Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by krenshala

  1. Tornado mod with TFC?

    From what I've seen in game, if you are in a cold enough climate you will get snow instead of rain. That snow melts if it is warm enough, and melts faster if its also raining.
  2. Bring back solid thatch blocks

    Personally, I like the idea of adding a solid thatch bale made with (current) thatch blocks and some string/rope/similar. The string/rope requirement means you have to work at least as hard as you would for wood to get solid thatch blocks, while still allowing players the option of using it if they wish. A believable crafting recipie for me would be as little as one thatch and one string, or up to six thatch and three string. The exact recipie would be up to how difficult you want it to be from a resource gathering standpoint. Myself, I think two thatch and two string would make it prohibitive as a starting construction material while not making it too difficult to get for a determined player.
  3. I could swear I wasn't able to pour a full ingot mold (100 of 100 units) into a tool mold, but it is at quite possible it was less than 100 units and I'm just not remembering correctly.
  4. I've taken to keeping the partial-ingot worth of metals/alloys in the vessel they were melted in and just make sure to add that to the pit-kiln when melting additional metal of the same type. Then, once re-melted, I pour the partial ingots into whatever mold I'm using first. This is mainly due to habit from the fact that I haven't been able to pour liquid metal from an ingot mold into anythng else (I'm not sure if it just isn't an option, or if I'm missing something; probably the latter ). This doesn't matter as much once you've gotten a crucible, of course, but my friend and I have only recently found graphite (and forgot to note where, of course :/ ) so for us it mattered. I've got 900 units of bronze in a vessel waiting to be reheated as needed to get around not being able to remelt ingots in a pit-kiln.
  5. How deep have you seen snow get?

    I've seen 5/8 deep snow, but I don't think any thicker. I really like the fact the different depths of snow affect your movement different amounts, and that walking through a snow tile has a chance to reduce the snow level some (accidentally made a path between my house and the smithy, which is how I noticed). Since I'm new to TFC, what was the reason for limiting it to 1 block deep? Is that purely because you can walk through it? Personally, I'd love to see it get deeper, but thats probably because I miss seeing Real Snow in real life (this part of Texas barely gets cold enough to snow, let alone have it stick around past 10am).
  6. How did you find out about TFC?

    Showed a friend of mine Dwarf Fortress recently, and a couple months ago he showed me TFC as his revenge. I have since set up a server, though I don't have as much time to play as I'd like (damn day job, always getting in the way). Its so fun to build a house of of gneiss blocks, and then carve it up with a chisel, just like I my dwarves in DF. Now I just need to convince my wife she'll have fun with the mod (she's always playing the vanilla MC server I have set up), to get three people playing on my server.