Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Silverrune

  1. Naval suggestions

    Notch doesn't work on minecraft anymore. He hasn't for the past year...
  2. Updated to 1.4.4

    I find MultiMC to be horrible at this kind of stuff. It never works for me and I do it as intended. It also does a horrible job at modding. It is easier and produces less problems to just do it myself. I'm sure you can google it and find a fresh copy of 1.4.2
  3. Breeding.

    I do what you do, but no hearts. I'm going to try a fresh install tonight.
  4. Breeding.

    I am having so much trouble figuring out how to breed anything. I have wheat grain but after that I'm lost.
  5. Traveling cart

    Why not take the same mechanics used for stone on wood? Just change the toll to a saw and take out smoothing.
  6. Breeding.

    "Currently you can use the following cereal products, to breed your animals." Yes I've read it. It doesn't work.
  7. 1.4.4 AHHH!

    1.4.4 Was just released this morning. You can check the Mojang blog to confirm or just load up Minecraft. I'm going to wait for terrafirmacraft to update before downloading it. What are you going to do? When will an update be available? I've been checking the log for about a week log and nothing has changed in terms of post B66.
  8. Crash instructions..

  9. Crash instructions..

    The crash instruction thread needs updating. The update would be a Mac variant as bat files do not run on OS X nor does it give an explanation on how to create one if you can.
  10. Crash instructions..

    Exactly my point... On that thread there are no instructions for mac.
  11. Mobile browser

    Just wanted to mention that if you go back a page on a mobile browser, you get an infitite loading pop-up.
  12. Spumwack's Video Tutorials

    I'm the guy that had to go to class. Haha, anyways I would like to see a tutorial on crops. They are annoying.
  13. Saltpeter?

    Haha, you got me. How does mineable material sound?
  14. Traveling cart

    Reading the lines underneath your posts... CAN YOU PLEASE TALK TO BIOXX ABOUT THIS? Ahh... I love this idea way to much. I too have found that connecting towns and getting around to move mass items, say for moving homes, is excessively difficult. Please post if you do talk to him about this!
  15. Traveling cart

    I just wanted to add that on the roads you might have to build something in a similar shape to a sluice and is required to be placed on a certain block... What was suggested? Chiseled stone? What ever you make it. That way you have a ramp to get up those 1 meter drops, which doesn't seem real... But sluices like that aren't a meter high in real life either... Whatever, this post is getting out of hand.... Main point: you have to create something to put on your roads in order to get up/down blocks.
  16. Saltpeter?

    That is the one thing that I think needs to be finished first... This may be asking a lot, well it is. I think that all the ores should be finished now instead of putting them off. Get them out of the way. It might make playing a little bit easier. This is no small task and I understand that. That is just the one thing I wish was finished.
  17. [B66] TFC-specific doors are bugged in multiplayer

    A good example of this can be seen on Spumwack's LP on youtube.
  18. I Can't find a seed I like to use for SMP with friends. Any good ones?
  19. (SMP) (B64) Major Server Glitch

    Try creating one of the worlds in Solo then importing them into your server. If possible you could always just stick with LAN.
  20. Problem with the chisel - b64

    As for the bars, as far as we can tell they are intentional. As for the chisel, Press M with the chisel and Hammer in your hot bar (Sorry if you've done that, you got a little confusing). It could be in your best interest to search the wiki. They are in fact working. The code is good. Make sure you have chat enabled in your multiplayer settings. I did just test it I can smooth stone, create slabs and stairs. They all work. Though I did find one glitch. It was that you are unable to actually break a rock (on the ground) with the chisel. Also in creative mode right clicking with it where blocks have been destroyed recreates the blocks. I would like someone else to look into these problems.