Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Therighthon

  1. Well, it's been a while because I couldn't really figure out what to do with the neck. Here is what I decided on, let me know what you think. Basically, the head is a child of the neck and you can rotate both of them when rotating the head to prevent it from going inside the body, or having the neck stick out through the eyes like in some my other attempts at this. As for shearing, this is what it looks like with the main fur box gone. I like it, but I would like to know what you think and if you want me to add boxes to the tops of the legs. The turned head picture is with 30° angles on both the head and neck boxes, which is about as far as the beard box allows for.








  2. 3 hours ago, Darmo said:

    Well, it's consistent with their other mobs.  I definitely like our new ones better.  But what strikes me is, they come out with these simple new mobs once in a blue moon it seems like.  That polar bear literally would take under an hour to build in MCMC and texture.   Meanwhile we've come out with...a lot..., in the past few months.  And we're not even paid to do this.  So my takeaway is they are super-lazy, or just want to string it out for weeks and weeks.

    Yeah, well, think about how long it took Mojang to fix boats.


  3. Alright, I have been putting together a musk ox model, let me know what you guys think. I could maybe try a simpler body, but I find that with thicker animals that makes them look a bit too boxy, which is why I took this route.






  4. I would think you could just put both textures/boxes in the same plane and just make use of texture transparency. So, where texture A is transparent, texture B is visible and vice versa. Putting them on different layers would probably look slightly off.


  5. I know. My first thought when I saw the polar bears was: "Man, there is no way Darmo would let me submit that." I was also amused that the new nether brick variant is just the old texture after a wild night in GIMP. Anyway, the TFC2 bears look way better than those polar bears.


  6. BigTurtles has put together a pretty nice texture for a white squirrel. These white squirrels could be found either in colder climates, or in swamps depending on what Bioxx wants to do.





  7. They are slightly different colors, you just can't tell very easily. Realistically, black squirrels should have black noses, and red squirrels' noses are pretty much the same color as their fur, with the grey squirrels being the ones with the most noticeable pink nose. But, as some folks would be happy to tell you, TFC strives for believably, and I just like the pink noses better because they stand out a bit better. I can change it if you really want me to, but I prefer it this way.


  8. 4 hours ago, Kittychanley said:

    Just wanted to say that this is absolutely adorable. Would it be possible to also add a texture for black squirrels? They'd be a super rare variation kind of like the vanilla pink sheep.




  9. I really like it. The model looks great. The only think I can think of, is that the quill texture should be a bit more banded, as the porcupine quills I have seen are, but other than that it looks really good.


  10. The wedding-cake humps look better, but the hump looks like something was built on top of the camel's back, and isn't quite part of it. I think you need to move it a little farther forward, and make the first level taller at a minimum. I think you should also make the camel a bit thinner, and the hump a little bit longer, since camels' humps are generally a bit more ridge-like than yours. It just looks awkward and detached, which is sort of how a camel's hump should look, but not quite. You could also try looking at other mod's which have camel models, to get ideas. That was fairly helpful with the squirrel's tail, and while I don't recommend copying anything, it is a good way to get ideas.


  11. Yeah, the childing is there so that the squirrel can sit up easily.  I don't have any problems with brutally ripping the legs from their parents, but I am going to keep them as children for the time being, but I probably should re-create them before the final product, as the long measurement is along the Z axis, when they ought to be oriented vertically. That might have something to do with the weird animation, and it might've been in part that the gizmos were in the corners. Anyway, I went ahead and tried a couple things with the back legs. I personally like the short-haunched version, but the other ones are alright too. It is still a little awkward, but not as awkward as it is to bend the legs forward so that they come out on the bottom instead of the back.



