Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Kill3rCat

  1. I can make a Clay Vessel fine, and I can fire it in a pit kiln and I can open it, use the GUI and place stuff inside. The problem is, that when I put ores inside, refire the vessels in the pit kiln and right click to try and open the GUI, nothing happens. Right click does nothing. I now have 3 ceramic vessels full of copper, and 1 ceramic vessel full of tin, and I cannot open them to get the copper/tin out. Of course, I can use Not Enough Items to delete the Ceramic vessel and give myself some unshaped copper/tin, but 1) It breaks immersion and is annoying and 2) I am not sure how many unshaped metals to give myself. I have tried exiting and then reloading, I have tried reinstalling TFC, I have tried placing them on the ground and picking them up and I have tried dropping them to the ground with Q and picking them up again. I also have ceramic molds in my inventory, if that makes a difference.
  2. [Solved] Argh! Ceramic Vessel GUI broken!

    Question: How the heck do I mark the post as 'Solved' as instructed here?:
  3. [Solved] Argh! Ceramic Vessel GUI broken!

    That seemed to fix it, thanks.
  4. [Solved] Argh! Ceramic Vessel GUI broken!

    I'll refire it anyway, just to make sure.
  5. [Solved] Argh! Ceramic Vessel GUI broken!

    I only just pulled picked it up out of the pit kiln. I was waiting there for a few minutes waiting for the fire to burn down. PS: Thanks for the quick reply
  6. When i launch the game it just plain crashes

    I have a similar problem, and it stems from the fact that I have no clue how to install TFC for 1.6.2. I installed Forge (latest version, as of the time of this post) with installer. I then, after realising that putting stuff in the Mods folder no longer worked for 1.6.2, created a new folder in Versions, and did the appropriate renaming/editing of files and filenames. The game launched fine (after removing the old TFC builds from the Mods folder), but when I started a new world, it was vanilla MC without any TFC features. Additionally when I tried to join a friend's server, at first I got 'FML is not installed' or something like that, despite it being installed (I think I fixed the FML problem anyway now). So, long story short, how do I install TFC for 1.6.2? And before you ask, yes I have instructed the game launcher to launch with TFC 'version', and saved. Before all this though, the game was crashing because I hadn't deleted the previous versions in the Mods folder, and it said something about invalid/conflicting IDs or something. edit: Fixed it. Turns out everything is MEANT to be in Mods folder, so I remedied that and changed some ID numbers.
  7. Scorched ground

    Ah, mind if I nickname you Odo? And in the distinct possibility that you are, in fact, not a shapeshifter, then can you at least hang on until Sda or Wolf can donate a Mold to catch your liquid? (That sounds... wrong. Just wrong)
  8. Scorched ground

    Please try not to melt, we are out of ceramic molds. edit: The above is not meant to be a joke, simply sarcastic. If you treat it like a joke, I will send a ninja cat to ninja all of your posts.
  9. Scorched ground

    Or a crazy cat GOD!
  10. Missing side textures

    It's simple really. Don't use a texture pack.
  11. Scorched ground

    Single post is good. Double post is bad. How's TRIPLE-POST for 'ya Archartran?
  12. Scorched ground

    BRING IT ON! Mister Miggles will protect me! Mere metal cannot harm a god, boy! My soul is guarded by an army of spirit-kittens, clad in leather with claws of diamond, so sharp that you cannot see the edge with the naked eye! But to get at the kittens, you will have to tear down the walls of hardened claw-shavings, higher than ten million cats standing on their hind legs (cats-on-hind-legs are now an official measurement, by order of Kill3rCat god of cats and cat lovers, bane of dogs and dog lovers)! To get at the Great Walls, you must tear through the great army made of the souls of my followers, who wear nothing to battle but giant cat skulls as helmets and loin cloths made of cat hair! They also happen to fight by throwing very hungry cats at you, or by firing gold-plated kitty fangs at you with cat leg bones as the arrow shaft, cat hair as the bowstring and cat spines as the bowstaff. In order to get at the souls of my followers, you have to get through an army made of the souls of every single cat or cat-lover that has ever died, and that included all species of cat and cat-like beasts, from any time period on any planet. I am the Catlord. OH, and before you think of flying a plane over all of this: Please note, that throughout the great Feline Citidael there are highly trained panthers with millenia of experience, armed with great catapults the size of cities, that fire thousands of tiny kittens clutching Holy Hand Grenades. Everywhere you look, your doom awaits... Boom. Nah, I never gave anyone my soul, as I said it is guarded by an army of spirit-kittens, clad in leather with claws of diamond, so sharp that you cannot see the edge with... Need I go on?
  13. Scorched ground

    True. However, if burning the land did make it 'dead' land, then imagine the griefing potential! Ooooh, I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself! Nah, really. I mean it. I love the whole idea of a sort of fantasy reality Minecraft, sort of like Game of Thrones, with clans and families and cities. And war. LOADS of war. Huge armies are probably not possible on SMP but... Kill3rCat spells archatran's name as Archatran. Archatran hates his name being capitalised. Arch attacks Kill3rCat's house, burning his crops along with the nearby forest. Dead land all around. Kill3rCat's house is rubble, all of his crops destroyed, he is dying of hunger and has no way of growing new food. He is enraged. Kill3rCat decides it is time for war, so he retaliates by killing Archatran and burning Arch's homestead. Arch gets enraged, and tells Sherlock Holmes to hunt and kill Kill3rCat. Everyone is dead, they have lost everything, and their land is scorched and dead, all of the livestock long gone, and all natural recources exhausted. OH THE JOYS OF WAR!
  14. Scorched ground

    Umm, what is a
  15. Scorched ground

    Enough is never enough. I shall never back down. :3 PS: Come get me Sherlock! MISTER MIGGLES WILL MAKE SHORT WORK OF YOU! edit: What is a 'derail'?
  16. Scorched ground

    Lesser mortals may beg the forgiveness of the undeniably amusing Archatran, but I have no need of forgiveness. I've got an army of kittens (I will not tell you who the mother is, but everyone loves the Kill3rCat secretly) who would gladly lay siege to whatever lair you may dwell within.
  17. Scorched ground

    No really, I didn't mean to doule post or capitalise, but I did by accident. And why the heck did I put a Z instead of an S? I'm NOT A YANK!
  18. Scorched ground

    (And I just capitalized his name, so he hates me too? And this is a double post! D: )
  19. Scorched ground

    Archartran really hates you now, SDA! :3
  20. Scorched ground

    Too late.
  21. Scorched ground

    And what makes him so funny?
  22. Scorched ground

    MY LONG LOST TWIN! Nah, seriously, you and I share similar ideas about what we want from SMP. Also, in TFC another thing that may be cool is a 'happiness' meter. It could effect how much damage you take, how much you inflict and perhaps speed, hunger depletion, etc. Lack of sleep, severe injuries and burns, illness, foul-tasting food, hunger and similar stuff could decrease happiness. Wine, 'interesting' foods, comfort, general good health, good temperature (not sweating, but not shivering) and stuff could increase happiness. And nothing would increase happiness like a good woman at late hours, but you can't really implement that in Minecraft.
  23. Scorched ground

    Oh. 'Double-post' usually refers to when the same thing is accidentally posted or sent in a PM.
  24. Scorched ground

    Uh, what? Who double-posted?