Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Vlad

  1. So it will only apply to meals I will make from now on? Not the once I already made?

    And what tastier food gives me? I will need to eat less often?


  2. Exactly, I thought that at first too, but it won't eat anything, I can use it's chest and all, only riding it is disabled.

    New thing I noticed: every time I come into the game it wears a new saddle, I remove it, but then the next game it has a new one..


  3. Version #: 0.79.8

    SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SSP

    Suggested Name: Donkey chest crash

    Suggested Category: Minor


    shift + click the donkey caused the crash.

    I know that this bug should be fixed at this version, but I still managed to get it. My config file stayed over from 79.7 and i didnt delete while upgrading to 79.8. Could that cause the bug? Is it safe to delete the config in the middle of the game? If so maybe it's just a config problem and can be closed.

    Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: No, cant reproduce the bug at all

    Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes

    If yes, which mods? link of the Crash Report:



  4. I have 3 donkeys which I tamed, could ride them all, but now something happen and one of them "the animal won't let you do that" when trying to ride it.

    I can access his chest no problem, but I can't feed him. What can that be?


    My only guess is I remember feeding this 3 to breed and he is the second male that left out, could that messed up some stuff maybe?


  5. I just moved my begginers house 2km with all the staff in one go (3 donkeys):

    Posted Image


    I would need 720 slots to move a bigger house, or basically have my house on "wheels", since in tfc it wont help you much to stick to one point..


    I don't see a problem.
    Posted Image

    But to be serious I'm sure they'll implement a nerf to donkeys.

    This one uses some kind of cart, and the donkey as the pusher of the cart, so carts are a great and logical idea.


  6. So I'm moving my house and I was thinking how much trips/donkeys I would need. I found out I would need only 1 donkey:

    one ceramic vessel can hold 4 slots,

    now a barrel can hold 12 slots which can be used for the ceramic vessels, that make 1 barrel hold 12 * 4 = 48 slots,

    finally I have a donkey, which can hold 15 slots which can be used for barrels, so a donkey can hold 15 * 48 = 720 slots!!!

    Just for comparison a double chest is 36 slots, so a donkey can hold the equivalent of 20 double chests!


    So the question is am I over using it? Was it intended that way or it's going to change?


  7. So first I put my hide into a barrel of limewater, so I got a soaked hide, now if I understand correctly I need to use the knife to make scraped hide, but it won't work.

    I'm also using the NEI TFC mod, and the knife + soaked hide if not in the recipes at all.. Is that a bug? Am I missing something?


  8. I destroyed a few blocks in a radius around the chest, found nothing, I did find the content of 2 chest, but the other 4 are nowhere to be found. I wasn't able to reproduce it, could be a rare bug.


  9. My house is build underground, and because of a cave in, it smashed many of my chests with dirt and all its content.. can a cave ins destroy items?


  10. ok, so what about the popularity if the not terrible meals?

    I tried about a 100 different combination and all are terrible.

    Before the update you could find something even if not very good.. but now all are just terrible.. not even 0.1% tasty (and I'm using some very tasty 0% decayed food..)


    Did anybody managed to make a non terrible meal? Is it possible?


  11. Wasted too stacks of sticks already and I still am not able to light the forge. Is that normal? That's 64 firestarters..


  12. Did anybody managed to get a non terrible meal?Level 167 in cooking but still all my meals are terrible.. should I make over 9000 of them to make a good one?


  13. Ok, but then all you need is one type of each.No longer you are experimenting with foods to achieve good meals.

    It's kinda strait forward now.. one vegetable, one fruit etc...


    and besides, I don't care about health, I don't like being hit, and I don't care to have a higher max hp.


    What I'm saying is that before the food was very important, but now (after trying to make it more important) it became completely useless.. just my opinion.
