Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by valkupo

  1. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    That's actually about as minimalist efficient as an emergency shelter can get. I like the crafting bench roof.
  2. I do not like the idea of using a metal sheet, as it takes a 2x Ingot to make 1 metal sheet. You could make 2 more tools for the cost of whatever damage you did one.
  3. Wrought Iron Ingot
  4. Wrought Iron Ingot

    As a general rule, your anvil metal is what metal tools you can make. If you have a bronze anvil, you can only make bronze tools. You can make wrought iron ingots, however, which you can work into 2x bars to make a wrought iron anvil. Then you can make wrought iron tools.
  5. A new repair mechanic would be nice. I don't like the idea of using an entire ingot though, as you could just make a new tool with that ingot instead. You'de actually end up losing some uses (unless you do particularly bad with the anvil).
  6. Mineshafts and mining

    The ideas seem nice, but I wonder if this part of pre-release 30 in the change log has been noticed: Added temporary Minecart Rail Recipe. 4 Wrought Iron ingots on either side of two sticks gives a stack of 64. Added temporary Powered Minecart Rail Recipe. Same as normal with redstone powder above the sticks and Gold ingots instead of Wrought Iron. Added temporary Minecart Recipe. Same as vanilla except using Wrought Iron Sheets
  7. New biome

    You seem to have a fixation there. Past trauma? It's fine to have opinions on things, but a reason other than "no" would be nice.
  8. Missing Ore? Pre31

    I'm not having any problems personally.
  9. More advanced chemistry

    I agree. This isn't what I was expecting to see when I clicked on "More advanced chemistry"Minus the concrete (which sounds quite interesting), it just sounds you want to take Buildcraft and Industrialcraft and make them work for TFC
  10. Librarian, yet another potential job on a server when updates come about. I like this a lot. I do like his idea of using something else, though. Perhaps something to obtain the core samples you speak of? It is indeed incredibly effective. I started doing it after seeing it in your video.
  11. River Caves / River Ravines

    Not sure how this will pan out with finite water coming up, but overall I like this idea. Mountains already amazing looking? Well make them more amazing looking!
  12. Possible ideas for BIOXX reguarding pvp.

    I feel like you should give writing a try.Anyways, I feel pvp has a place in this mod, even if I personally don't partake/like it very much.
  13. I'm not sure what you mean by gate, but I'm guessing you mean a reason to go from one tier to the next, and reasons to not have a stockpile that rockets you through. The bits on monsters was kind of covered in my Progressively Challenging Enemies thread and DanNetwalker's Monster Nests thread, and I guess it kind of petered out once dunkleosteus (who is on the Dev team) stated he had a general idea already. He did seem to like the Monster Nests idea. Then I feel like everyone decided to hold off until the Agricultural Update was done, though I don't remember if it was said specifically.As a like-minded person I hope you'll look at the two threads and come up with better solutions than we did. Just to be sure though, I'm not suggesting we resurrect those threads from the depths of the Suggestions section unless absolutely necessary. It's just that if you plan on suggesting progressing difficulty or monster AI ideas, there are some reference materials available to you.
  14. Basic Domestication/Evolution in Farming

    I like that there are different levels that essentially make the profitable ones more care-intensive (or at least have to pay attention more). It allows for the whole job specialization idea for servers that keeps popping up.
  15. Praises and Ideas to the mod

    It's not so much suggesting realistic things being bad as it is the word "realism" itself having a fairly negative reaction on these forums because it was growing some serious underlying hostilities until Bioxx diffused it fairly effectively. Essentially there's room for realistic and non-realistic (like your Mythical tools plans, those intrigue me), but the words like "realistic" and "realism" kind of trigger a twitch from both sides of the old debate these days.That being said, I like your tree-related suggestions in particular. Also, I believe the flint rocks were said to be a temporary design a long time ago, but it seems most have gotten accustomed to it. This thread should probably be moved to the Suggestions section though.
  16. Regarding the 'The problem of Cassiterite' poll

    That is more or less what I said earlier in the thread, and then proved that it happens by unwittingly doing it myself 3 posts later. The resulting self reaction is now my signature.Feel free to help edit the wiki by requesting the ability here: As it stands, I'm personally too afraid of getting information wrong to apply myself. A situation I imagine a lot of people are in.
  17. Regarding the 'The problem of Cassiterite' poll

    When he mentioned Sedimentary layers he was talking about Bismuthinite.
  18. Regarding the 'The problem of Cassiterite' poll

    Forget solution for Cassiterite, I want to see that entirely on it's own rights effecting all sorts of different ores/metals.
  19. Big List of Mobs

    Donkey would solve (if the one you get isn't too temperamental ) transportation of large quantities of supplies problem. At the very least would make moving your home more feasible.Silkworms and fish being high(er) challenge for rewards makes me giddy for some reason. For the nether ones, I like a lot of what you put but I would like to say if TFC goes to the nether there should be like a 5-10 second timer before anything overly hostile spawns or becomes actually hostile. With the combination of the funky purple spiral vision, chance to spawn above a vast ocean of lava, and enemies able to attack before the game fully loads, that initial 5 seconds would allow players to actually get their bearings so they don't come out of a portal for the first time and find a ghast fireball shot them out of the portal and they fell down to an endless (for all intents and purposes) lava lake.
  20. Thanks for this wonderful Mod.

    How have I missed this thread for so long?! Thank you Bioxx! Keep up the good work! We're all here for ya!
  21. Smithing with Tin

    You need flux to put in the bottom right, which you can get from crafting a metal hammer with certain kinds of cobblestone or a stone hammer with Borax. Then you take two bars of the same metals heated up to slightly before melting and put them in the two slots in the middle. Then you click weld.
  22. Mineshafts and mining

    He does indeed. I hate it when I misunderstand someone
  23. Let's Play?

    I like it! I'll be honest I was kind of expecting an overly serious video. I'm glad it wasn't.I will be watching in the future. As for the test, I think it went nicely as well. Audio is fine, nighttime is easily visible, and if there's video stuttering I couldn't tell.
  24. Soil depletion

    It does? That's freaking cool! I do hope there's a way for reversal though. Maybe at least prevention or a way to slow it down.
  25. More Weapons

    Lance please! Something that would have extended range at least, even if it incurred a penalty of something like slower movement. The multi-purpose Halberd will always be my favorite though.