Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by ado_hoppo

  1. Hi,


    I've been playing for some time and I'll post here some possible bugs I've noticed. It's your call to evaluate their severity or fixability.


    TFC Version #: Version #:

    Gameplay: SMP

    Other mods:   fastcraft-1.19 and voxelmapNoRadar 1.7.10-1.0


    bugs (or features?)1. Milk does not age in barrel (even in unsealed one).2. All mobs consider fence gate as passable block in their pathfinding algorithm. (They all gather there and try to jump it - easy target for XP farming on zombies)3. Process of making anything inside of sealed barrel is stopped when barrel is broken and moved elsewhere. It needs to be placed on ground and resealed to restart the process.4. Cedar leaves destroyed vanilla fence when tree grown from sapling. (Sapling was one block below the fence and first layer of leaves destroyed the fence)5. When refining grain with knife and I SHIFT+CLICK on refined grain, I won't get straw into my inventory, only refined grain. (I get straw only with LEFT CLICK on refined grain)feature ideas1. Equip full barrel/quiver to the back slot by SHIFT + LEFT CLICK. (like armor can be equipped to armor slot)2. Snow blocks could decrease apparent temperature around them (as used in history for food preservation).crashes1. Game crashes (internal server crash - not a client crash, so no log), when I am ingame drunk (3000-4000 mB of alcohol) and try to send some message (longer than couple words) by chat. Short chat messages or messaging from bed is not crashing.


  2. Thx guys for the effort - I was using minutor without definitions and now it looks better


    @Plofre: (some feature requests)

    1. pink are still weeds (fresh and salt water weeds 2141:0) and TFC fences (2113:xx)

    2. fruit tree leaves and bushes are black (if you'll be doing more coloring)

    3. variants definition with stone types would be great


    @fregorach: thanks for ore ID definition, I filled somemissing ones and gave it coloring closer to my BlockHeads resource pack and I will share it here, but still thanks for great part you did


    @Kittychanley: I see you follow this thread so I'll ask - can we get to the biome IDs? (I thought I saw them somewhere, but I'm not sure


  3. I would like to apply for the server

    My in game name is: tepig8500

    My age group is: Teen

    My time zone is: (UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London

    The rule are: No Griefing, Stealing or cheating

    Do not ask us to spawn in item for you. Unless you have a good reason.

    Don’t make me add any more rules

    Workshop Rules

    I have followed the topic

    you've been added to the whitelist, see you online

  4. My IGN is MrTwinkeh.

    I am in my early twenties.

    I live in Eastern Australia with the timezone of +10 GMT.

    I have read, agreed, and will abide by the rules.

    This server sounds very fun, especially since it has a wide variety of mods.

    <p>IGN: ClassicJoe I'm 15 my timezone is -5 {on the east coast of America} I have read the rules and I would like to kinda live closely to the town and have that you know really good experience on the server. I followed the topic too.</p> and sorry my first post was unrefined and I accidentally posted it. :/

    [in-game name] thelegendback

    [Age Group] Such as under Ten, Teen’s, Twenties, etc. 13 Teen's

    [Time Zone] Eastern Standard

    [read the Rule] Already did

    Also im not sure if i applied before but i dont think i did.

    I would like to apply to your server.


    Age group is teen's

    Time zone is -6:00 Central Time(US & Canada)

    Rules: No griefing, cheating, or stealing (No rule making)

    you guys were whitelisted, have fun joining us



    MST GMT-7

    Greatest rule in the world: Do not make me have to add more rules!

    Topic has been followed

    please follow the topic first thing before playing

    if anybody will ask for it, I'll make the mods dir zip as I made it for last hotfix (for now I'm counting on your cleverness :D )


  5. I'd like to join



    east coast

    yes i have read the rules

    [in-game name] Sn1p3r522

    [Age Group] 16 (Teen)

    [Time Zone] GMT -5

    [read the Rule] Yes

    [follow this topic] Yup.

    IGN: firestorm21

    Age Group: Teens

    Time Zone: GMT-8 (PST)

    Read rules: Yes

    Followed: Yes

    I Would Like To Apply :)

    Ingame Name: K1ll3rXXPotato

    Age: Im In My Teens

    TimeZone: Gmt +10

    Read The Rules: Yes I Have And I Understand Them

    Do I Follow This Topic: Yes I Do


    you guys are all whitelisted, sorry for a bit late reaction from my side

    have fun, play nice ;)


  6. anyone else see the servers as down tonight?

    Yes, the server is down, And I'd like to explain why I didn't log in for quite some time: I've been studying too much and time is precious to me. I decided to check how are things these days, but there was no one online. Please, don't destroy my house, I still love it and will play as soon as I can. Thank you!!

    I restarted the server - for now I cannot do more than that (hope hamcybo will fix it, when he returns)

    I'd like to join



    east coast

    yes i have read the rules

    have you read among rules that you should follow this thread? (I am allowed to whitelist only followers of this topic)

  7. sorry I'm checking it now - I've had a 16h workday yesterday (unplanned)

    I'd like to join


    21 so twenties

    east coast

    have you read and accepted the rules?

    Whitelist please.

    [in-game name] mikeoun

    [Age Group] 22

    [Time Zone] GMT +1

    [read the Rule] Done.

    you've been whitelisted - you alse need to follow this topic (and remind cpy to do the same)

  8. Nazdar ado, mozes ma dat do whitelistu? :D

    A modpack niekde mas alebo to treba vsetko rucne?

