Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Arrowcrest

  1. How to starve to death?

    I really like the new way that the game handles nutrition and hunger, especially the way in which operating on an empty stomach causes nutrition loss rather than health loss - I think it gives a much more believable representation of starvation than simply dying from going without food for a day. However, I like to play TFC in the mindset of a frontier settler: I move to a harsh wilderness, try to scratch out a homestead in a race against the seasons, and then try desperately to survive the lack of food that winter brings. To that end, I really look forward to the (eventual) body temperature system adding a new layer to that challenge.My problem is that under the new system, the race against winter and the cycle of seasons has been neutered by the inability to die from starvation, the single unavoidable opponent to my survival. The old starvation system, awkward as it was, made the potential for running out of stores during the long-dark a real threat that could genuinely kill me. The new system will turn me into a fragile waif, but a fragile waif perfectly capable of surviving an entire harvest cycle without eating if I simply avoid exploring bear infested woods or staying out after dark. (The way that I play the game, it is almost never the case that I take any damage unless deliberately placing myself in voluntary danger). While I am sure many, if not most, others players find this hunger-as-a-soft-limit approach freeing for their personal approach to the TFC experience, it completely removes the sense of purpose that motivated my enjoyment of the mod. My question is this: Is there any way, through editing either the config files or the mod files themselves, that I can remove the floor on how low the max-hp level can be reduced by a lack of nutrition? I really want to maintain the way that hunger and nutrition currently interact, but I would like severe malnutrition to genuinely lead to death in-and-of-itself. It seems simple enough in concept that by setting the hp-max floor to zero instead of 50, this could be achieved.Yes, I am aware that I could simply off myself if I ever reached the 50hp level to simulate starvation, but it just doesn't create the same kind of immersive head-space.