx?
  18. Journal of a playthrough with v79.18

    I will probably use your tower design, from what all I could see anyways, as outposts and guard lookouts for any towns I build.
  19. Journal of a playthrough with v79.18

    Well done.
  20. Journal of a playthrough with v79.18

    *eagerly awaits the next installment*
  21. Bring back solid thatch blocks

    One could use bunsan's idea for mine tweaker to implement krenshala's recipe using string/rope and thatch blocks. Though I would put it like so: SSS TTT SSS S = String/rope T = Thatch
  22. Updating to 1.8 &1.9

    I understand that, Lol. its just how I process the upgrade to TFC2 as still being related to my favorite mod. The main focus of my OP still stands, I think. Lol.
  23. Green Steel.

    Well from what I understand, red and blue steel are the only Tier 6 metals. I can't remember off the top of my head but as a set for armour, red steel was useful for slashing DMG and blue for piercing. That still leaves crushing, or whatever the one that got left out was, which was only really focused on by leather. So that could be a use for it, to cover that DMG type gap, while also making use of the less useful. Two birds with one stone, no?