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Everything posted by valkupo

  1. New Health and Medicine System

    Err uh... while it was fair to ream me for not reading the whole post (I read to the eighth point before deciding post, fairly ironic), but it's a bit rude to quote my post two times in a row to call me out on it in two different ways. Use the edit button. So after reading the ninth point and your section on how you would like beds to be made, I'll change my response to the following: I would stop playing. While personally I don't die much, there are plenty of people who do a lot. One of which is a partner I like to play TFC with. The more someone dies while playing, the more your suggestion becomes an incentive to walk away from the mod. As for your death penalties, I feel there are some holes in it. Not using the GUI for "maybe 5 minutes, or a random time between 3 and 10 minutes where you can't even open a chest." What exactly is a person supposed to do then? Stare at a wall until it goes away? Well probably one would go try to retrieve their stuff. Died in a cave in? Can't make a pickaxe or grab a ready made one to dig through the cobble. Died from a monster attack? Have fun fighting off whatever creature(s) overwhelmed you with your bare hands. Especially if you play on hard difficulty. Granted you have provided ways to fix yourself up, but you probably can't access any of it until the GUI penalty goes away. Also, if you have 3 hunger I hope you didn't die anywhere that involves a lot of jumping to get there, otherwise you're going to be starving real quick. I understand the need of a death penalty to make your suggestion work overall, but the methods you put don't pan out so well in my opinion.
  2. New Health and Medicine System

    I feel like people would just stuff their junk in a chest, go kill themselves, and respawn healthy and new. Sure it happens already with hunger, but I have a feeling because of the 5 heart cap it would happen a lot more.
  3. The player's current mood.

    I agree. I think the game would become less about your survival and more about stat management of a character you control. ...That's probably poorly worded, but I hope my point gets across.
  4. My idea is simple. Enemies that get tougher (or perhaps different enemies entirely) dependent on what you dig into and the further down you dig. As the game stands (vanilla and TFC) there is no real reason to feel any additional terror about going to the deepest depths of the world. I've always thought that to be lacking a feeling of fulfillment. Now true, there are suggestions that take jabs at this in their own ways. Making torches burn out has popped up a couple times. The enemies can be threats any place you fail to maintain. The problem with that is it will require more work the more you play. You expand your home, work area, town, etc. and you need light for all of it. Not to mention there's no way to do it reasonably in SMP. You log out for a few hours (common suggestion is they burn out after a few minecraft days), and your entire home will be completely dark. There are a good number of comments on changing the enemies. The catch is almost all of them are suggestions of removing the existing enemies, and implementation of surface animals based on biomes. Very few would even be found in a cave much less deep underground. I like the idea of making the enemies realistic. I'm ok with getting rid of the zombies and skeletons. Unless there is something to replace the danger lost in caves, however, mining will become absolutely boring. I don't have any specific entities in mind, but I do have two ideas as to how to implement the challenge. 1) Each kind of rock has its own set of ores it can have in it, right? And ores are used for metals of various tiers. Since the rock layers don't seem to be affected by depth (I've seen Basalt on the surface and with bedrock), maybe the value of ores that could potentially be in there would be the determining factor of enemy difficulty. Then have all the weak enemies show up in the least valuable rocks, and really strong enemies in the most valuable rocks. It can be done, because there can be limits set to what a mob can spawn on ie: animals only spawned on grass before breeding came about. I'm not suggesting multiple mobs per each rock type, that would be ridiculous to ask of anyone. Just don't go putting Enderdragon difficulty enemies around the first tier ores. 2) Slimes show that you can set spawning ability by depth as well. You could make stronger enemies, or perhaps stronger versions of the same enemies show up deeper down. This would make it risky to go deep, but you may not have a choice if you can't find what you're looking for elsewhere. Would add a small amount of strategy and risk assessment. Would also provide a good reason to team up in SMP.
  5. Progressively challenging enemies

    I look forward to it with great anticipation my good man. Er... I have no idea what those are, but I certainly hope not? Taking a look at the linked picture though, and I suppose a scary appearance would be a good way of making you want to turn tail and run. I was more hoping for something not aesthetic-based though. I'll admit, however, that it would be needed so you can tell without having played before.
  6. Monster nests (a new model for spawning)

    I like it, well done! You pulled everything together nicely!
  7. Progressively challenging enemies

    DanNetwalker's thread provides a well thought out and very detailed idea for what we've said about dens/nests. I highly suggest everyone to go take a look at it. Antice, I like your idea about visual cues for what kind of nest you are in. If you don't mind, could you put it in DanNetwalker's thread? Since the den/nest idea has it's own thread now, does anyone have any other ideas on how to make enemies progressively more challenging? Something that could make a starting character go, "I can see that -insert suggestion- over there, and I know that is WAY out of my league."
  8. Alpha channel = transparency level At least that's what is was in photoshop last time I used it... which was CS2 so yeah...Trying to think back to then... I believe you had to save files in a specific way to keep any sections of pictures see-through.
  9. Progressively challenging enemies