  12. I have gotten started on squirrel model and texture, and could use some feedback, particularly on the tail. I have it vary in width to try and make it look fluffy, and to avoid the all-corrupting Z-fighting. I could make it the same thickness all the way through, and edit the texture such that the Z-fighting is nonexistent, but if I want the tail to be able to bend both ways, that would look weird and flat. Unless you are one of the people who actually reads the text before looking at the images, you will have noticed that I included two poses, one running and one sitting. Depending on what Bioxx wants to do in terms of animation, it could switch between the models, or just use the running one. The sitting animation is about as simple as I could make it; you only have to rotate the haunch box -60°, and adjust the head and back leg boxes appropriately. Anyway, feedback will be appreciated. Once we get a good model sorted out, I will make a grey variant as well. Also, this would probably have to be scaled down a little bit, particularly for the red squirrel.







  13. Aside from the hump looking a little on the ziggurat side (I think you could do it reasonably well with just one, maybe two boxes, and it needs to be wider/closer to the side of the camel), and the other issues pointed out above I think the lower half of the neck could be shortened a little bit, it looks a little too awkward. I actually kind of like the teeth, but they don't really work with the general aesthetic. Also, I wonder if it mightn't look better to not have the front-facing pupil pixels? I find they make the camel look somewhat evil, and as animals go, camels do not really have particularly forward-facing eyes.


  14. The summer texture needs a bit of smoothing, I think. Either smoothing, or it should have a bit more of a pattern to the color changes. Or maybe just try to make the spots bigger, or sharper. As for the model, I like it, but maybe the legs should be 2x2? I downloaded and made them thin to see what they would look like, and I think it looks better, and their legs really aren't all that fat. You might try making them a pixel shorter as well, because they are pretty stubby based on google images.




  15. 2 hours ago, Darmo said:

    If it were up to me, we'd replace the vanilla sheep entirely.  It just isn't a good model, like all vanilla models.  To me most shorn animal pictures look very smooth, so I'm pretty ok with the shorn textures as they are.  It seems like in most cases the skin underneath matches the color of the fur pretty close.  There's actually google pics of shorn llamas with spotted skin.  My 2cents.

    Seconded on replacing the sheep model, the shorn version is kinda hideous. If you apply the texture of a shorn sheep to the shorn llama, it looks like this. I am not a huge fan, though it would probably be better if I actually put effort into it.


  16. 8 minutes ago, Th3A1ph4D0g said:

    I am loving all these textures for the Llama. They really make the animal feel so much more diverse. The usage of the transparent box to create a shaggy coat for the Llama adds a lot to the texture. We have a question to ask about the sheared texture though... If you look at a picture of a sheared sheep in Minecraft, the sheared variant is not a clean cut (Attached Below). The texture is really patchy. Do we want to change the sheep texture to have a clean cut in TFC2? Or do we want to add the patchiness to the Llama textures?


    Yeah, I was thinking about that when I made the texture. I personally prefer the smoother look, and to just have it be a color change, but I could re-texture it to be scraggly if you all would prefer it. I am not too particular about it either way, and the patchy texture is convenient on sheep because you can tell if they have been shorn or not at a glance.


  17. Some other thoughts for mechanical power:
       - More efficient bloomeries - A powered bloomery could either work faster, or perhaps have an ore-doubling type mechanic (probably not doubling, but maybe increasing by 150%). otherwise, powered bellows could be a thing.

               "Early European bloomeries were relatively small, smelting less than 1 kg of iron with each firing. Progressively larger bloomeries were constructed in the late fourteenth century, with a capacity of about 15 kg on average,

                though exceptions did exist. The use of waterwheels to power the bellows allowed the bloomery to become larger and hotter. European average bloom sizes quickly rose to 300 kg, where they leveled off until the demise of 

                the bloomery."

       - Automated textile production - This would have to come with an increase in the uses for large amounts of cloth, as currently it is only useful if for sails if you play with a ship mod. Regardless, using the loom gets boring fast as is.

       - Conveyor belts - Could be used to transport items

       - A few machines that could perform single smithing tasks, i.e. make ingots into double ingots and thus into sheets and double sheets, split and refine blooms into ingots, smith some of the cogs and axles that would be necessary 

         for this system, perhaps along with minecarts and rails.

       - Some sort of machine (wouldn't need to craftable by default) to convert mechanical power into RF and back to work in mod packs.
