Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by TaeoG

  1. [Solved] Wild Life Question
  2. Update: Finished the rendering of the various TFC ores, working on their generation code now.
  3. Update: In the beginning stages of collaboration with user vidaj. He's already found ways to make other dimensions (including the nether and the eldritch) play with TFC. It's exciting stuff. Some testing is required, and it will take a bit of work to properly merge our code, but worldgen is likely the largest hurdle to cross on this project and he's already made good headway. Greatwood trees and silverwood trees and the few thaumcraft plants and ores are all partially working as well through his implementation. I'll update the OP with a proper estimate of progress once we've gotten the code settled in.
  4. Update: The Lamp of Growth now properly handles TFC crops, at a rate of approx 1.5 herba per plant per day, with a range of 6 blocks from the lamp in all directions. The Lamp: Fertilizes occupied farmland and maxes out the nutrient the plant present requiresBoosts the plant's growth 10%, on top of the boost already provided by the high nutrientsDoes not affect wild plants, or empty farmlandWill continue to run while the chunk is unloaded or player character is asleep, as long as there is enough essentia in a connected container.Due to limitations on how Thaumcraft's tubes handle the transfer of essentia, it is possible that some Essentia Containers in the same pipe system as the lamp may be drawn from or ignored when not appropriate, if the pipe system is particularly complex. This is a potential bug that I will endeavor to fix if it crops up, but it hasn't yet in testing.
  5. MC+ Mods

    Have you tried? TFC horses are extensions of Vanilla horses. If they don't work, you might ask the MC+ guy to help.
  6. ya, I think this will work. I'm gonna have to put some tricky stuff in to avoid abuse of the mechanic, but having it restore nutrients and fertilizer should be sufficient.
  7. If you're saying what I think, the lamp would essentially negate nutrient loss in the soil, as it replenishes it at about the rate that it is used by the plants. It seems fair enough, the player doesn't get more food than anyone else, they just don't have to mess around rotating their crops. But...Would that be noticeable to the end user? It certainly would disappointing for those who expected their plants to shoot right up like vanilla ones do
  8. Update: The Lamp of Growth now recognizes TFC Crops. However, I'm uncertain as to HOW the Lamp should affect crops. Currently they vastly increase the growth speed of the plants, however that leaves the soil quickly and completely drained of nutrients. While this does have a retarding effect on the growth of any further plants, with the multiplier given by the lamp it's hardly noticeable. I think, for balance reasons, the Lamp shouldn't work on crops that don't have the nutrients they need. However,conceptually that doesn't make a lot of sense, as the lamp is essentially providing those nutrients in a magical form, to improve growth. So I'm left at an impasse. Should Arcane Lamps of Growth: increase crop growth rate directly, but only as long as there are nutrients availablesimply keep the area fertilized, and maybe increase the growth rate directly by a much smaller amountInstantly grow the crops, leaving gravel where the farmland used to besome other option? Keep in mind I want something that isn't overpowered, but is still noticeable, while making sense conceptuallyAny opinions?
  9. Update: Golems can now butcher animals, and can do TFC level and type of damage to animals, monsters and players. Butcher Golems will butcher an animal if: It is not pregnantIt is an adultThere is another adult animal in visual range of the same species and sex, with higher or the same familiarityWhat this means is the butcher golems should leave you with only your highest familiarity animal of each sex and species, sparing the children and pregnant females. So keep them away from your chicken coop and milk cows. I'm not marking them as complete yet, as I haven't decided on the proper damage level on guards or amount of food yield on butchering. Currently they do a flat 20x their vanilla damage, as "Generic" damage, and butchers yield the same amount of meat as a player with a skill rating of 1. They will also attempt to butcher wolves. I haven't decided if that's a feature yet
  10. Update: Golems can now Fish. Keep in mind fish can only be caught during certain hours, and doing so will lower the fish population in the area, leading to less fish caught over time. Stronger Golems can catch larger amount of fish, but a skilled player will be able to catch a lot bigger fish than even the strongest golem. Golems with the ignis upgrade produce fish cooked to a perfect Medium, yum.
  11. Update: Golems can now harvest berry bushes and fruit trees. They are too short for the trees though, so you'll need to build something for them.
  12. Steel would make it late-game, for sure. Some ideas I've been rolling around are Having thaumium AND thaumium Steel. The steel tools being required to make the higher-end elemental and possibly void equipmentThaumic Steel anvil could potentially use ignis centi-vis to maintain the heat of your working materials. I don't want to give this ability to an Iron-tier anvil, but once we're up around the colored steels I think it would be a nice additionWhat would a thaumium blast furnace do that a normal blast furnace does not?
  13. Personally I'd like to keep it as a mid to late game thing, gives people something to work towards, but I'm open to suggestions. If someone really wanted to get golems going early on he could, however golems won't produce as much food as a player with high agriculture skill, so it would likely be wasteful. Anything in thaumcraft that relies on thaumium, and therefore iron, will be at least mid game, or late game if I make it a steel product instead.
  14. That's an interesting take on shard generation. I was thinking more climate/biome/ylevel based distribution. ie airshards up high in the mountains or in dry biomes, water in wet biomes and under the oceans But I haven't put much thought into it yet, as WorldGen is an enigma to me at the moment.
  15. hmm, that's one thing that didn't occur to me before. Gold and Silver wand caps need vis to craft, but you'll typically have them before you make thaumium, so needing a thaumium anvil won't work. I think I'll make "inert" gold and silver wand caps as lower tier anvil recipes that need to be completed on an Arcane Workbench, and leave the magic anvil recipes allowing you to make them in one shot for the magic anvil. But now I have to think of what other thaumcraft items are metal require vis for crafting typically are crafted before thaumium is abundant.I guess the question really is: How hard is it to make thaumium? In vanilla thaumcraft it's just iron and praecantatio, how hard is it to get that? As for a Void Anvil, I've been thinking about it, for sure. Just not really sure it's worth the extra implementation time to have multiple tiers of magic anvils. In Thaumcraft the cost of acquiring the raw components already plays a large part in balancing it. Could use more opinions either way on that one.
  16. Surgar cane growth in the cold

