Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Sda215

  1. Scorched ground

    Why a slow-moving vehicle when you can hide in a WWII Stuart (It is an American light tank)? Oh, and Mister Kimbblsrath; Y U NO STOP DUNK MEMES?!
  2. Scorched ground

    What the blazing bullets is happening? Did Mister Achartran double-posted?
  3. Lock Me Please

    AHA! You have fallen into my ruse, TheWolf277! I am not Sda209; I AM DOOFENSHMIRTZ! Using my Trap-Inator to keep Sda209 in captivity, I will rule the entire Tri-Thread Area!
  4. Lock Me Please

    *Eye twitches, then faints from overprocessing TheWolf277's reply*
  5. Lock Me Please

    How the Helm's Deep are you unaware of where your 'talk show' is taking place, Mister TheWolf277?
  6. I am in favor of what Mister Bioxx is attempting to achieve, Mister Dunkleosteus. The plan appears so... amazing and challenging!
  7. TFC as a Technic Pack entry.

    In spite of the truth that I am late on this thread, PLEASE DO NOT SUGGEST THIS IDEA OR ANYTHING OF SIMILAR INTEREST AGAIN! YOU WILL BE BASHED QUITE SEVERELY IF YOU DO! THE REASON IS THAT BIOXX DOES NOT WANT HIS MODIFICATION IN A MODIFICATION PACK, UNDERSTAND? Now where was I...? Oh right; my apologies for once again making such a huge outburst...
  8. Snow Removes Torches

    Should this phenomenon be a bug, then leave it that way; this 'bug' actually makes an addition to the believablility factor, I think.
  9. Snow Removes Torches

    I believe it is not a bug if I am correct, for the purposes of believabilty.
  10. soooooo

    [[[[[[[[[[[[ [ [{R{eall[y?{[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[{{{{{{{[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ p{.S[[[[[[[bL[OOD[[Y[[[ [[[b[RA[C[KE[T[[ K[EY[[[[[[[[[ [[[[bE[i[[[[iN[G[ [[bRO[KE[N!!{!![[[[
  11. soooooo

    Why not durasteel? Or titanium? And if they have a ridiculous price, I'll be able to 'convince' them to build the rail (assuming the Newb Army has not attacked as of yet). *Brandishes two Silenced Silverballers, and two Hidden Blades*
  12. Garbage.

    BULLS***!! *Fires at terrified Just_Another_Guy_* *Misses so horribly* *Checks charge level of carbine* 0%?! *Glances at dropped lightsaber next to terrified and confounded Just_Another_Guy_* Err... please don't hurt me! *Runs off*
  13. Oceans

    Uh oh, I realized that we both derailed this thread. Now Mister Killster550 is going to devour our limbs with his cleaver and fork!
  14. Lock Me Please

    Well, I see it is quite amusing to see one realizing their mistake and the veterans bashing at the suggestor (No offense to those who were bashed...). P.S. - There is so much irony in this post...
  15. Lock Me Please

    Well, this suggestion sounds as if it does not sound great at all in Mister Zandorum's cerebal cortex. Something is wrong with him...
  16. Oceans

    Well, if you somehow were to forget the full words of the acrynom 'JAG', you either search for your posts, or find my posts quoting you, that is... if you cannot log in..
  17. Doors in SMP

    Most likely server lag. This is common in slower personal computers, unfortunately
  18. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    What in the world happened to Seldron?
  19. Lock Me Please

    Mister Zandorum, why would you suggest such an atrocious and appalling suggestion (what is the point of this absolutely useless and mad suggestion)?
  20. Oceans

    And I am going to be a Royal Navy Man O' War and ruin your day, quite frankly Mister Just_Another_Guy_ P.S. - I swear am I the only person to write your full name? P.S.S - Shoot, my limbs are soon to be subjected to an agonizing devourment by Killster550!
  21. Making metal weapons and armor more usefull!!

    [[[[[[[You're going to have to share alright, Mister ECC. My apologies... Then what prehistoric species are you then, Mister Dunkleousteus? (Dunkleosteus's are a real marine predator, correct?)
  22. soooooo

    Don't worry, you can join if you so desire! I don't think this is even a derail, to be honest...
  23. Crops...

    Use the multiquote button please, Mister Efth. Double-posting will, as they speak it, 'melt' readers.[ [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ [[[[
  24. Garbage.

  25. Brewing, Distilling, and Viticulture: Alcohol!

    We are going to need more veterans... and initiate another Golden Age of Veterans!