Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by valkupo

  1. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the support forum? (Yes/No): 
    Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted.


    Yes, and I removed the rest of the form because it was not applicable.


    I wanted to return to TFC after a long time, and read the wiki as well as watched the installation video by Kittychanley. However the both the Minecraft vanilla launcher and ATL do not seem to have 1.7.10 available. I have tried playing with some other modpacks that were interesting enough, but I was hoping for a plain TFC experience.


    I took a screencap of the vanilla launcher, and I can take one of the ATL if necessary even though it's the same thing. I have no idea where to proceed from here.

    I'm a moron... math has trained me to ignore 0's at the end of decimals... This can be removed...



  2. Was just offering a simple to code alternative to having them fall off in the world and causing that lag when there are too many items floating about. I know it doesn't have a lot of logic behind it, but I was more focusing on it being an acceptable game mechanic. I'm not saying pluck the chicken naked and get 100 feathers, more like grab a loose feather every half a minecraft day or so.


  3. The height thing didn't make much sense anyway. The further you go down, the hotter it gets, further up, the colder, and less oxygen, which isn't good for forges.

    The oxygen point is valid, but warmer underground?

    It gets colder when you go underground. Unless you plan on digging all the way to the mantle. Icebox rooms were always deep underground because the sun never reached to warm it up. It can get very cold underground. Plus, heat rises. If you have a basement, when was the last time it was warmer than the main level?

    Also, warfighter67? Keep in mind the desert will be freezing cold at night, meaning that you will be doing all your metallurgy during the daytime.


  4. As far as the feathers go, I'm not too happy about having to kill chickens off to get feathers. Maybe take an idea from the sheep and have a way to get feathers more efficiently? Sheep can be sheared for 1-3 wool, whereas killing them gets you one and only one piece. Perhaps for chickens a simple right click with an empty hand, only performable after a certain (probably fairly long) amount of time would be odd, but I think it would be fair as far as a game mechanic. I would want to make a tool for it, but I can't think of anything that would make taking feathers off a live chicken easier or more efficient. Unless you could communicate to the chicken to let them know the other option is death.


  5. I'm not too great with the technical stuff, but from what I have gathered from people is that Modloader is no longer part of the equation as Forge has it built in now. Also, Forge must be first, as the rest of the parts rely on it. So the ultra careful manual install into mincraft.jar it should be something like:

    Install Forge Client

    *run minecraft to menu screen*

    *close minecraft*

    Install Player API

    *run minecraft to menu screen*

    *close minecraft*

    Install TFC Client Core

    Install TFC Resources

    Alternatively you could use MultiMC like me, create a new minecraft instance, Edit Mods, and drag the 4 zips over into the list in the aforementioned order. I like it because it makes updating easier. Just Edit Mods, delete the core and resources, drag in the new core and resources.


  6. The way I see it is that people are still seeing this as minecraft, where it is feasible collecting and hoarding all the things there are in existence. You are not supposed to amass a stockpile of every wood type. You are not supposed to amass a stockpile of every rock type. You are not supposed to amass a stockpile of everything you can get your blocky little hands on. You are supposed to survive using what is available to you, so that every playthrough is not the same as the last one.

    From the TFC main page posted by Bioxx on June 19th:

    My biggest problem as an avid gamer is the concept that every game is virtually the same the second time around. Skyrim was a ton of fun on my first character, but subsequent play-throughs were less and less fulfilling. Sure small things might have changed here and there, but it was all pretty much exactly the same every time. True randomness while maintaining coherency is not an easy thing to pull off for most games so I don’t blame developers for that. However I feel that its something that we all find appealing about minecraft and I plan to continue expanding upon that

    I am absolutely by no means the voice of Bioxx, but the reduction of chest size (when paired with this statement) makes me think collecting every stone, tree, fruit, etc is just not what Bioxx intends for us to do. You are certainly free to do it, but this mod is "Survival mod as it should've been." This mod is about survival. You do not need everything in existence to survive, and I believe the lowered chest size was meant to emphasize that fact. The longer people hold on to that misconception, the harder it will be to let it go and simply enjoy the mod.

    Here's an example: I started in a mostly empty area with no visible ores or caves, a few willow trees, a cherry tree, 3 sheep, 1 chicken, and 2 cows. Seems like a map most everyone around here would just delete immediately. Instead I challenged myself to make what I could of it. I killed all the animals, started a willow forest, went fishing, grew wheat, built a home, started a little stone quarry, and I'm prepping supports to begin underground excavation. I'm playing hardcore, so one screwup is all it takes to make it all disappear. I have 4 double chests, and that is all I have ever needed. If I am building something, I immediately go from tree to plank to placement. There is no need to store wood away before use. It results in half-done buildings of course, but I make one at a time and they get done soon enough. Then I move onto whatever my next project might be. When I get some metals then I'll need some more storage, sure, but last I knew it was not intended to take an entire "very large" vein of anything all in one go. It was supposed to be something you came back and collected as you needed.

