Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About ForestAgain

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    Wood Cutter

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  1. Sandy city

    Жаль, что не будет продолжения. Но получалось у вас здорово!
  2. Nordic Survival - a Playthrough Journal

    Cool! I like how you selected a northern area for a nice challenge. The ice fishing seems especially realistic, you're like an Inuit! The house upon the hill also looks wonderful.Can't wait to see more of your adventures.
  3. Another photo journal of a v79 playthrough

    Good run, it was very entertaining to watch you adventuring and building all this awesome stuff!
  4. Just an interesting ore generation detail I've stumbled across. I was looking for some Sphalerite inbetween two layers of stone. I was wondering whether the vein will bea gneiss one or rather full of schist.(no pun intended)It turned out to be both! I didn't know it could spawn in two layers at once like that.
  5. I've started a new world recently, and have been having much fun with it. However, I am amazed by how much mundane stuff I have to do daily! Feed the baby animals to familiarize them, shear the sheep and milk the cows, check out the crops growing, check out the trees growing, check out the fruit tree garden and/or collect fruit,check out the alcohol and vinegar production. Sometimes you also have to keep an eye on your pit kilns, fire pits, smoke racks, (Decoration's) mud bricks drying, food decaying, water bottles emptying. And I'm still in the Casting Age! I'm not ranting, I actually really like that the game forces you to wait and to do different stuff all the time. You really have to think and manage your time wisely to get the most out of the game! What can I do right now? - you ask yourself. What can I do this night? What can I do next month, next season, next year? Should I take a trip to thisminetomorrow or should I postpone it? Do I want to go to faraway lands to find new resources or do I want to familiarize my animals first? It really adds to the game. In vanilla you can spend hundreds of days just mining or building, but in TFC (at least singleplayer, and at least at the early stages of the game) you really have to keep all the different aspects of the gameplay in mind. I was just wondering if someone had it worse than me. Do you guys also have many chores to do in your game? Do you manage to keep your tasks in balance? Or does something (metallurgy, mining, exploring,food preservation) keep you so busy that you often forget about other things? Share your experience with TFC time management.
  6. My hardcore playthrough

    Pretty cool, hopefully you'll find tannin trees soon. I can't wait to see how your base will turn out.
  7. New adventure in the mountains

    What a wonderful adventure! Some of these mountains look hardcore. Also, you have a lot of wood! O_O And congratulations of finding the TerraFirmaDream - graphite!
  8. Tips on fighting bears?

    I avoid them too, but this pair was extra sneaky. I do have water nearby, both a saltwater gulf and a little fresh water pond. Might come in handy. It's February, though, so little pieces of ice might make it a bit more difficult. Several pits are time-consuming, and the danger of falling in is high. Though I'm also thinking of bringing my horse with, and he can sure jump two blocks high. I might try to do this. In fact, if I do manage to trap both bears in, I will not kill them but rather familiarize them. Perfect revenge, in my opinion. I've always wanted to tame a bear in TFC, and this is a perfect opportunity. Trap them in, catch some fish in the sea, feed them regularly. You can get them to the point when they won't attack you at all, right?
  9. Tips on fighting bears?

    It would be hard to set up. Though it sounds amazing. The first thing that pops in mind is a 2x2 deep hole to lure the bear in (maybe with a tasty pig inside?). But that's after retrieving the gear, traps are usually time-consuming.
  10. Tips on fighting bears?

    Hmmm. I heard people liking the TFC bow as a weapon, but I never got used to it myself because it takes very long to draw. Perhaps I should change my opinion and take the bow and quiver out of the dusty chest. I have no idea how to shoot a bear in a dense forest, though, maybe lure it to the seashore and then run away.
  11. Tips on fighting bears?

    So, I'm not a very battl-ey kind of person in Minecraft. Even in vanilla, I am always scared of hostile mobs and try to fight them as little as possible, always hiding or sleeping away the nights. (Yet I don't play on Peaceful, seems a bit cheaty for me + mobs drop useful items, and in TFC experience gives you extra health points). In TFC, that stays true as well, and since I haven't yet found sheep in my world, I spend my nights in-doors, in the smithery or re-organizing my items. And just recently, on my way to a gold/galena mine, I had... an accident with a bear. The game was lagging, it was aggressively jumping at me, I couldn't hit it properly because the leaves blocked the view... so I died. Angry with having died so stupidly, I respawned by my base and spent some time smithing a sword and a chestpiece with the little wrought iron I had. After equipping those and heading back to my death point, I tried to lure the bear away from the items. I thought I succeeded, having barely overrun him, and retrieved some of my stuff, but it turned out the other grey spot on the map was also a bear... So yeah, I rage quit again. Did anyone else here had similar problems with bears? I've always thought TFC bears are slow and not very clever, but these two seem like the Bonnie and Clyde of the stone age Very sneaky, hiding in the leaves, and fast too, like I said, I only barely (bear-ly ) escaped that first bear. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, maybe I should stick to a different tactics? I had a mix-match of copper, bronze and wrought iron armour (maybe bismuth bronze too, can't remember now), tried to fight with a black bronze mace and a freshly-made wrought iron sword. (by the way, the first "accident" happened just before Etho released his video with a similar situation. Little did I know back then about how similar our fates would turn out to be)
  12. New adventure in the mountains

    Nice! I like your house, it's small but with character, and everything seems to be organized nicely in there. And you have sheep and a rich copper vein, this is a big deal! Keep up, I'm looking forward to your next updates.
  13. Barn to be Wild

    It's very neat and clean-looking, and the colours of the woods are very nice. Who is going to live in this barn?
  14. TFC Myths

    When your first winter comes, you should stock up water because everything will freeze and you risk dying of thirst. If you break an ice block, it turns into water, like in vanilla, so you don't have to fill up thousands of barrels of water
  15. World generation

    The island looks awesome! And I like the size of it, it's decent, but not, like, a continent. Not only could you manage to explore such an island fully, but build many scattered buildings and still be able to move between them pretty fast. Mojang is re-working boats now, I wonder if the new boats will be of use in TFC2 with the islands. (I know, a teleportation system is preferred, but still. Could be useful for new rivers as well)