Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Joanght

  1. Changes how alcohol is made. Changes with alcohol Making alcohol serves multiple needs, preservation, and getting drunk to provide momentarily buffs to your character. However one thing that steps out of the realm of realism is the fact that higher alcohols require a more in-depth process to produce the product in question. With your tier 1 alcohols (lesser alc by vol) can be processed using a sealed barrel into a complete product assuming the sludge in the barrel just mysteriously disappears. One can think about what happened to the sludge, does a vortex , a tare in time and space takes it all away to an alternate dimension , or perhaps one can implement the logic that byproduct waste still exists somewhere in our realm. This sludge at the bottom of the barrel, which is where the saying comes from, its the bottom , the most dirty part of processing alcohols. However this sludge, assuming your not using it to made tarter, one can use it to make fertilizer. Yet another way to replenish your crops as the sludge contains said minerals that is beneficial to plant life. Now with tier 1 alcohols explained in a way that reflects realism, what happens to your higher tier alcohols like whiskey? Now tier 2 alcohol takes multiple steps as it does in real-life. One being a process of fermentation using your products that your used to making whiskey with, however. With traditional TFC making whiskey it does not reflect on the aspect of what a distillate is. As in real-life , to make any kind of good whiskey , brandy or even vodka, you require a system to separate the sludge from the alcohol into a pure form, this process is called distilling. For terrafirmacraft sake, a still will not just be used to make alcohol but in regions where fresh water is rare, one can distill salt water to produce fresh water and a byproduct of salt minerals that you can refine in another process to produce rock salt that also serves yet another purpose of preservation. The system would work with already implemented objects such as the crucible, campfire, and a forge. Still - A Still can be forged , and worked on the anvil using metal, this still can be placed ontop of a crucible to enable a GUI that gives you the ability to use the still feature with a crucible. Now you have a still, a crucible, now you need a heat source, such as a campfire or forge to produce the heat needed to raise the liquids and condense to produce distillate. However , you have a still, you still require a pressure valve, and glass tubes(pipes) to move the vapors into another container. With actual distilling, alcohol is a low heat liquid and can evaporate little as 100*F, this enables one to use low heat wood logs on a campfire. For glass tubes, they are made in a recipe format using glass or glass panes, however as such for a touch of realism , molten glass to work on an anvil and a blow pipe would be another concept for the records. However for sake of ease , a recipe using glass would be suffice. Now that you have glass tubes, you still need a pressure valve. Valves- can be used to measure and adjust pressure in a distiller. Made from metal that is worked on an anvil, you can then weld glass and the valve together to made a complete pressure valve. A pressure valve is required to be put on a still to enable the usage of glass tubes to begin building the rest of the still system. A pressure valve serves multiple purposes, one is to begin the process of building your glass tubes, but also to adjust pressure, and to use as an exit valve to a container for your distillate. Multiple pressure valves are used to increase, decrease or enable multiple barrels and distillers to be used on one system. As you build your glass tube (pipe) system you will notice that its a modular system, meaning it can be additive to produce a custom configuration. Glass tubes length and height varies, However with greater height requires more pressure, and length requires more pressure. With greater distance one can hold more liquids and pressure. One concept is to pipe water up a hill or greater height to a place where an exit value is above a large vessel or barrel. More pressure is required to push water up that distance but enables one to distill and fill multiple barrels over a great distance. as mentioned before, longer the tube is , requires more pressure, this requires more heat. However this comes at a cost, glass can break under pressure, this can be shown via a visual effect such as a color change on the tubes. Pressure valves can used to control pressure and the flow. Tier 2 liquors require a fermentation process just like traditional TFC alcohol making, and a distill process to produce your final product. Usage-required to distill tier 2 alcohols and to make fresh water from saltwater Salt water by product can be salt minerals that can be refined into rock salt.
  2. Changes how alcohol is made.

    Potassium is but one element in the ocean's water, in larger amounts can kill you or cause many serious organ damage. With mineral samples they've done extensive research on unrefined salt and have found trace heavy metals that contributed to many heal concerns over the course of history. Romans also used sun-dried salt beds however have recorded health symptoms. Research have found issues that lead to the conclusion of metal poisoning due to unfiltered salt. Salt that is simply dried has too many impurities that can only be refined in a more extensive method. Go to PBS, OBP, and or google nova sure you can find the very episode or episodes. Or simply google issues with unrefined salt. The idea for TFC is to bring light to the fact that Alcohol, and glass, and many metals (low tier) like copper have really few options to be used on. A still, if its used for separating water from impurities , or to build a more advanced pressure heated chamber , to move liquids across distance, this concept would give more flavor to TFC by adding more recipes and uses to things in tfc that have very little. The idea is to not only add one thing into tfc but make it relevant to many other uses. Not just make a still to use for alcohol but open the door to enable fresh water in places that cannot have fresh water, or to gain salt in places rock salt isn't abundant. Or perhaps sludge that you use your gold/ceramic bowls/pans to remove the sludge from wine and beer barrels or crucibles to further refine it or make fertilizer to replenish some of your nutrients in your soil. Everything has a purpose and a path to continue to further uses that's the basis of this idea of the still and alcohol processing, because it doesn't have to be just that but something that can be used and experimented on other uses to come up with even more ideas on how to use it. Anyways , Darmo your comments are noted, In the light to keeping this thread from going off track, will pitch this idea to the TFC2 forums. Tonyliberatto, thank you when this idea is presented to the TFC2 thread, instead of an informal proposal, will present it in a technical proposal format to provide a more organized step by step image as to what the idea presents. Will be writing up the proposal for TFC2 thread and will not be actively viewing this thread. If you post here, high chances it wont be seen. Thank you for your comments and as the thread slowly began going off track it did give me time to think of more ideas to add to the still proposal. Thank you, Joanght
  3. Changes how alcohol is made.

