Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by halfmaster1

  1. Gems

    I like gems just how they are. The make cool currency SMP, and are just awesome. Item frames on my walls with exquisite amethyst, chasing thieves who break my item frame and take my exquisite Amethyst, *content sight*
  2. [Clarified] Gardening

    I know. I didn't do anything. How do I fix it?
  3. [Clarified] Gardening

    I have a list of some ideas for plants and stuff, I'm gunna add it to the OP in a couple mins.
  4. [Clarified] Gardening

    Hmm... Well, I guess if it's up to the developers. They seemed to get everything to fit so far. Thought of an idea for a plant, Basil, where you get a leaf every time you punch it, but if it runs out of leaves, it dies. When it dies it drops 1-2 seeds. I'll increase my list when I come back, I gtg for moment.
  5. [Clarified] Gardening

    I thought spices would just fit in the meal system, as some people wanted to use seeds in their meals. That is a lot of mobs, I'm worried if that is implemented, it will be VERY laggy. Perfume is a good idea, although, a little bit odd, and I really like the compost idea. If any of you garden, though, you could prolly help them add it by giving a list of types of plants, dirts, how plants work, etc. oh, and, watering can.
  6. [Clarified] Gardening

    Mainly I was think just for aesthetics. Obviously sugarcane has a use, and flowers can make dye, but I figure it would be nice to have a variety of flowers, and maybe even herbs for healing, like that thread suggested, or for meals. I would love to put some spice on my steak. Mainly though, it would just be for collecting flowers and other things, to say, decorate your home. It would also add realism that you can't go punch a flower, then plant it and have it stay for the rest of your game. You have to water it, and replant it, etc.
  7. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Why did you change it? It wasn't that bad before, you can't have the hours accommodate everyone.
  8. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    If you google Aquor Servers, and click the top one, it doesn't work. Thanks for putting the server back up.
  9. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Server is down, MinecraftForums thread is gone.
  10. Anvils

    I got some screenshots now. Yes, that is one of those giant trees in a tunnel-like thing. I don't get where this rock came from, as none of the other rock matches up, and I am pretty sure that the overhang doesn't either. I think I might just leave this here, as it looks really cool as it is, and there are only about 12 stones, I don't want to run out. I just realized that I posted the same picture twice. Fixed.
  11. Anvils

    Hello all, this is my first post, so there is a chance that this should go in the support forum, but I read around a bit, and this seems like the right place. I have been in my tfc world for quite a while now, and I have found clay, and lot's of those rocks that make zinc, I think I have enough for about 7-8 tools now, but I have nowhere to make them. I looked on the wiki and it says that I need Igneous extrusive (I think), but that seems very rare. I am posting this topic for 2 reasons: first of all, I want to make sure that I actually need igneous extrusive, and I am ot just using my hammer wrong. Second of all, I was wondering if certain biomes, or trees meant there was igneous extrusive rocks underground. Also, whether the rocks above ground corresponded with the rocks underground (eg. does the chalk rock above ground me that is what is below ground?) I have found tonnes of rocks so far, siltstone, diorite, chalkrock, granite, conglamorate, and a couple more I can't remember, but I still can't get my hammer to work. Anyways, if you guys can help, great, or if I am just unlucky, then I'll go back to wandering around. Thanks.
  12. Anvils

    Wow, lot's of replies. Anyways, I gtg, so I can't make this post too long, but I found some stone to make an anvil. It is sort of sticking up out of the ground and doesn't fit with the surrounding stone, like a stalagmite, for some reason, but it looks really cool, at least until I put some walls around it. It's only a day's walk away, in a Sequotia forest, which is quite nice. I might post some pictures, as I am quite confused about how it is sticking out of the ground like that. Anyway's, thanks for your help.
  13. Anvils

    Okay, thanks, I'll try it out. That is probably why the place where I found diorite didn't work. I thought that meant it was only igneous extrusive. And I do have that many pieces of zinc ore, or whatever it is called, the biome I'm in has about 1/4 of all the rocks in it that ore. For the 7-8 ingots, I thought it would be about 16 pieces of ore. Thanks.