Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Kill3rCat

  1. Scorched ground

    Oh, lol.
  2. Scorched ground

    I agree with you there. But... In Medieval times (yes, I have made reference to 'medieval times' much but that is because I absolutely love the idea of Medieval Minecraft :3) those who were robbed, had no way of finding out who robbed them. However, if that does mean so much to players, someone could perhaps try their best to make a SMP mod that tells players who looted them: FOR EXAMPLE: Chest Players who recently used this Chest: Useless911 - Deposited 1 Diamond Lolman509 - Withdrew 4 Diamonds, 1 Bow, 7 String, 35 Seeds, 7 Wheat, 9 Iron, 2 Flint, 13 Gravel, 3 Wooden Planks. 31 Sticks, 2 Stone, 77 Cobblestone
  3. Scorched ground

    I know there is a great ammount of people who respect them. I was referring to those on THIS THREAD specifically.
  4. Scorched ground

    Oh, and all of you who think coding is a piece of cake answer this: Why don't you pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee and start coding it yourself instead of saying 'Go on, code it. It's EASY!'. Modders such as Bioxx are doing us all a big favour by making such wonderful mods. They are working their backs off, so us Minecrafters might enjoy ourselves a little more. I look around, and it doesn't seem like they get much respect. Their work appears to go mostly unappreciated.
  5. Scorched ground

    Argh, why y'all so shit-scared of griefers? What I love the idea of, is a large server with clans/nations that can choose to form an alliance or go to war. Like some kind of medieval warfare/survival server, or perhaps a Game of Thrones twist? In medieval times, did people go 'Oh no, griefers! All of my precious metals and logs are gone!'? No, they went: 'DAMN! My chests looted, my wives murdered, my home trashed, my crops burnt and my livestock slaughtered! Time for revenge!'.Why do y'all have to make such a fuss over griefers intead of growing a pair and going to war? I agree with you on the fact that if it was a peaceful/building server, flaming arrows would be a catastrophe. But why, oh why, can't someone make a realistic war/medieval server with clans and cities and villages and pillaging? By the way, earlier in this post it may have sounded as if I was flaming. I assure all who read this that this was not the case and I respect all Minecrafters equally and utterly (oh, apart from the fools who grief and then complain when YOU grief them back!).
  6. On my TFC server, UltraCraft, all was working fine and as expected untill... BAM! Build66! Server and client updated, double checked Forge and Player API were up to date, and yes they were. Going to cook me some Bismuthite, and what do I find? The temperature isn't showing! Just shows this: Bismithite [Weight] Any help would be greatly appreciated.