    Stating that TFC could support tier products / by-products using rudimentary and advance mechanics. You cannot get good pure salt like sea salt from your basic stills. To evaporate and process to derive potassium and other sodium based elements/compounds you need additional heat and pressure. Heat and pressure generated from higher tier sources such as a forge and bellows, this will increase pressure, and heat to force compounds to form at different temperatures. You can separate the different salts by various pressures and heats. Large stills are used to extract potassium for solutions and used in other chemical processes. Was merely stating that the most basic form of a still is used to separate H2O from impurities, however a basic still cannot form or break/separate compounds because of the lack of higher heat and pressure. When a sea bed drys up through the means of solar evaporation, you are left with deposits of salt however that salt must also be refined to get your pure form. Even today there are several methods one being an acid treatment to dissolve lesser compounds or break them up in a denaturing form. Others use heat and pressure in a pressure chamber and valves to feed and control the flow much like a geyser. As from reading TFC2 earlier, the mechanics of 1.8+ of minecraftwould support a heavier and more complex model sadly which isn't in 1.7mc as tfc is supported under.
  4. Changes how alcohol is made.

    A still was used to condense salt minerals to produce salt compounds that contained trace minerals such as potassium. At different temperatures you are able to evaporate heavier liquids. A campfire , a Clay or cast iron pot with a Bamboo tube was a basic rudimentary still that was used. Often used in survival one can build a basic still that is heated by the sun forcing the water to condense on the edges of a container. As the water gets heavier it follows the contour of the container flowing down into a container below separating the salt and the water to make drinkable water. Thank you for the comments and shall begin looking at the terrafirmacraft 2 section for suggestions. Not familiar with the development of TFC2 and how far along they are to being implemented as a released mod.
  5. Changes how alcohol is made.

    Well the process of distilling has many uses. It is actually possible to make a heat pressure chamber to move water across distance. and the basic form of a pressure chamber can be used in a method such as creating hot springs. The still can be used to create a heated pressure chamber , with the use of valves one can build a still under a body of salt water. Say a 10x10x1 body of salt water is supported by raw stone below, and under the stone is a still + crucible + campfire/forge. A GUI can be set up on a valve to enable direction of flow and rate of flow. destroy one block in the raw stone and place a valve there , piped to the still. and then on the side of the still is piped to flow out of the crucible running along under the stone before connecting to another part of the salt water. When the pressure system is running via lit forge or campfire. it forces water into the crucible , and then pushes water though the other valve that exits into the salt water. Over time the salt water source block is replaced by hotspring. When the heat source is off , slowly the hotspring source block is replaced by salt water.
  6. Hi everyone, I am not sure where to post this, however this is my collection of bugs/glitches and possible exploits. Bugs - -Mobs -Zombie -Resurrection will show a head on the ground, however upon death it will sometimes destroy a block such as a fence if spawned on top or between. -Zombies will often spawn with vanilla items such as Chain and swords that may or may not have vanilla enchants. (Fire resist, bane, water breathing, protection naming only a few that have dropped.) -Vanilla Spiders, Zombies, and Skeletons will often spawn, and often along with vanilla items. -Blocks -Obsidian allows one to travel to the nether. Above ceiling of the nether if one builds it above 128 depth. (This will cause server problems, as well as inventory bugs and potential exploit.) (Update: Last news it was deactivated) -Items -Vanilla item drops as well as enchanted items. -Mob Heads dropping from vanilla mobs. Will add more soon. Thank you, Josephine Hapsberg
  7. Dear Happydiggers, As advised, to apply to Hardcore group, I am required toreply to this thread. I have read the rules, and I would love to join a survival map. I played Terrafirmacraft for awhile about 2 , to 3 years ago when it was in its earlier stages. I play minecraft with my nieces , and nephews on survival hardmode vanilla since then and we enjoy the added difficulty of having to survive with very little. I would like to join the hardcore group because it helps me appreciate the environment better , guage danger than getting used to the smokebomb approach of using home commands to escape. This keeps me from being lazy and it adds to the enjoyment to the game. Horses will no longer be simply food, but a means of travel. A common rule everyone should respect and abide by is no stealing and griefing, because no one likes it when the work you've done is for naught, because the fellow player expresses their immaturity and ruins your work. I am not an English speaker by any means , so I apologize if my grammar lacks the lust factor of correct English. I appreciate you taking your time and reading this and hope to hear back, thank you. Thank you, Joanght (IGN)