    You have a good point about the simple swap there. Areas with set mobs on generation is a very doable idea, I believe that's how the NPC villages and even animals spawn now. The raid mechanic adds a nice touch to the idea as well. It would make the hostiles seem actually hostile. Plus it runs a fun risk of upon entering a cave: are you about to be hit by a wave of nasties exiting their lair? If the way villages are created is used on these dens, it would make each of them unique and varying in sizes, too. Of course, the bigger the den, the harder the challenge. While your necromancer idea might be too fantasy-ish for some, I can actually really get behind it. My main reason is it gives the undead a reason to actually exist in the world. Plus, it's a lot more interesting than bandits. Humanoid enemies always seem to end up as bandits. That's fine, but the necromancer would be able to change it up nicely.
  10. Progressively challenging enemies

    Truth be told, even I feel like the scale of work done to make my suggestion real is more than overwhelming. I don't expect anything coming remotely soon on this level, but I thought if I put out a couple ideas it might get some sparks of simpler things that could be more easily implemented. Stuff like: Now this is interesting. I like the idea of these dens essentially replacing the old dungeons from vanilla. Maybe the only thing I'de like to change is the spawners into "nests". It would more be a visual thing than anything else, but it would make more sense for enemies to come out of nests than magic boxes. Even better, if we pair the dens with DanNetwalker's home turf idea, it could make things gradually more difficult the closer you get to the center of it all. At the center there could be the hardest challenge, but the reward in plain sight in a fairly open area. You can see it, you want it, you know it's a risk as it's surrounded by the meanest toughest enemies of the lot you've faced yet. You can practically feel the adrenaline, and it's not from a fear of the unknown anymore. It's the power of a known challenge. It's like fighting a Ghast with a fishing rod. He has no surprises for you, all you have is your skill at hooking and dragging him closer to make smacking those fireballs back in his face that much more easier. ...Got a bit excited there, but my point is that there is room for development. If we start with ideas now, it will give Bioxx a better wealth of ideas to choose from when he's deciding on his next TFC project. So how bout some cave/underground dwelling mob ideas? Obvious choices are things like the giant spider we have, and perhaps some humanoid bandits. Bats would fit well as a significant challenge (think about trying to hit one), but the thought of the coding needed for AI in something like that is a terrifying prospect. Maybe some creepy crawlies? Can navigate walls like the spiders do, but a more ambitious approach could have them crawling along ceilings as well or waiting to drop down on a passerby. What other hungry dangers might you find in a cave?
  11. Progressively challenging enemies

    I was worried about not explaining the first one very well... It's hard to give an example because the wiki is kind of lacking the information I would need. So in the interest of clarification I'm going to just going to make up values. As I have yet to get to even making alloys in game, I'm willing to bet money this information on ore/rock distribution is wrong. Please keep in mind the following is only for explaining my idea. Let's assign the surface a value of 1 for a control. Say for example, Granite could only have the ores Bismuthinite and Cassiterite inside of it. These ores make two really basic metals and a good starter point for most people. Let's assign them both ores a value of 1. That would give Granite a value of 2, even if there wasn't a single ore actually in the entire strata of Granite. Granite would have mobs of a strength slightly harder than the surface. Then say... I dunno Basalt had Native Copper and... something that made Iron. Copper is the next step up so lets give that a 2, Iron is a step after copper (I think) so let's give that a 3. That would give Basalt a value of 5, making it a decent amount harder than walking around in Granite. Again, the value would have nothing to do with what actually spawned in your world. If your world glitched out and didn't spawn any ores in the entire world, the surface would still be 1, Granite would still be 2, Basalt would still be 5, etc. Just an additional note on that, the mobs will be able to move, so walking around on the surface could have a surprise challenge every once in a while when you walk by caves made of rock with high value. I see some potential in your fighting on home turf idea, but I kinda see a hole in it. While it makes sense for a creature to be stronger in it's own home, they would need a reason to be out of that home for the effect to wear off. If there's no chance of the effect wearing off, then you're basically just going into the settings and changing the difficulty from normal to hard. It sounds like it will lead to a lot of kiting. Like before the undead mobs got better AI, people would lead them out of caves to let them burn in the daylight with no fighting. I like the aiming suggestion a lot. It doesn't sound like it would be too hard to make his accuracy go up or down depending on their height level compared to yours. It would add to combat planning, especially for those pvp people if it gets implemented on players as well!
  12. Torches should burn out

    I'm trying to picture this in multiplayer, and I don't see it ever working out well. You log off to go sleep/eat/work/whatever and by the time you get back your entire house is pitch black and monster breeding grounds. Unless everyone who plays on the server logs in and logs out at the same time the server starts and stops, someone's house is going dark. And if someone suggests people running around lighting other player's houses, are you volunteering to keep several lit at all times the server is running? You would have that much less time to actually enjoy playing TFC. That sounds more like a task you would use to punish someone.