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Posts posted by Xaxyx

  1. While the responsibility of a creator of some (largely/prominently/mostly) personal medium is to the creator alone (or to the creator and the medium in question in a philosophical take), when designing something meant to be for public consumption and enjoyment it is typically "encouraged" to at least consider if not directly cater to the closest majority to the design ideals in question in order to allow for the most enjoyment by the most people. Designing in accord with personal ideals and desires for the game without considering or in direct opposition to those of the intended audience is foolish and counterproductive.

    You are of course free to encourage the developers to develop their game in any way that you wish. They, in turn, are free to ignore your "encouragements" and develop the game the way that they see fit. How supposedly foolish and/or counterproductive such decisions might be are wholly subjective analyses.  If developers choose to build an application for a niche audience, for example -- or even just for themselves -- well, that's up to them to decide.


    Keep in mind that they're not even selling this thing, either; it's freeware.  So ultimately, any changes that they make to appeal to a wider audience would be just solely to increase their outreach.  If that's not a motivation for them, then those features probably aren't going to happen.  (Standard caveat, of course: I'm not one of the developers; I would never deign to speak on their behalf.)


    But, I take away from Shiphty's posts that s/he has a means of garnering such enjoyment in a way which is not necessarily common, and was expressing her/his hope that such enjoyment will continue to be possible in TFC2 with trepedation based on previous posts by Bioxx and Kitty on the subject. Shiphty may not be in the majority (and seems to not believe this is the case) and thus saw fit to clarify her/his position on the matter. The reception to this clarification was in my view somewhat founded in misunderstanding and grew increasingly terse as the discussion continued, likely out of frustration and possibly continued misunderstanding on both sides not aided by the relatively inexpressive nature of textual communication. I can sympathize with aspects of the situation presented by both Shiphty and Kitty thus far.

    The terseness and tenseness seemed to have arisen not due to any misunderstanding; far from so, it rather palpably emanated from the diverging viewpoints of the two proponents.  One's a development team defending its right to build its game the way it sees fit.  The other is a cheater attempting to bully a development team into changing the game to suit his tastes.


    To play devil's advocate, I too can choose to sympathize with the self-proclaimed victim in this scenario.  The game is too hard, too complex, too "grindy" or tedious or dull, to derive pleasure from.  Thus, cheating is necessary to alleviate these symptoms and adjust the game to a more enjoyable pace.  I understand that mentality.  I've even engaged in it, when encountering games or mods to games that have features that I dislike.  And I've even gone so far as to express my opinions -- loudly; boisterously -- to the development team responsible for producing such a product.


    But I've never gone so far as to insist that the changes I'm proposing be accommodated for my benefit at the cost of the developers' vision.  I've never had the gall to assert that developers need to cater to the whims of their player base.  In short: it's their damn game.  They can make their game any way they damn well please.  The only options thus open to me are any and all of:


    - Complain loudly about how much I hate certain aspects of their game

    - Stop playing their game

    - Get a refund, if I paid for the game

    - Tell all of my friends how much I think that game sucks


    And so forth.  But demand that the developers do it my way?  Pfft, hardly.  This is the thin red line that I never cross, but Shiphty and those who defend his stance seem quite comfortable stomping all over.  To him, and his ilk, I say this:  You made your point.  The devs heard you.  Now sit on it.


    1. I understood it that no longer anticipating playing TFC2 is exactly what Shiphty is saying will be the case for his/her self should development and responses to posts such as those above continue as they have, laying no personal judgment of my own in this specific matter on the stated circumstance.

    Presuming that's the case (and I personally doubt it): so what?


    2. Simply choosing not to play a game one does not like has never I believe drawn a great deal of displeasure in any individual case. There are plenty of games and some entire genres I typically do not enjoy playing, and so I do not do so. However, if a game one greatly enjoys is declared finished (not necessarily complete, just no longer continuing) and a sequel is in the works, it is reasonable for one to have hopes if not expectations for it to continue in an at least similar and hopefully then similarly enjoyable vein.

    Sure.  It's also reasonable for one to accept the fact that there will be changes in the next version, and that some of those changes might be ones that one doesn't particularly care for.  If one then decides that those changes are so egregious, so heinous, that all fun has been sucked out of the game, then one has the right to choose not to play that game and instead wallow in disappointment in despair.