    Inak nieje to easy jak svina ked mas zapnute vanilla veci?

    s takouto žiadosťou nemôžem - aj ja mám rád poriadok vo veciach


    1. odteraz len anglicky (aby sme si všetci rozumeli - vyzeráš podozrivo keď píšeš vo vlastnej reči)

    2. check application form in first post or use other applications as example (it's useful knowing your ingame name and time zone, follow this topic for changes and accept the rules)

    3. I will link you in PM the stuff you need

    4. vanilla stuff doesn't make it easier - starting in new world as set of about 7 settlers made it much easier

    then I'll be glad to add you to whitelist


  9. I would very much like to join your server

    IGN: FelixFB

    Age Group: Teens

    Time zone:-5

    And yes I read the rules and understood them.

    you've been whitelisted - you are welcome at our village - we still have a lot of place to build it bigger

    Is there any place to download hotfix 14, I couldn't find a Previous Versions section of the TFC site. :(

    some posts ago I listed whole current mods directory,here at this link and the bugfix 14 TFC is there as well

  10. sorry I was offline for few days too

    i'm not having mod issues, i cant even get connected to the server. it always says cant reach server, it has for a few days now.

    server needed restart again - I did so, if the problems repeat, I'll respond more quickly this week and hamcybo will deal with the issue

    I hope that nobody's cutting the sequoias again :(

    I probably won't be in until the servers updated, but:

    My in game name is ruhl4

    Age group is teens

    My time zone is +10 (Strayan)

    I'll likely not be on till its updated as well, but figured I'd get it out of the way.

    IGN: Eskamoe

    Age group: Twenties

    TIme zone: UTC -5 but playtime is eratic

    please follow topic, read and accept rules, ty

    also we'll update to new build when hamcybo returns from his holiday trip

    IGN: Brobjo

    Age: Teens(17)

    Time Zone: +01:00

    Read the rules: I have read the rules and understand them.

    I have also followed this topic.

    you sir have been whitelisted, have fun at midnightsun server

  11. Guys are any of you having lag issues near spawn? :mellow:

    I ilve in village (200m from spawn) and I've gone check it right at the spawn and I did't get any lags than normal (even on proxied minecraft)

    ok i found the follow button

    and I found the whitelist command, so you're whitelisted now :D have fun

    lol. I can't connect, I have too new version of Backbacks. 1.7.9 instead of 1.7.8

    i've been fucked over COMPLETELY.

    i just cant seem to install ANY of these mods other than smart moving

    remove me from the whitelist, because i can't seem to join this 1.

    you two guys can find all current required and some optional mods in here (including backpacks for Vitharr)

    @Skyfre: it should be simple - you just patch the minecraft jar (I am using MC Patcher) with FORGE and Player API - be careful to have forge first and player API after it (else it's not working)

    then just put in mods directory the contents of the ZIP file I linked (some of mods included are just optional for server)

    Hey, can I be removed from the whitelist? No one is ever on when I go on, so it sort of defeats the purpose of Multiplayer.

    these days the server is a bit empty around my time at work and after work (CEST time zone), so I guess you will find some people if you get online at right time, because I don't have problem finding hammy online (and we are 10hrs apart)

    I must say, that server is a bit dark in last days! I hope you people will return to what you have built.

    Posted Image


  12. hi, i would like to join your cool server :P

    my IGN: Bmthrules ( caps sensitive )

    age group. juvenile, teens

    Reason: Doesnt seem to be many quality TFC servers right now, and yours looks right up my alley :)

    EDIT: Forgot the time-zone. I'm in EST.

    you were whitelisted - I checked (you just should've tried to log into the server)

    [in-game name] : Cryght

    [Age Group] i'm 26 so twenties

    [Time Zone] central

    [read the Rule] i read the rules :D

    Extra info : i played Tfcraft before, but ima be having a few friends also apply with. looking for a good server to start off and have fun. :D making a small lil town someplace. Don't worry no ugly buildings. i'm a architect :D

    please follow the topic first - it is useful and kinda one of the rules you are agreeing to

    My IGN is: VitharrBjornson

    Age group: twenties (23)

    Time zone: E.S.T. (U.S./Canada)

    I understand the rules. I'm more interested in playing co-operatively with others than I am killing and griefing others. I'd play a war modpack for that!

    you where whitelisted, have fun

  13. [in-game name] thecreperking55

    [Age Group] Teen’s,

    [Time Zone] central

    [read the Rule] i have

    Last but not least you must [follow this topic]. This is for two reason. One, to be updated with server changes and server news.

    you have been whitelisted



    GMT+1, but since there are so many Americans online that I keep having to wait up for, I'm likely to act like I'm in GMT-1 compared to an American.

    please agree with rules and follow the topic first

    also I am from GTM+1 (+2 in summer) and one other big player too, so you won't be so alone



    GMT+8, however I'm pretty active

    Read all the rules

    Following it now

    you have been whitelisted, nice to see here someone from earlier timezones

    In reference to my earlier post. May I receive White-list?

    yeah, you can - either when admin wakes up or when I get home from work (which happened :D )

  14. [in-game name] thecreperking55

    [Age Group] Teen’s,

    [Time Zone] central

    [read the Rule] i have

    Last but not least you must [follow this topic]. This is for two reason. One, to be updated with server changes and server news.



    GMT+1, but since there are so many Americans online that I keep having to wait up for, I'm likely to act like I'm in GMT-1 compared to an American.

    please follow this thread first - both of you, thx