Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Sda215

  1. I'm a musician

    Interesting song, Mister Warfight67. P.S. - What the Helm's Deep has happened to Seldron? Why isn't he/she updating the Nessaja Server? Also, tell me of the tales after Seldron issued the white list, if you do so wish to.
  2. A Few Roleplaying threads, Maybe?

    Finally, I, Killster550 and others who participated in the RP derail of the 'sooo....' Discussion topic can finally continue our battle plans without interruption!
  3. Scorched ground

    Forgive me for unleashing Hell on you, Mister Kill3rCat, but... *Aims plasma carbine at Kill3rCat's head*
  4. I am Soul-less....

    If you have not heeded my warning once I gave you my soul, please be wary of my personality, memories, and the like in there... I heard it could affect its user in a way.
  5. I am Soul-less....

    As a result of inadvertant insultance, my soul was reaped. However, my life-changing life may have gone for the better of Human Kind. Well... err... that's uh... strange... and saddening. Holy cow; that must've been terrible!
  6. Scorched ground

    This war should get interesting. Hopefully it does not end up in the Civil War category though... P.S. - I am actually glad you took my soul, Mister achartran.
  7. I am Soul-less....

    Alright, most likely how you lost your soul is very tragic...
  8. I am Soul-less....

    Uhh...? Well, I would like to hear the tales of HOW all veterans lost their souls.
  9. I am Soul-less....

    So basically, your soul withered away into nothing after suffering from too much comediac Internet content? If Mister achartran has taken Mister ECC's soul, then why take my soul when he already has one?
  10. I am Soul-less....

    I should be proud. But I wonder why would ECC take achartran's soul; isn't that dishonorable?
  11. Garbage.

  12. Garbage.

    Why not recycle the wastes instead into something useful? Should there be a feature where wastes would affect the environment, recycling would be something to deal with. P.S. - I am longer what I used to be... read my signature.
  13. Scorched ground

    -I immediately and completely forfeit my soul to you, ECC still has yours and this sock you found just isn't the same. Mine will work fine though. -I swear on the holy pebble pebble stone that I shall never purposely offend you again. Including, but not limited, double posting, slandering your name with my foul capital letters. -I shall never resist an attack from Sherlock Holmes again, he does not take kindly to those who fight back. -Any future terms you decide might be fun. P.S. - Be wary of my formal soul...
  14. Scorched ground

    So much for a peace treaty... I don't want war! P.S. - I'm done too.
  15. Scorched ground

    I surrender... I am very sorry Mister archartran that I capitalized your name. Will you forgive me?
  16. Scorched ground

    *Takes opportunity and runs off into Perry's Lair* I'll be safe here... Perry if you see Sherlock Holmes, defend me, 'cause he's after me!
  17. Scorched ground

    But we have not even started as of yet! P.S. - Curse my formal personality!
  18. Scorched ground

    I hope you don't lose, Doofenshmirtz....
  19. Scorched ground

    TAKE DOOFENSHMIRTZ INSTEAD! *Uses him as shield* Thank you for rescuing me from those zom- IS THAT SHERLOCK HOLMES?! Yes, now fight him with your Zap-Inator or something!
  20. Scorched ground

    Goodbye, cruel TFC world!
  21. Scorched ground

    Well, at least Mister Archartran did not ran me over with a tank. P.S. - Oh sh**
  22. Scorched ground

    Spoke too soon...
  23. Scorched ground

    OW! At least you didn't ran me over with a tank...
  24. Scorched ground

    Why not? What happens when I say 'Achartran'?
  25. Scorched ground

    Why does your note sound all too familiar to me? Also, what makes writing his name with a capital 'A' so taboo to him?