    Indeed, it's further reasonable to assume that it's likely there will always be players who feel that way about changes made to a game in its next incarnation.  One cannot please everyone; nor should one fret over failing to do so.


    3. I can think of examples where hacking, cheating, or exploiting in a game can be among the greatest signs of affection or respect for the developers' work possible--speedrunning being the first that comes to mind, and also something which has been done in various fashions for vanilla Minecraft. Speedruns in many games involve playing the game far beyond the time even many dedicated players would stop out of enjoyment and affection for the game. Speedrunning TerraFirma Craft 1/2 could in theory be possible, if being limited to reach maximum tech level or craft X item from a new start world in as little time as possible. Speedrunners often contend that they would never put the time or effort into developing strats if not for their love of the game in question, and also readily admit that it is a relatively niche means of enjoying a game and which they understand developers not specifically catering to. Speedrunning is not the only example of such either.

    There will always be cheaters, whatever their motivations. Asking (or worse, demanding) the devs to accommodate cheating, or the cheaters' mentality, strikes me as an entirely new level of arrogance and self-aggrandizement. 


    One could even make the argument that modding games in itself falls within your disdainful spectrum, most notably in relation to hacking--modifying the code and altering assets, systems and/or mechanics, or even simply certain fixed values in order to cater to one's specific enjoyment of the game. Bioxx was not entirely pleased with the state of survival in vanilla; work on TFC begins. And yet now someone not being entirely pleased with a current impression of TFC's development direction and saying as much, while also admitting they will hold off final judgment until they can play the game in a relatively complete state is met with derision and hostility by fellow community members.

    An absurd comparison.  Rather, the equivalent would be Bioxx and Kitty popping onto Notch's suggestions forum and insisting that he make TFC-oriented changes to baseline play or they'll boycott the game.  See how silly that sounds?


  2. If players are cheesing the level rather than playing straight, then maybe no matter how awesome you think that level's design is, the players don't think much of it. This is not a failing on their part. It's a failure on your part.


    If "players" -- however many that's supposed to be referring to -- aren't playing a game the way it was designed to be played, then they are cheating.  That's their choice, of course, but it's not a "failing" on the part of the game designers.  The game designers have a vision for their game, and it is this vision -- and only this vision -- that's going to guide their development efforts.  They don't have any sort of responsibility to cater to the whims of any particular subset of people who may be interested in playing that game, however populous or boisterous.


    Indeed, if any given player holds so much contempt and disdain for the design intent of a game that they only way they can bring themselves to play is via hacking, or cheating, or exploiting, then perhaps that player is best served finding some other game to play that better suits their tastes.


  3. It is nothing like automatically giving you free stuff, it is about saving the time poor their most precious commodity. If it automatically completed the recipe for you then I'd have an issue as well. 


    My "addon" is saving me time, too: it saves me the time of prospecting for and mining up ore (So many button clicks! So much tedium!) and smelting it in the appropriate recepticle (bloomeries, blast furnaces and crucibles -- oh, my! The drudgery!).


    But, if you prefer: how about an addon that simply summons all of the ore blocks in, say, a twenty-block radius directly into my inventory?  That'll prevent me from having to waste my precious time digging them all up myself.  Then another addon that transforms all of that ore in my inventory directly into ingots.  Huge time saver!


    While we're at it, how about an addon that turns one vegetable seed into two?  That'll save me the time of growing that vegetable, harvesting it, failing to get a second seed, wash/rinse/repeat... so much time wasted!


    And how about an addon that lets me feed grain to my animals as many times as I want in the same game day?  After all, i don't want to waste my time waiting for in-game days to cycle.


    Oh -- and how about an addon that, with the single press of a button, takes rocks and sand out of my inventory and builds a lovely, six-story brick house for me?  I mean, it's not like I really have the time to chisel all of those rocks into bricks, or want to waste my time waiting for sand to turn into mortar, or spend still more of my immensely precious time actually building my house. 


    Yes, these are the sorts of addons that this game really needs.  I've got much better things to do with my time, after all.  Like actually playing the game.  Which of course I can't do anymore, since all of these addons just do it for me.


