Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Sda215

  1. Jewl Crafting

    Well currently, gems serve as a makeshift currency of some sort in some servers (I think). If they were to be given a use, then I believe that gem cutting and setting could become potential features. Cutting them would refine the gemstones, and setting them would make your furniture (or some other object) even more aesthetically pleasing.
  2. Destroy the picture above you

  3. Last comment wins

    BitMunk4s-san, please do not double post. I have heard that certainusers will "melt" from this mistake.
  4. Multi-Crossover Roleplay Thread of Randomness

    Naoto: Hm... a round of chess I presume? Alright then, I will play your game.
  5. Last comment wins

    We do not summon Herobrine; we're Persona-users, and we summon Personas!
  6. Meme War

    I advise you to use the Multi-Quote Button, SnappGamez-san. And I also advise you to watch out for any fired.38 Special cartridges.
  7. Ask the person below you

    No. Ever tried to summon a Persona?
  8. 1up

    /me uses spell to make SnappGamez-san un-invincible, and proceeds to suck his blood and kick him into next week, Rosario-Vampire-style (I recommend this series, the manga is much better than the anime).
  9. Multi-Crossover Roleplay Thread of Randomness

    I think that roleplays are more than just games. The concept of a game has ALWAYS an end goal, which is a rule that roleplays do not follow at all. Which is why I created a seperate roleplay thread since they have no distict ending. Until spAnser-sama adds in a seperate Roleplay Sub-Forum, the Off-Topic Sub-Forums will serve asour temporary base for roleplaying. Oh, and I made up the title myself.
  10. [Stone Age] More realistic tools

    Think about the recreation of worlds for new minerals with uses on a massive player scale. Not every one of them will be so willing to give up their old worlds they have spent countless hours trying to mold them into great works, carved by their blood and grit.
  11. [Stone Age] More realistic tools

    You are correct on that. However, having a "large list of useless ores and minerals" is somewhat also an advantage; you won't have to reload a new world to get the these minerals once they have a function, and Bioxx-sama plans to vastly improve mineral spawning and the entire metallurgy system itself, if I am not mistaken.
  12. Last comment wins

  13. Crack a joke

    Non-sensical Joke: What would you do if you found out your high school transforms into a colossal emerald-colored tower of death at exactly 12:00 AM? WARNING: Expect extremely non-sensical answer! Make a sandwich.
  14. Meme War

    Would Herobrine take on Lord Death himself?
  15. Liquid troughs, and general liquid automation.

    Thank you, Kittychanley-san.
  16. Greetings Taro8-san - I am Sda209, On the topic of your discussion, that will not happen, I'm afraid. Minecraft is obviously NOT a Role-Playing Game, and a Castlevania-style fortress will simply not work, since the aim of Terra Firma Craft is reinventing the Survival Aspect of Minecraft, and that most of the redstone components required for the intricate wiring cannot be created with TFC blocks. There is no in-game goal in this modification overhaul; you have to make the goals for yourself. Why not construct a massive dwarven fortress underground with picks and shovels and chisels? Or, build a mighty wall with torches to keep the hostiles away? Heck, why not explore the world and map out points of interest as you journey Lewis-and-Clark style? I hope you will understand what Srgnoodles-sama and I are attempting to say. Also, Welcome to the Terra Firma Craft Forums! -Sda209
  17. Monopoly Card

    Monopoly Card: Shadow Attack! Description: Shadows have appeared in the city! You have gotten the Apathy Syndrome and must wait fifteen turns before returning to normal!
  18. Liquid troughs, and general liquid automation.

    Excerptfrom myReply in Layman's Terms: A cooling trough that cools ingots more efficiently and quickly than a barrel does not seem to be believable in my opinion. How would youtransport the aforementioned stone troughs, then? They cannot be permanently be fixated next to the bloomer/forge, as their locations would bar your movement around your forge. Metallurgy mechanics, if I am not mistaken, might/will get an overhaul in a future update. But casting I don't think will be implemented into Terra Firma Craft (may someone better educated in confirmed features answer this question, please?).
  19. Whispers #1

    Two troglodytes manly tossed ants with a giant cannon.
  20. Liquid troughs, and general liquid automation.

    Greetings, Gotheran-san - I am Sda209. Now, most sections of this suggestion you have made have been debated furiously over the past months. Automation I believe has been ruled out from becoming a game feature, for reasons I have unfortunately forgotten. On the topic of using stone troughs what support would you use to allow them intoa downward angle to let the molten metalfill into the ingot molds? What about creating said ingot molds themselves? I believe that you could've put much more thought and detail into modifying the bloomery and forge to fit these requirements to allow small automation of the creation of ingots. Using water-filled barrels has been also furiously debated, as I have mentioned before. Now, using wooden troughsas a make-shift pipeline to allowthe water from the barrel transfer into cooling troughsas a much more efficient and quicker means of cooling metal ingots? Interesting, but I fail to see that this would be very much believable, and you never addressed what would the material of said cooling troughs could be made of. Collecting rainwater via wooden barrels as a form of semi-automation seems to make water collection even more difficult, less that your region has a high humidity content. I find it would be much more simpler to gather the life-giving compound from the local rivers. I apologize if I made a mistake or more or did not address anything that was supposedly mentioned in your post. I am fairly certain that other users who would read your suggestion would better explain (or rather, translate) the problems I have written as a means of criticism. I once again apologize if my choice of words has not been properly perceived by any person reading this reply to this suggestion post. Also, one last thing before I sign off, Welcome to the TerraFirmaCraft Forums, Gotheran-san! -Sda209
  21. God-tier songs

  22. Lots of beginner questions

    You're welcome for the potentially useful information, Zeebie-san. Also, WELCOME TO THE TERRA FIRMA CRAFT FORUMS!
  23. Hammer, Nails, Advanced Carpentry

    I do agree,fofi9753-san. However, if early woodworking is not available, then how is the player going to craft any of the blocks required for crafting, metallurgy, and leatherworking? At the moment, all metal tools require a blueprint in order to be made, and to draft one, it requires a scribing table, which requires wooden planks to be built, and since stone axes/tools cannot split logs into actual planks, how is this new system going to function, not to mention that an actual crafting table is needed to create the blocks necessary for the aforementioned professions?
  24. Meal Preparation Station Update Suggestion

    Hm... interesting idea, DigitoriiX-san. Though, I have not played the latest updates of TFC quite yet, I think this could be a good tweak for the meal preparation mechanic.