Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bob

  1. Welcome to the fray! Best of luck with your server. Bob
  2. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Vemmaren kimcantrell Martin604 JDKnopp94 Welcome to Roanoke, I'll get you on the list this morning. Jackass65 Minerxforge ​I'm going to pass on you guys for now. Yesterday you make accounts and advertise for a non white listed pvp server. As Roanoke is a white listed non pvp mature coop server, I don't feel at this time my server will provide you with your apparent preferred gaming experience. I wish you both luck on finding a home. Bob
  3. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Roanoke started out as a pvt rl friends server as well. If you find our server to your liking, please bring your friends. Bob
  4. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Hi, No bans anywhere that I can find, So I'll add you to the list asap. REI's, I don't have a problem with. I think a few people on the server use it. I may limit it to above ground at some point. Bob
  5. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    There is a donate button in the first post. Bob
  6. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    I think the problem was entirely on my end. Long story short, when i increased the memory on the server it increased the cost of the server. But I neglected to update my Paypal subscription...Soooo... Anyway its all taken care of and the server is up. The shutdown this morning was simply all the timers restarting. Bob
  7. JohnSmith version 0.8 b75

    Is there a dl link for V.4? The current dl link gives me "JohnSmith for TerraFirmaCraft" Bob
  8. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    LORDRASPUTIN and ruhl4, Welcome to Roanoke
  9. New Developments

    Everyone needs a break once in awhile. No worries. Please don't burn yourself out Dunk. Bob
  10. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    The preliminary Gem rates for chunks of land have been added to the first post. Happy Economy to you! Bob
  11. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Added. Welcome to going to film here?
  12. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Circu5Fr3ak and Yava. I'll get you both on the list very soon. Welcome to Roanoke Bob
  13. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    I do. Its just one of the tools that I use to track a players history on various servers. Bob
  14. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    mclover2 and XPr0gamerX You both have bans listed on either mcbans or mcbouncer. You have not been added to the list. I believe I have added everyone else though. Welcome to Roanoke
  15. Quick Question about Error

    I use and am very happy. I have complete control over MY server.
  16. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Silly tablet. Anyway, server should be up. Nether is disabled. Please post if it crashes again.
  17. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Looks like a placed hickory plank.... anyway.
  18. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Hi all. I'll see if I can restart the server via this tablet. Nether is not working in t f c . Please don't build portals. I'll check the crash log if I can open it on this tablet and report back.
  19. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    I'm still on vacation. Hang in there. I'll get to the white list iand update in a few days. Bob
  20. [Build 73] Crash. Help!

    This *might* be a forge version error. Your using FML: MCP v7.25 FML v4.6.12.511 Minecraft Forge 10 mods loaded, 10 mods active While the build 73 was Built using Forge But I cant test for you as the Forge DL page is still down. Bob
  21. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Greetings, As most of us know, the TFC Build 73 has been released. However, the download page for forge is currently not online. Thus I can not update the server at this time. I have NO PLANS on generating a new map when we do finally get to update the server. Unless a future update is game breaking, I plan on using the same map for as long as we can. In about 4 hours, I am headed out for a short trip. I will have limited access to the internet and no real way to get in game. I will have my laptop, but its a family trip and we all agreed not to have our noses pointed at a screen the entire time. So I will watch my email for PM's and do what I can, when I can. But I will not be watching/playing as much as I have been in the last week. I'll miss you guys too... This also mean that if your asking to be put on the whitelist, it may take a few days to accommodate your request. So enjoy the current build knowing that there is no plan on restarting a new map when we do get to 73 (or 74+ depending on how busy Bioxx and Dunk are while I'm away.) Bob
  22. I have it on my server, its running. I use fihgu's permissions to limit the chunk commands players can use. The number of claimable chunks each player can claim is configurable per player in game. Default is 4 chunks. Players can add and remove others from their own, per chunk, protection lists. A owner must visit the chunk 1 tome per week (but that's configurable) to keep the claim/protection. I have not done a ton of testing yet, but it seems to work as intended. I'm letting players "buy" land grants with offerings of fine gems stones and ingots of precious metals.
  23. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Gonedeaf61 your on the list. GodofCider, You probably just missed the cut when i was setting up the list. your back on it now.
  24. Trees models

  25. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Greetings, Let me start my review with the following quote: "If it remotely feels like cheating or hacking, than it is, common sense" ~Holy_Shield I did remove someone who tweaked his smartmove settings to speeds in excess of 250k% and crashed the server. That said, as long as your mods remain true to the spirit of the game, and don't offer you a huge advantage, and are not generally disruptive to the other players, the server, or myself, then who am I to tell you how to play your game. DynamicLights I like what this one does. I don't like that light emiting items user configurable and not server side. I'm working with the author of "The Lanterns Mod" to get a TFC version going server side here. Handheld light are in coming but do not have an eta. ReiMinimap. Lots of people use it. I don't currently. I need to install it server side to restrict it to above ground mapping. MorePlayerModels never looked at it. seems harmless, but you say its a bukkit plugin. were not running craftbukkit as TFC is Forge only. InvTweaks. I dont have issue with this one. But be warned, storage options and stack limits are not the same size as in vanilla, not sure if that makes a difference. NotEnoughItems. Please no. The server does not have it installed so it might not run. TFC has so mant new items in the mod that there might be some sort of item number conflict. I can see potential bad things...Please no.