  4. The "fuss" is the fact that the addon in question allowed players on multi-player servers to circumvent the process of learning anvil recipes.  This gave those players an unfair advantage over those who didn't use the addon and spent the time and patience to learn those recipes themselves.  Worse, the nature of addon was such that the server owners had no way to disable the functionality.  The result was that some players could use this addon to cheat, and the server owners couldn't stop them from cheating.


    It's fine and all that you find the anvil annoying.  And when you're playing single player, you can still use this addon to circumvent having to learn those oh so terribly annoying anvil recipes.  And Bioxx, as he just stated, has no problem with you using this addon to do just that.  And if you happen to play on, or run of your own accord, a multi-player server on which the addon is permitted, he's fine with that too.


    But what you cannot do, what you will not do, is use this addon while connected to a multi-player server where this addon is not permitted.  That's all that has changed.


    For fun, here's the hypothetical analogy: I write an add-on that lets me press a button to insert a stack of 64 red steel ingots into my inventory.  (It's because I find the process of prospecting and mining and smelting oh so terribly annoying.)  I then use this addon while playing on somebody's multi-player server.  Have I gained an unfair advantage over other players?  Should the server owner have the ability to disallow me from using this addon?  Or should I be free to do as I please, simply because I find certain aspects of the game "annoying"?


  5. Other players have used the anvil.  However, no other players were connected to the server at the time, and I am absolutely certain that I was the last person to use the anvil.  (It's my server, and I always check the server logs before logging on; I was the last player on, and I had used the anvil in my previous login.)


    I did not manually select the plan; I allowed it to be auto-selected.  I am aware that Strange Things™ can happen with blooms and that manually selecting plans is the recommended course of action to prevent such scenarios from occurring.


    If you deem it merited, I'm willing to create another bloom and attempt to split it using the aforementioned low-durability hammer to see if I can replicate the issue.


  6. TFC Version #: 79.17 Forge Version #: 1291 SSP/SMP (SinglePlayer/MultiPlayer): SMPDescription: After attempting to split a 600-unit refined bloom, rather than receiving six individual 100-unit refined blooms, I instead received nothing, and the bloom disappeared.  I was standing directly in front of the anvil as usual.  No other players were in the vicinity.  After this occurred, I noticed that the hammer that I had loaded into the anvil was extremely low on durability.  After replacing the hammer, I was able to successfully split another 600-unit refined bloom without any problems.  My conclusion is that in circumstances in which it is determined that the hammer lacks sufficient durability to split a bloom, the split fails, but the bloom itself is destroyed in the process.


    Under the auspices that this turns out to be an unresolvable issue due to programmed mechanics, I would humbly suggest that this a warning be included in the wiki on an appropriate page (the metals page, for instance).Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug? (Yes/No): Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed? (Yes/No): YesIf yes, which mods? FastCraft 1.21 If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them? (Yes/No): Yes link of the Crash Report: N/A



  7. The trouble with this is that if it's cheaper and easier just to repair tools than to smith new ones, then no one would ever feel obliged to upgrade or replace them.  Weapons and armor, perhaps, since the damage and protection increases.  But the efficacy of metal tools does not increase proportionally with material type.


    To mitigate this, we could perhaps implement a cap on repairing items, beyond which they can no longer be repaired and would need to be replaced.  This cap, in turn, could be proportional to the item's base durability (ie, the material type).


    However, while I would never deign to speak for them, I get the impression that the game designers like prompting players to regularly replace their implements.


  8. Encountering the same issue, I was never able to further refine my misbehaving 100% refined iron bloom.  Moving the anvil, re-selecting the plan, and various other machinations were of no avail.


    Ultimately, I had to resort to melting the refined bloom (which gave me an excuse to make a bellows).  This would seem to be a sufficient workaround for 100% refined blooms experiencing this issue.


  9. That's an absurd comparison between two vastly different game environments.  Moreover, your substituted observations are false on their face.  Super Mario has an explicit goal defined.  Advancement in Super Mario exposes you to constant and consistent danger, enforced by simple fact that you *can't* go backwards.  And standing around doing nothing in Super Mario will indeed kill you, as you have a timer counting down against you; there's nothing you can do to prevent that.


