Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by kickinit233

  1. As you may or may not know coconuts and bamboo are two of the worlds most useful materials in the world. Both bamboo and coconuts contain many parts that can be utilized, here is a list of all the utilizable parts (anything listed here especially recipes are subject to change) and this is one topic as we are talking about the tropics and these would be fundamentally similar warning there is misc stuff at the end :


    1.  Coconut husks: A thick and strong fibrous material

    2. Coconut leaves: similar to palm leaves

    3. Coconut shells: a extremely strong wooden material

    4. Coconut wood: wood from the coconut tree

    5. Coconut water/meat: a delicious source of food and water

    6. Coconut sap: can be used to make coconut sugar or toddy (coconut alcohol)


    1. Bamboo wood: extremely strong and flexible

    2. Bamboo shoots: a good source of food

    3. Bamboo worms: a gross but protein rich food source

    5. Bamboo sap: used to make a nourishing alcoholic drink

    Things that you could craft with the two items:

    1. Coconut sugar: a fairly simple source of sugar (created via drying coconut sap)

    2. Bamboo fiber: smashed up bamboo, obtained via smashing coconut husks, soaking them, then working them

    3. Coconut armor: early game armor that slows you down in the rain (it exists, look it up). Helmet would require 10 pieces of coconut fiber, Chest plate requires 25 pieces, legs 15 pieces, and boots 5 pieces

    4. Bamboo armor: would also be early game. Crafting; helmet 4 pieces of bamboo fiber, chest 5 pieces bamboo fiber 5 pieces bamboo, legs 6 pieces bamboo fiber 2 pieces bamboo, boots 4 pieces bamboo fiber

    5: fiber smashing: a group of recipes involving putting a hammer in the crafting grid with a source of fiber

    6. Soaking: soak fiber in barrels of water

    7. Fiber worker: acts in a way similar to the spinning wheel

    8. Bamboo bow: a bow made from bamboo 6 bamboo, 6 string

    9. Sap collector: a device for the collection of sap (if any sap is left in their longer that 24 hours it becomes its alcohol version

    10. Scraper:  a tool to prepare a plant for sap collection (comes in all metal and stone varieties)

    11. Bamboo spear: a cheap and easy weapon (SPEARS!!!!!)

    12 .Bamboo containers: a container made out of bamboos

    13. Coconut bowl: a bowl made out a coconut shell:

    14. Coconut leaf smoker: smoker for meats made out of the leaves of a coconut tree

    15. coconut fiber rope: yup that is a thing created by using processed coconut fiber on a loom

    16. Bamboo paper: it exists (soak bamboo fiber, then dry)

    17. Bamboo knife: see here if you don't believe me, it is no swiss army knife but it works in a pinch, i made a simple texture for it. bamboo knife.png 

    18. Bamboo baskets: a basket that is made from bamboo

    19: bamboo boat: I'm on a boat

    20. Bamboo lobster trap: self explanatory

    21.  Makume-gane: a beautiful form of metallurgy that produces a wood like grain.

    22. Bamboo sword: I guess it could work. Essentially tfc version of the wooden sword. Not the best texture.

    Bamboo sword.png

    23. Stone bladed bamboo club: similar to what the Aztecs had.

    24. Coconut mace: literally a coconut shell on a stick.

    25. Coconut/bamboo wind chine: right click the block to get basic weather information.

    End for now.



  2. 12 hours ago, Darmo said:

    But why semi-fantasy?  Why not full fantasy?  The closer you stay to reality the more finicky things get.  So now we have to find a way for the player to extract arsenic - because you're sure not going to mine arsenic ore.  I'm not against that - I'd like to see alchemy in the game.  But the details can snowball fast.  So now you have to be able to refine the arsenic, how do you add it?  Are we adding poison gas as the player heats the metal and poisons themselves with arsenic fumes?  Permanent nerve damage going to be incorporated in the form of permanently lowered skill caps?   All just to make a fantasy metal with some recipe fidelity to a real life metal, but far better properties than the rl one?

    Why can't mithril use silver as the base metal?  That seems much more fitting as a high tier metal.  The poison gas thing would still be fun (though I'd save it for meteoric or adamantium), but copper is boring by this point.   Add some other funky ingredients and processes, so the player knows they're moving up, and not just making uber-bronze.  Platinum would be very fitting with the shiny brightness of mithril.  Maybe some zinc.  Throw some thematic stuff in there.  Make it so it can only be worked at night, under moonlight, and it must be quenched in a fine liquor distilled from some sylvan flower (use for one type of alcohol, at least).  To me this sort of stuff is soooo much more fun and interesting than just more copper and tin, with a bit of arsenic tossed in.  If we're making fantasy metal, why not full fantasy?

