Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Demonic

  1. 1) D3emonic (I'm just kinda assuming this should be my MC name right? :D )


    2)  Czech republic (aka the land of the beer) CET (UTC +1) but currently in CEST (UTC +2) mode.


    3) I prefer skype over teamspeak, mainly cause I don't speak with people I play too much, I don't live alone and I don't want to disturb other people :)


    4) One woud need 15 rich ore and the proces would get you 525 units of metal in other words 5 and a 1/4 of an ingot.


    5) Well, I found it not long ago and I'm currently in bronze age, but I read the wiki through and through.


    6) No, I do not record, however I write :) I am currently writting a story about my group in the Baldur's Gate:EE game, but I am toying with the idea of starting another story this time in minecraft. Maybe  Ursine Nation Life On The Frontier will provide me with enough inspiration to do so :) And I do post the story as I to write it, so you may not be able to watch me, but you are able to read it :)


    7) Well, I'm currently strugling to complete my University (or perhaps I should say College as it's used more in english speaking countries right?). I'm a Fantasy and Sci-fi lover, gamer, devourer of books (no seriously, I am able to read through 500 pages during one day... or night xD ). I fancy myself minecraft veteran, though I bought it just recently after a long tme of being a pirate (yes I know I shouldn't confes to that but hey, I already bought the game xD ), the main reason I bought it is because I want to play TFC on server. My PC is not the best and while it can run vanilla SSP without a problem it has its problems with a certain parts of TFC world (large forests are killers). I want to try this server mainly for two reasons. First, it's relatively new and I want to experience a fresh start without somebody pulling me up straight to metal age and second, I am looking for more mature community. While I like to play with other people, I DO NOT like to play with 12 yo kids. Of course, there are exceptions but... well... they're expceptions.


  2. Hello there folks, 


    I have one question... how large are the graphite veins? In my mine I came across traces of graphite, but no matter where I dig I can't get better readings. Up, down, north, south, east, west, nothing works. And I was able to locate at least three other ore veins without a problem, but this graphite I just can't.


  3. Hello there folks,


    I created a tiny little alloy calculator for myself and I wanted to share it with you. I know there are other ones out there, but hey at least we can choose right? 


    It's made in excel and it's my no means perfect, but it has all you'll need and it's offline and doesn't require you to have tablet or smartphone which I consider to be an advantage :) It contains a separate calculator for each alloy and they are separated to three sheets.


    Each calculator is divided to two parts, first one is used to calculate the percantages from given ore unit amounts (you'll input how much ores you want and it'll tell you the percentages of it), the second one requires you to set a fixed percentages and than calculates you the needed units from one ore input (keep in mind that the Units 1 and Units 2 columns are separate, and does not interact with each other)


    Using the calculator is simple you just have to remember these rules: Grey and white fields are just informational, green fields are calculated from your input and yellow ones are the ones you're supposed to tinker with. Based on information you put in those yellow fields the calculator will then calculate you the rest in the green. For exaple, you set two yellow fields in percentage column to 50 a 30. The calculator will then automaticly calculate the third value so you can't use more than 100%. Than you'll input the amount of alloy units you want to crate to the botom of Units2 column and bam, you have exact numbers. 


    Sure, there are better ones out there, I am well aware of that but I didn't quite like them, that's why I made this one :)


    Download here: Calculator


  4. Hello folks, I would appreciate your help. I recently lost a lot of stuff on my expedition for fruit tree saplings (I spawned way up in the north). The problem is, my PC is not the best, in fact, it handles large forrest pretty badly and so any chance of going back and retrieving that stuff is practically impossible, not to mention I died bacause the spikes I get in the forest made me unable to fight properly.


    But enough with that stuff, point is, I want to give myself back the items somehow. I managed to get NEI with this plugin up and running on the first try, but I can't use it to give myself any items and I am unable to find out why. I even edited the world using NBTExplorer to turn on the cheats but that didn't work either. When I try tgo give it back via commands it says it cannot find the player. And yes I searched the mod options.


    So is there anything I'm missing? Or what would you need to know about my setup?