    speaking of alcohol, besides immediately crafting it into vinegar or drinking some to make your screen fuzzy, does alcohol serve a purpose in TFC?
  17. Adding Anvil Recipes

    does the FMLServerStartedEvent get called clientside?
  18. Adding Anvil Recipes

    As I understand it, AnvilRecipes when instantiated have a crafting value that is set pseudo-randomly . It appears you send the seed information to the client when a player logs into the server, which sets up the Anvil Manager clientside to produce the same crafting values given the same recipe inputs. By my reckoning, this should allow someone adding recipes using the same AnvilManager to have working recipes in multiplayer, as long as they register those recipes AFTER the SetupWorld() method has been called clientside. Is there a good way to do this? Is there a particular one time event that is guaranteed to trigger sometime afterward world setup, or is it possible that you could trigger an event that an addon creator could look for?
  19. Adding Anvil Recipes

    Yep, after testing it this implementation works quite well. You still need to clear the recipes out and reset the "already registered" tag when moving from server to server or from single player to multiplayer, but restarting your client will do that in a pinch.
  20. Adding Anvil Recipes

    I was just poking around in the Decorations mod, I think I've got it sorted out. For the record, as I'm sure others will have the same question, this is what seems to be a solid implementation: 1. Implement your own InitClientWorldPacket class, make sure it extends AbstractPacket. You can call it whatever you want. obviously. 2. In the packet's handleClientSide(EntityPlayer) method, call your anvil recipe register method, whatever it might be. Have a static boolean stored somewhere to check whether this has been done already, otherwise you'll end up with a bunch of copies of your recipes in the manager. 3. In your mod during the initialization phase, call TerraFirmaCraft.packetPipeline.registerPacket(), passing it your new packet 4. ??? 5. PROFIT! I'm going to test it now, I'll edit this post if I'm missing something. EDIT: I was missing something fairly obvious. 4. a)Create a class to track the player that listens for a PlayerLoggedInEvent, and register it in your main mod file b)on PlayerLoggedInEvent, instantiate your new packet and send it through the pipeline using TerraFirmaCraft.packetPipeline.sendTo(pkt, (EntityPlayerMP) event.player);
  21. How did you find out about TFC?

