Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About djames1838

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    Freshly Spawned
  1. [Solved] TFC Crashes Randomly

    Thank you!!! And thank you for the kind offer. I'm a little dizzy after trying to locate blocks in MCEdit but eventually got there...hero status may be renewed when they wake in the morning Darren PS. Having read a lot more about TFC now...firstly, it sounds like an awesome project you are working on...good for them to see that you can't go straight from a pile of ore to a car overnight...and secondly, I'm going to have problems arguing when they try to convince me this is educational and not a video game!
  2. [Solved] TFC Crashes Randomly

    My 9 year old son (with the help of his twin sister) has been building a science project for school using TFC during much of the March break. Unfortunately earlier today my daughter placed a leather rack into the world in a place which I'm told is central to the functioning of the science project. If you try to break the rack or anything immediately around it, Minecraft crashes. Since they've been in bed, I've spent several hours trying to figure out the cause of the problem. I found this thread earlier on this evening but did not fully understand it until I'd done further research and tinkered with new installations, deleting config files, making copies of the saved world etc. So the world in question was set up in creative mode with cheats turned on...which I now understand to be the root of the problem. Based on the response above and the list of know bugs, I now understand that creative mode is for experimentation and the leather rack has a bug within creative mode. Since learning this I have tried switching the world to survival mode to see if I could safely destroy the rack, however, any time I've been able to break the rack, Minecraft has crashed. Previously I had brainstormed various ideas with the kids such as using TNT to destroy the rack but unfortunately this had an obvious downside which comes with using explosives near things that you don't wish to destroy. I realize that if they had known what they were doing they should have used survival mode which would have avoided this problem, however, they have now invested several days into this project and poor old dad has to try to come to the rescue...any help would be appreciated. Thanks Darren (a reluctant part-time Minecraft Admin who rues the day his kids discoveredEtho and Dan TDM) PS. The science project is to demonstrate 3 different ways of extracting metals from ores. PPS. The crash log looks virtually identical to the one posted by BlckAlchmst above.