    Whereas, Minecraft in general, as well as TFC specifically, is designed as a sandbox environment.  There is no explicit goal.  An extremely simple defensive area can be easily constructed; enhancing this structure does not serve any significant function as far as game mechanics are involved.  And as long as you have sufficient food of any single source, as well as fresh water, you can survive; no other environmental factors matter.


    That is the OP's point.  They are seeking more enforced engagement with the game world, more designed mechanics that require and/or reward additional exploratory, structural, and/or technological achievements.  Given the direction that TFC has already taken Minecraft, I for one don't see such a request as being all that unreasonable, in its abstract.


  10. I think then that a definition of supported would prove helpful.  That in turn would serve to clarify the beam's true purpose: to prevent blocks within its radius from being the epicenters of cave-ins, as supported blocks cannot be the epicenters of cave-ins.


    You mention that cave-ins can never "happen" inside of the area of support provided by a horizontal beam.  To clarify: by this are you only referring to the fact that cave-ins cannot be *instantiated* inside of the area of support, and not to the fact that cave-ins can still be experienced within that area as the result of the propogation of an initial cave-in that is instantiated outside of that area?


    It was also mentioned in this thread that support beam corners (the block where vertical support beams and horizontal support beams intersect) do not provide support to nearby blocks.  Can you confirm this?


  11. Aah.  Yes, that's quite a different animal.  If I may be so bold (and this appears to be a habit of mine), I might humbly suggest that the wiki page on support beams be updated to make that distinction.  To wit:


    "A single horizontally placed support beam will prevent cave-ins in an area that is 4 blocks in each horizontal direction, and 1 block above and below the beam (9x9x3 Area)"


    should perhaps instead read:


    "A single horizontally placed support beam will prevent unsupported blocks in an area that is 4 blocks in each horizontal direction, and 1 block above and below the beam (9x9x3 area), from causing a cave-in".




    "Unsupported blocks that are mined can also propagate cave-in's back to supported areas"


    should perhaps instead read:


    "Unsupported blocks that cause cave-ins outside of this area can also propagate cave-ins back to supported areas".


  12. No problem.


    So what you seem to be saying is, whenever I mine, no matter how many support beams I have in place or in what configuration, there's a chance that the layout behind the wall, outside of the scope of my influence, may simply cause a cave-in anyway?  There are no means at my disposal to prevent this? 


    Is this in turn why players are currently so loathe to go mining in caves and crevasses?


  13. All right.  But wouldn't the sections of the beams that do count -- the middle three spaces -- also radiate protection out to a distance of four?  Isn't the space adjacent the corner within that radius?  The illustrations on the wiki certainly seem to imply that.


  14. I appear to be quite confused about how exactly support beams are supposed to work.  I thought I understood the wiki explanation.  Anyone I ask about support beams seems to recite the wiki word for word, in precise alignment with my supposed understanding.  Yet the roof continues to cave in on me.


    Consider this (supposedly simple) situation:



    V = vertical support beam

    H = horizontal support beam

    C = corner of vertical and horizontal support beams

    S = Stone

    S = Stone (that I'm about to remove)


    Side view:




    SV VS

    SV VS



    Here I have the most basic of configurations, I might purport.  Two vertical beams spaced the maximum distance apart, and one horizontal beam connecting them.  Above the beam is stone; at each end of the beam is stone; the floor is stone; should it be relevant, the far wall from this perspective is solid stone as well. 


    Now, based on what I've read on the wiki, and seen in images, and had explained to me by other players, the horizontal beam should protect me from cave-ins should I choose to mine any block within a distance of four from the beam on the X and/or Z axis, and/or within a distance of one on the Y axis.  This, I have interpreted to mean, is a distance measured from any of the spaces containing horizontal beam -- including the corners where the horizontal beam joins with the vertical beams.  So in theory, I could start at either corner, count out 4 steps X, 4 steps Z, and 1 step up or down, and still mine that block safely.


    But what I did was even simpler.  I merely mined the block that I struck through in my cheesy illustration: block "S" -- the block right next to the corner, on the same Y.  And that caused a cave-in.


    Can someone please explain what I did wrong, or what I'm not understanding?


  15. Agreed.  This mod has transformed Minecraft for me, from a silly game into a serious strategy endeavor.  I tremendously appreciate the time and effort that's been put forth on this mod and eagerly look forward to what's coming next.