    I stumbled across this video when Direwolf20 released it years ago TFC didn't play nice with Redpower though, so I had to choose between bundled cables/tubes/automation and having rocks fall on my head. I made my choice. But now its 3 years later and I'm ready for those rocks
  22. So, I pickle everything. I really don't want anything to go bad while the server ticks away without me there. But that seems to have resulted in this. None of the components had especially strong flavours, but throw them in a sandwhich and bam, flavour country. I get from reading the forums here that the mechanics behind food flavours is left intentionally vague on places like the wiki, but I hope I can get some tips on how to keep food tasting good while preserving them for a relatively long time. Or is it not even a bad thing for food to be ridiculous?
  23. [Solved] Well at least they're not bitter

    I appreciate how helpful you've been. You've replied to every thread I've made and every question I've posted. Its been over a decade since I've IRC'd, but I may just jump on there.
  24. [Solved] Decaying in the Dark

    I figured as much, was just hoping for confirmation. If I want to use shelves I'll have to do it in the dark. Or patch them to have them tick if they contain food, which is probably what I'll do, I was intending on altering them to utilize ISize anyway. I've looked at it a few times, and I'll be adding it for my server users in the future because it does what it intends to do and is definitely useful. However personally, I loathe the idea of having to build a cellar a particular shape out of a particular custom material, especially when it can't use the base containers included in TFC. I'm cool with big multiblock structures when they're machines or turbines or pressurized steam tanks, but when I'm essentially just digging out a root cellar to hide some meat from the sun, having to follow a bunch of guidelines because metagame reasons isn't super appealing, to me. I understand why he implemented it the way he did, but I've got a couple notebook pages of ideas I'll have to vet against the code. Stuff like A block that can lower the temperature in the area by or to a certain amount. May not be possible without base edits or ASM however, which I'm willing to do but would rather avoid. I know that temperature is a function of season, biome and light level, but I'm not sure where it's actually calculated and called from, so it may be tricky to access or change.A block that operates similarly to the cellar mod in function. Rather than changing the temperature of the area, just change the temperature the foodthinks it is. But ...Instead of a multiblock structure, have something like a special Ice block that checks to make sure it's in a relatively small, sealed areaBarring that, have it just look for food containers within a certain rangeThen, if their decay ticks can't be accessed directly, replace the containers with identical ones that can. If a player destroys/moves the ice block, or moves the container out of range of an ice block, the container reverts to the "vanilla" container and starts handling decay as per normalEither way I'm more partial to a single cold block essentially cooling things in it's vicinity than an entire structure that has to be built just right and can't be filled with anything but specific things. The second option is likely more doable, but less elegant. Both of these options could be re purposed to allow for rudimentary greenhouses as well, I think. I'm busy porting Thaumcraft, but these kinds of quality of life things I definitely want to implement in the near future.
  25. [Solved] Decaying in the Dark

    Sounds like a bad song for angsty teenagers, but its actually the topic. I've been using Bibliocraft shelves to store my food (specifically vessels of my food), and I've been keeping those shelves in the back of a dark pit that I only light with a torch when I'm in there to see what I'm doing. However I've recently realized that the Bibliocraft shelves aren't ticking entities, and so the food has to catch up on its decay when I take the vessel off the shelf. Does that mean storing it in the dark is pointless, if I'm standing beside a lit torch when the food does its timeskip? On the flip side of that, if I take it off the shelf while standing in pitch darkness will it consider the food to have been "in the dark" the whole time? From what I understand, it's not really the dark it cares about directly, it's the cold, and it's colder in the dark. So does lighting that one torch instantly heat up the area? And again what state does the food think it was in during suspended animation? How does this work?