    If the devs are feeling traditional, there's actual fantasy mainstays, like mithril, adamantium, or historical-quasi-fantasy orichalcum, plus meteoric iron, a real metal given supernatural powers in fantasy.  Or they could make up entirely new ones if they want their own mythos.  The thing is, as I recall the last thing we'd heard was procedural metals were still on the table, and the player that discovers the metal gets to name it.  If that's the system we end up with - going from real life metals like steel, to custom procedural, then probably meteoric iron would need to be an admixture, not a tool metal.  Otherwise, why did it get it's own name and fixed metal, while everything after was procedural?  Unless we have a few named fantasy metals and *then* procedural.  But the way the procedural thing and new alloying system work will probably have a lot to do with how this shakes out.   I'd be fine with fantasy ingredients, or full-on fantasy tool  metals, personally.  Though I think rare not-strictly-necessary-but-very-good admixtures would add a more dynamic element.   My main concern is I'd really prefer to not have to do the exact same thing forever.   And meteoric, well, that's a lot of syllables.  How about "star metal" or something else short?

    Arsenic bronze is not created by extracting arsenic, arsenic was accidentally added because many of the ores that contains copper also had arsenic in them. And if they go full fantasy that's fine, I was just suggesting what I as a player would want. 


  3. 5 minutes ago, Konlii said:

    Only if we have a source of potassium sorbate or something.  The only reason fruit juice doesn't ferment on the grocery store shelf is because of modern preservation techniques.

    Not quite true, it is generally pasteurized heating it will kill off any wild yeast.


  4. Snares would not have the capacity to catch a live creature given the nature of the trap however there are quite a few traps that can catch an animal alive a hen coup trap is one of them


  5. I personally think there should be some semi-fantasy metals in game however i would like it to at least try to stay close to reality. For example if they wanted to add mithril they could add the real life metal that is arsenic copper or arsenic bronze.


  6. 28 minutes ago, Darmo said:

    There's already been several threads discussing magical stuff.  These have not been discouraged.  You should probably prepare for the likelihood of TFC2 including substantial fantasy elements. Frankly, I think it will make the game fare more fun and interesting.

    Again I'm not saying I'm against it.


  7. 17 hours ago, Darmo said:

    I think within this context, meteoric iron is more of a fantasy element, rather than a 'realistic' element.  Perhaps the notion of 'star metal' having extra special properties.  I think in D&D meteoric iron was for damaging demons or something like that.  Like how silver is traditionally supposed to be for killing werewolves.  It might be interesting if meteoric iron took a very, very long time to break each block, encouraging the use of powder kegs.

    True but fantasy is not something TFC is known realism not fantasy. It's not that I am saying it shouldn't be added I would make it like silver and other precious metals, rare and as a source of bragging rights, not for actual tools. If they were to go down the tool path i would make it a bridge metal, i.e. better than copper but not as good as plain iron, or it could be used in a way like the udary mod where you could separate out the base metals.


  8. Food:

    Another thing that bothered me while playing TFC was the lack of seafood so here is what I propose

    1. Crabs

    2. Frogs

    3. Fish Species

    4. Worms

    5. Game species (Caribu, boar, Moose, bison)

    6. Gooey ducks: gross but delicious


    7. Clams

    8. Lobsters

    9. Crawfish



    1. Better animal AI, if animal is able to see the trap, they will avoid it.

    Hunting structures:

    1. Fishing net: used to catch fishes of varying sizes


    1. Fishing spear: a spear used to catch fish and frogs


    1. Fish trap: a trap for fish


    1. Lobster pot: used to capture lobsters

    1. Pitfall trap: a trap used to capture animals

    2. Spike trap: a trap used to kill animals

    3. Snare: used to kill small animals, rabbits, rats, and birds.

    4. Mud pit: used to raise worms, gooey ducks, and clams


  9. Fermentation

    One feature I both loved and hated features is brewing I love it because I am a brewer myself, I hate it because it is too simple and inaccurate it is here is how it should go.

    1. Crush your grain or juice your plants

    This is generally considered the first first step to brewing just about anything


         2. Soak your grain in boiling water (juices don’t need to be boiled) or disssolve your honey in water


         To extract the fermentable sugars

         3. Cool the water down

         4. Add flavoring


         5. Now days at this point you would add yeast but in the old days they would leave it out to let wild yeast grow

        6. Then begins the process of distilling if necessary




  10. I love TFC but there are many weapons I think should be added

    Weapons: even though the time period of the mod might not even be close to modern there are quite a few weapons I feel are missing


    • Bolas: a caveman's best friend, helps catch those fast prey


    • Atalatl: basically a javelin thrower


    • Sling: a early projectile weapon


    • Slingshot: a early elastic weapon


    • Harpoon: WHALES!!!!


