Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bob

  1. The OLD Roanoke Thread #TFCRoanoke
  2. TFC Build 76!!!

    None of those changes look world breaking. *whew* I wonder what else if anything is coming. Bob
  3. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    One page back
  4. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Quick...Hide the roads!
  5. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    mr_munski Anonymous_Jr Welcome to Roanoke
  6. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Ok, We'll give it a shot JoeyTehPwnzar Welcome to Roanoke.
  7. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Hmmm... Chest Shop is a bukkit plugin. We need to look at the bukkit forge plugin and see if we can set it up. There is alto the Trade-o-mat and personal safe combo from IC2. That's as close as I can find for forge based player run shops. Bob
  8. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Greetings all, I'm still alive. It was just a crazy weekend. Lots of real world tasks were completed and the wife is very happy, so I am very happy. I would like to publicly thanks Josh and Psy for stepping up and assisting in running the server. I may have started it, but they breath life into the server everyday. Without them...well lets just say it would be a different experience. Certainly it would be no where as rich as it is. Thank you both. I would also like to recognize the players. Your a great group! I really enjoy my time interacting with all of you. Thank you for bringing the world to life. Now, I may not be fully up to speed on all the issuse with the econ at the moment but I can make a few guesses and observations. The econ in an online game is always hard to regulate. if there is now too much unused coin we have a couple of options. Increase the costs of items. make land cost more. Sell bigger items. The 80 ingot steam loco? maybe its 1000 coins (not a real number just an example). Josh already has most unavailable in TFC items available to purchase in game. You just have to look around. It would take some work, but we could move away from the coin standard. Maybe now the pig rancher wants a shiny steel shovel for that stack of leather. Move the npc's to a barter system of some sort. We could also change how much coin is given for items, reducing the supply of coin. It would make the rich guys richer though. The main problem I see was a complete lack of planning on my part. I didn't intend to have to regulate a full server wide economy, its just grown organically. And at times Its a pain for the admins to deal with. So any solutions we come up with will need to both address the lack of item to spend coin on, and the amount of time and work an admin needs to spend dealing with non automated purchases. I'm open for all thoughts and suggestions. It would be nice to find a forge based player store option. You stock it and set the costs, and get the coin. Anyone know of such a forge based mod? As for PvP. I personalty am not a fan. But that comes from years of playing online games with spawn campers and griefers. However, I don't think that our existing server pop will turn into a bunch of rabid marauders. There are some PvP tools built into my town. we can explore those. But I think they are dependent on the world being set to pvp. We could enable pvp for a week and see what kind of anarchy springs into existence, then decide if its a good fit or not. Thoughts? Invasion mod looks fun. I wonder about the damage and hit point scaling though. TFC as you know cranked up the amount of damage and hitpoints on everything by a factor of about 50. So if the invasion mobs cant be scaled, then they will be tissue paper. Please speak up. Its the nature of playing beta mods that the world will be a little unstable and that eventually there will be a new world generated. We will keep the current map as long as we can, but it will be nice to start the next map with a known set of mods and a clearly defined set of "rules" regarding the social aspect of the game. Ie, towns, nations, pvp, money ect. Speak up, Bob
  9. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Thanks A, I will not be around tomarrow. Going for a dive in the morning and assembling my wifes IKEA addiction in the evening. Please keep the lights on for me. Bob
  10. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    after seeing this: lavawane360 2013-02-06 17:29:10 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: you fuckin jerk 2013-02-06 17:29:25 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: i hope you get ran over 2013-02-06 17:29:34 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: by a car 2013-02-06 17:29:42 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: and it smushes you 2013-02-06 17:29:45 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: and then drives away 2013-02-06 17:30:12 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: Shut t he Fuck up 2013-02-06 17:30:31 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: i will fuck you up 2013-02-06 17:34:33 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: 2013-02-06 17:35:24 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: TROLOLOLOLOL 2013-02-06 17:35:50 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: hahahahahha 2013-02-06 17:39:23 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: fuck you too 2013-02-06 17:39:37 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: 0 fucks givin 2013-02-06 17:39:54 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: nice creative hacks bitch 2013-02-06 17:40:01 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: you cant get wooden slabs legit 2013-02-06 17:40:03 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: you are a hacker 2013-02-06 17:44:00 [iNFO] [G]40miner_: can someone stop lavawane360 2013-02-06 17:44:12 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: naw 2013-02-06 17:44:19 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: dude 2013-02-06 17:44:27 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: im unbuilding your house 2013-02-06 17:45:54 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: zank you zank you 2013-02-06 17:51:17 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: umadbro? 2013-02-06 17:51:20 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: i luv all your ores 2013-02-06 17:51:22 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: in fire 2013-02-06 17:51:24 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: hahahah 2013-02-06 17:51:26 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: MWUAHAHAHHHA 2013-02-06 17:59:10 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: Nope 2013-02-06 17:59:14 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: yo mommm 2013-02-06 18:09:27 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: Give it now 2013-02-06 18:09:31 [iNFO] [G]lavawane360: or all yo stuff is gone The answer to your request is no. Bob
  11. The OLD Roanoke Thread that's the config josh made put it in your configs folder after you delete the old one. Im sorry your having trouble. Is there any error messages at all? EDIT: Just watched you try to log in. you generate this: 2013-02-08 01:52:58 [iNFO] User viser001 connection failed: missing bolz, CustomNpcs, Lanterns, SimplyHorses, TC, awger_Punt], bad versions [] 2013-02-08 01:52:58 [iNFO] Disconnecting viser001 [/]: The server requires mods that are absent or out of date on your client so, your missing a lot of mods. Did you move or delete your mod folder? Halo also had trouble, but with just one mod. He "fixed" his issue by removing the mods, trying to log in, then replacing the mods. Thats all I have for you right now.
  12. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    still in testing, but were up right now. You personally keep crashing? Bob
  13. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    lol...really? yes, still working on it. =D
  14. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Ok, In an effort to kill the little bug we found, I have upgraded some items. You may also need to upgrade. Now running Minecraft 1.4.6 Forge Universal 489 Player api 1.5 for 1.4.6 Smart Moving 11.12.1 for 1.4.6 Hope this helps, MAKE BACKUPS
  15. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Server is down for a few, Something broke... Were on it. Bob
  16. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Added: natethetank Dmfarley Re added: tnoy23 Welcome to Roanoke! JoeyTehPwnzar, You are free totalk to me about this: and but your statement ion the 2nd link pretty much excludes you from Roanoke.
  17. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    We will get to the join requests tomorrow some time. Be well, Bob
  18. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    We don't have a caboose as one of the build able train cars. How did you manage to try to use one? Bob
  19. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Well we need at the very least your in game name. Bob
  20. The OLD Roanoke Thread

  21. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Just dropping this here so i can find it later. We dont NEED more mods...butthis might be fun
  22. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Is that the correct spelling of your ign? I'll double check the list as well. tnoy23, I'll get you listed as well. Bob
  23. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Well there is a link to appeal the ban listed. Get it taken care of and you wont have to deal with this again on any server. If you were hacked, it should be an easy process. Let me know how it works out. Bob
  24. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    We need to stress test a bit, so I'll processing applications now. Added: viser001 ultracasual Sabi1998 DreXav Danelli Stychok Found Bans/problems/not added tnoy23 : List is closed again at this point for a few days while we do some more testing. Welcome to Roanoke.
  25. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Great! I'm glad you were able to track it down. I cant wait to get the list opened back up either. Back to learning/tracking/working/ on the issue Bob