Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by FinestShape

  1. In game username: Morrisyman How long have you been playing TFC: Around 18 months. Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I am looking for a close-knit community who are forced to depend on one another for basic realistic survival and to build more advanced industries. Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: "Do not turn your town spawn into a death trap."
  2. Multiple Issues & Crashes on LAN Server

    Dear All, Rather a long one here to follow as it encompasses a number of possibly unconnected issues that I have been experiencing with my local hosted server. I am placing them all into a single post for brevity's sake, however, if requested, I shall break them down into separate posts. I run a server on my main PC, that is used by just myself and my partner running on our local network, so there is no possibility of networking issues. The server is a vanilla TFC server, running with MCForge, and with Fastcraft version 1.21, installed on my main PC. The specs of my PC are 2x4Gb XMS3 Corsair RAM, Intel i5-3570 3.40GHz CPU, AMD Radeon HD7700 GPU, and Intel 120Gb SSD. I have run this setup of server before on this PC last year, without any real issues, on the then current versions of the same. I do not use Optifine or Cauldron, or any other 3rd party mods on the server. Both clients are run on the same setup, using the Technic launcher, and running TFC 0.79.15, Minecraft Coder Pack 9.05, Forge Mod Loader, MCForge, FastCraft 1.21, and Mapwriter 2.1.2. No other mods have been in use by either the server or clients. The run.bat for the server is as follows: java -Xmn1024m -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m -jar forge-1.7.10- And the startup code when launching the server at present is as follows: Link The server was initially running fine, albeit a bit slower than I had expected from previously running it, but then problems started occurring. The first major issue was a repeated client-side crash whenever I tried to access my inventory. The crash began occurring after I located and broke some leaves which appeared to have spawned on the ground. The crash report for this issue is as follows: Link I was able to walk around and interact with the world and hotbar inventory items fine, but any attempt to access my main inventory immediately crashed the game, as did opening chests or other containers. I resolved the issue by deleting my playerdata file on the server and rejoining as though it was a first login. The issues has not reoccurred since, and so I am led to believe that the issue was regarding the mispawned leaves. The next issue occurred later on when I attempted to adjust the server settings to remove hostile mobs from spawning. I did this in the usual manner by stopping the server, and editing the server properties file of spawn_monsters to 'false'. Not long after doing this, the server crashed with the following report: Link Following restarting the server after this crash, a number of issues had appeared. First of all, all of the animals (cows, pigs, and sheep) within the loaded chunks near to the players had disappeared, including all those we had corralled together into a paddock at our farm. In addition, a road which I had built, edged by granite brick blocks cut into stairs were now only rendering in alternate chunks, in that, as you travelled along the road, the 'stair' blocks on the first chunk would not be visible, but would be highlighted with the cursor, and then the second chunk's would be rendered properly, whilst the next were not, and so on all the way along the road. In addition, all fence gates which we had on the farm had rotated laterally 90º so that they were all now at right angles to the fences they were built into. Animals located on unloaded chunks spawned and remained as normal, and hostile mobs were unable to spawn as dictated. As yet, I have not been able to resolve this issue, or have experienced it reoccurring. Finally, a series of repeated server crashes began occurring whilst I was attempting to sail by boat to another continent, giving the following crash report: Link Restarting the server and rejoining, even after a client reinstall, causes the client to be removed from the server citing 'Internal Server Error. The server log of this happening is as follows: Link Just from reading the reports, due to my not particularly great skills with java, I have been unable to ascertain the causes of these issues or make alterations to prevent their recurrence. Any assistance in these matters would be greatly appreciated.