    • Explosive firelance: a gunpowder filled tube attached to a stick, thrown, explodes on impact, needs to have flint and steel to use

    • Shot filelance: a firelance filled with a single lead ball or shot, right click shoots it off, chance to misfire and explode or to break the item.


    • Flame thrower firelance: a firelance that spays out fire.

    • Throwing stick: a stick that you throw


    • Hunting boomerang: a large club designed for throwing, does not return to thrower


    • Dart gun: poison darts for the win



    • Cestus: clobbering time


    • cinquedea: five finger death sword


    • Gladious: for sparta

    • Boar spear


    • misericorde: ha armor, what armor


    • falchion: hacking my  way to the top'


    • Khopesh: like an Egyptian


    • Estoc: pokey, pokey


    • Flameberg: flame sword


    • Rapier: stabby stabby

    • Claymore: inferiority complex much

    • Executioner Sword: off with their head


    • Zweihänder: for Scotland


    • Sword breaker: bye bye sword


    • Shotel: WTF is that sword


    • Lucrene hammer: who's hammer


    • Horsemans pick: horse not included


    • Flail: I don;t have a joke for this one

    • Morning star: the last star you will ever see

    • Brandistock: ouch


    • Pike: stay back I tell you


    • Sword staff: is it a sword attached to a staff or a staff attached to a sword


    • Ahlspiess: what nice armor you have


    • Bill: not a name





    1. Mycology: as most people may not know the art of growing mushrooms dates back centuries. It would be awesome to have a new source of food in the game as most crops are pretty boring. For a more in-depth post about how I think this should be done check out

    2. Weapons: even though the time period of the mod might not even be close to modern there are quite a few weapons I feel are missing


    • Bolas: a caveman's best friend, helps catch those fast prey

    • Atalatl: basically a javelin thrower

    • Sling: a early projectile weapon

    • Slingshot: a early elastic weapon

    • Harpoon: WHALES!!!!

    • Explosive firelance: a gunpowder filled tube attached to a stick, thrown, explodes on impact, needs to have flint and steel to use

    • Shot filelance: a firelance filled with a single lead ball or shot, right click shoots it off, chance to misfire and explode or to break the item.

    • Flame thrower firelance: a firelance that spays out fire.

    • Throwing stick: a stick that you throw

    • Hunting boomerang: a large club designed for throwing, does not return to thrower

    • Dart gun: poison darts for the win


    • Cestus: clobbering time

    • cinquedea: five finger death sword

    • Gladious: for sparta

    • Boar spear

    • misericorde: ha armor, what armor

    • falchion: hacking my  way to the top

    • Khopesh: like an Egyptian

    • Estoc: pokey, pokey

    • Flameberg: flame sword

    • Rapier: stabby stabby

    • Claymore: inferiority complex much

    • Executioner Sword: off with their head

    • Zweihänder: for Scotland

    • Sword breaker: bye bye sword

    • Shotel: WTF is that sword

    • Lucrene hammer: who's hammer

    • Horsemans pick: horse not included

    • Flail: I don;t have a joke for this one

    • Morning star: the last star you will ever see

    • Brandistock: ouch

    • Pike: stay back I tell you

    • Sword staff: is it a sword attached to a staff or a staff attached to a sword

    • Ahlspiess: what nice armor you have

    • Bill: not a name

    3. Fermentation

    One feature I both loved and hated features is brewing I love it because I am a brewer myself, I hate it because it is too simple and inaccurate it is here is how it should go.

    1. Crush your grain or juice your plants

    This is generally considered the first first step to brewing just about anything


         2. Soak your grain in boiling water (juices don’t need to be boiled) or disssolve your honey in water


         To extract the fermentable sugars

         3. Cool the water down

         4. Add flavoring


         5. Now days at this point you would add yeast but in the old days they would leave it out to let wild yeast grow

        6. Then begins the process of distilling if necessary



    Another thing that bothered me while playing TFC was the lack of seafood so here is what I propose

    1. Fishing net: used to catch fishes of varying sizes

    2. Fishing spear: a spear used to catch fish and frogs

    3. Frogs: a tasty alternative to fish

    4. Fish trap: a trap for fish

    5. Lobster pot: used to capture lobsters

    6. Pitfall trap: a trap used to capture animals

    7. Spike trap: a trap used to kill animals

    8. Snare: used to kill small animals, rabbits, rats, and birds.

    9. Mud pit: used to raise worms, gooey ducks, and clams
