Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by TheLegitimantis

  1. [Use Provided Form]Modded Ores

    So I've been trying to get Immersive Engineering's bauxite ore to spawn in TFC.I've gotten the ore to spawn, and it spawns just fine. That's not a problem. I do have a couple of other problems with it, though. Most notably, it doesn't show up on the prospector's pick. Even directly scanning the block returns "Found nothing of interest." Also, it doesn't match the textures of the blocks around it. TFC ores use an overlay of the ore texture over a stone block, whereas bauxite ore has a Minecraft stone texture on it (like the vanilla ores do). Could I just make the stone texture of the ore transparent and have TFC overlay the texture on the stone it's spawning in? An example of what I mean can be seen here: I want the red parts of the bauxite to be visible, but for the gray parts to match the claystone around them. Is this possible? The other thing I'd like for it to do is spawn surface items (for example, if you find a vein of native copper, there will be native copper nuggets laying on the surface above the vein). How can I accomplish this? Lastly, I'd like to be able to spawn Immersive Engineering's oil as an 'ore' but I'm not sure how to do that. TFCOre.cfg doesn't like it because it isn't an ore, but I don't know how to modify TFC's worldgen. Overall, I haven't had any crash issues, or anything, just some minor issues that need to be ironed out. EDIT: some spelling errors
  2. [Use Provided Form]Modded Ores

    I've gotten the oil to successfully spawn, and it works just fine. Like the Bauxite, though, the Propick doesn't recognize it. Found nothing of interest. I've been told that adding a block to TFCOre.cfg will 'just make the propick recognize it' but this clearly isn't the case. How can I fix this?
  3. [Use Provided Form]Modded Ores

    It's not only spawning in claystone, it's spawning in a variety of different stone types. The prospector's pick doesn't work at all. Scanning the area around the block, the blocks themselves, nothing works. It always returns "Found nothing of interest," I'll have to try having oil spawn through the config some more, maybe I'm simply doing something wrong. Could you maybe link me to 'TFC-Tech'? I can't seem to find it.
  4. [Use Provided Form]Modded Ores

    I tried to make it so that the claystone texture would come through by making the 'stone' parts of the Bauxite texture transparent. I don't think TFC works like that.
  5. This post has been automatically generated from a form submission. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in the blue box at the top of this form?: Yes Topic Title: Server Crash from Anvil Usage TFC Version #: Forge Version #: SSP/SMP: Multi Player Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Changed Config Options: Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes Other Mods Installed: CodeChickenCore, Farseek, Fastcraft, Immersive Engineering, Mekanism, MekanismGenerators, MekanismTools, Minetweaker, MinetweakerRecipemaker, PneumaticCraft, Railcraft, Streams, TFCTweaker If you have Optifine or a non-forge server plugin api (Examples: Bukkit, Cauldron, Thermos, etc) installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them?: I do not have Optifine or a non-forge server plugin api installed. Crash Report: Description: Doing certain actions on the anvil will cause the world to be permanently corrupted until the anvil is removed through an external map editor; I use MCEdit to perform this. Normally, the little arrow starts at the left and you have to move it to the right to advance the working of the item on the anvil. If the arrows meet while you are still moving it to the right, the crash is caused. The issue is not fixed until the anvil is externally removed from the world (again, MCEdit). If the server is restarted, it runs just fine until a player joins, at which point it immediately crashes. This bug is extremely annoying and I've had to fix the world a number of times.
  6. [SOLVED] Question about Modded Ore Compatibility

    Thank you! It's working now. This wasn't really explained within the Wiki entry for TFCOre.cfg, but I know now.
  7. I'm attempting to get Immersive Engineering's Bauxite ore to spawn with TFC's worldgen, and I can't seem to get it to work. I added an entry to TFCOre.cfg, and it causes a crash with the error: Initializing game java.lang.NullPointerException: The following block entry in TFCOre.cfg is invalid: ImmersiveEngineering:ore:1 The addition I made to the config file is as follows: bauxite { I:"Horizontal Density"=60 I:"Maximum Height"=128 I:"Minimum Height"=5 I:"Vertical Density"=80 S:baseRocks < igneous intrusive gneiss basalt sedimentary > I:oreMeta=1 S:oreName=ImmersiveEngineering:ore:1 I:rarity=100 S:size=medium S:type=veins } Here's a pastebin of the whole crash report: Why is this not working? The ore is listed as "ImmersiveEngineering:ore:1" though TFC doesn't seem to recognize it.
  8. [Rule #1]Drywall/Plaster from Gypsum

    Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum?(Yes/No):Yes Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted. As we all know, gypsum does nothing aside from, well, waste space and do nothing. It's useless, but in the real world, it's actually quite useful. It can be ground up and made into plaster of paris, or into drywall, and is also used in cement mixing. Perhaps one could grind gypsum in a quern and mix the resulting powder with, say, flux (I'm not actually sure how the making of plaster is done, I'm just guessing) and then that could be mixed with water to form plaster. The plaster could then be made into some kind of special wall material, or something similar, or maybe it could be used as a better material for making molds; say, ceramic molds that only break half as often as the current clay ones do. Plaster could also have another use; balancing out the issue with kaolinite/graphite. It seems like whenever I find kaolinite, I will never,ever,find graphite. I search for a few hours but always end up having to spawn it in because it's so hard to find. I found graphite on a save once, but then never found any kaolinite. The plaster could replace one or the other in the fireclay recipe - if you find kaolinite but not graphite, you could just use kaolinite and plaster, or graphite and plaster. The plaster would have to be mixed with sand first, though, as a 50/50 mixture of plaster and sand forms a very good refractory material; definitely fit for something such as a blast furnace. Those are just my thoughts on how gypsum could be used. Thanks for reading.
  9. Corrupted Chunks

    My computer has sixteen gigabytes of installed RAM, the server has four allocated to it, and my client has four as well. I'll take a look at that link; I don't think I have any garbage collegtion JVM arguments.
  10. Corrupted Chunks

    Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the support forum? (Yes/No):YesAnswering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted.TFC Version #: Version #: note that an actual number must be provided for both of the above fields.Simply saying "current" or "latest" will result in your post being locked, due to the fact that in a large number of cases, users who say they are using the "latest" or "current" version are actually using an outdated version.SSP/SMP (SinglePlayer/MultiPlayer):BothHave you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug? (Yes/No):YesIf you answered no to the above question, delete all 3 TFC config files (TFCCrafting, TFCConfig, TFCOre), do NOT edit or add to any of the files, and try to reproduce the bug.This question is here because many bugs are caused by mistakes in config files. If you are unable to delete your edited config files, please provide a list of the config options you have changed.Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed? (Yes/No):YesIf yes, which mods? TerraMisc 0.3.1 TFCScales 1.0.0 Farseek 1.0.8 Fastcraft 1.21 Streams 0.1.4If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them? (Yes/No):Neither are installedIf you answered no to the above question, uninstall Optifine/Cauldron and try to reproduce the bug.Both Optifine and Cauldron edit the base classes of forge that TFC uses. Because of this, we cannot officially support any issues that happen only when these mods are installed.In the majority of cases, TFC is not causing the bug; Optifine/Cauldron is and TFC can do nothing to fix it.All bug reports should have an answer of "Yes" to this question. If you refuse to uninstall Optifine/Cauldron, and cannot reproduce the bug when the mods are not installed, do not bother making a bug report, as it will be locked and link of the Crash Report:No Crash ReportDescription:Certain areas of the world cannot be entered, as it will cause so much server lag, it will crash the entire server (if on smp) and in singleplayer, will give a "Timed Out" error and direct the player to the main menu screen. It does not crash the game itself and as such, does not give a crash report. I believe this is due to corrupted chunks that cause intense server lag if they are loaded. This has been seen by me and two of my friends, both in single and multiplayer, and it seems to be present in several versions of both build 79 and build 78.
  11. Corrupted Chunks

    The client-side log says the connection to the server timed out and disconnected the client. On the server-side end, the log just... ends. It doesn't even say it's stopping the server or saving. No report at the end of it, or anything. When it stops working due to these chunks, I usually have to force-quit the server, otherwise it just freezes and does nothing.
  12. Corrupted Chunks

    Actually, I have tried the region fixer. It finds corrupted chunks every time, and fixes them. It makes the area slightly less... corrupted, I guess, but it still generates more corrupted chunks. I would like to provide you with a crash report, but again, it does not give me one. The game itself does not crash; it simply forces the player to return to the main menu. Neither my game or my server will give me a crash report, I'm sorry.