    I've gotten to Red and Blue steel before with Pre39, so I do know the advantages of having powerful metal tools. Once I eased off the hoarding mindset, however, I found the game more enjoyable. Each map I play is a new experience and new challenge. I could certainly scour the lands for every building material to make grand creations, but then it's just the same game every single time. Plus, playing like that I don't even get to enjoy the game until I actually manage to acquire those supplies. Yes, I could say I earned that creation over there with hard work, but really it would be no different than something I could create in creative mode.

    There are probably some people who think that the way I've started to play is stupid or wrong, and to them I have this response:

    I'm having fun with this game, and you apparently are not. I could care less if it was correct.


  7. Or, you could - y'know, just install the mod.

    ...seriously? This mod takes me all of 2 minutes to install. Probably less.If you're so thick that you can't get 7zip and just drag-and-drop a few things, then this mod is obviously too complicated for said person in the first place

    Or you could just do what I do and ctrl+A to select every file in the folder for simultaneous dragging...

    Well then your solution is simple - get an actual computer instead of a piece of retarded fruit.

    Everyone knows games aren't meant for those odious things.

    Eternal, I'm a little disappointed in you. While I agree some people need to bite the bullet and just try to install it, you have made 4 posts in 1 thread and have only contributed how ctrl+A can select every file in a folder. Everything else has been either talking down to others, or mocking people's choice of computer. What I said at the end of my earlier posts may not have been nice, but at least I tried to offer a possible incentive to attempt installing with MultiMC. Even you, at some point, must have had some reservations about altering files on your computer for the first time.

    Usually when you occasionally make quasi on-topic comments, the results are amusing. Right now, you are just demeaning others as well as yourself.


  8. Well thats the thing Eternal. I have many users of my bukkit server whom I've told about the mod, and hands down, the biggest reason I've seen personally for people not trying it out, its the somewhat advanced nature of the install process. Making it easier for people to install is just an obvious step in the right direction... Telling people to suck it up and do it the old fashioned way is the opposite of progress

    I suggest MultiMC to the people who think it is a little difficult to install mods. I used to manually mess with the jar file every time I wanted to play with a new mod, but once someone pointed out MultiMC it became much easier to deal with overall. You can create extra 'instances' of minecraft without altering the actual minecraft itself, and adding mods is as simple as dragging the zip files over. You don't even have to unzip them. The only real difficulty (if you can even call it that) is you have to have certain mods placed in the same order you would have to install them. If that's still a problem for them, then well bukkit users are a bit spoiled then as far as the modding community goes I guess.

  9. When the fruit is ready, you'll see it on the trees. It looks like fruit - although cherries sorta look like red dots anyway. Breaking the leaves when the fruit is showing should drop some fruit (1-3 I think? ). I had heard that you could use an axe to get saplings, but I tried it and didn't get any. So far, I've tried hand, axe, scythe, and all have dropped fruit (but no saplings). Harvesting fruit is easy :)


    You use an axe on the braches sticking out, not the leaves, for a 50% chance of getting a sapling.

  10. I just love this idea. I would like to add that farm animal should need to be fed.

    Since Terrafirmacraft is about realism what about adding a hunger bar to any domesticated animal? The idea is that to make an animal farm you should have to feed them or they would despawn. That would make a lot more sense. Their hunger bar should last a few days so is not like they would die just because you skip a day.

    I kind of like the idea, but if you are talking minecraft days, I can see animal farms dying off real fast on the 24/7 servers. Even if you give it a leeway of a couple of minecraft days, not playing on the server for a few hours could kill off the entire livestock.

  11. I had the same issue when I first tried uploading mine. I gave up as I wasn't in the mood to deal with it at the time. When I came back later and tried again it just worked. Didn't even do anything different. Best I could suggest is come back another time and try again.


  12. i wasnt saying you have to research it to smelt the ore, its just for players who either A aren't majoring in metallurgey or B dont wat to go to the wiki all the time

    even with the medicinal plants you could use them without research but you probably wouldnmt know what the hell they were used for before you research

    so in sum. the research system wouldnt be neccesary for you to move on, but more be a bonus so you actually know what your doing with the stuff

    unless you've played this mod for a while and know what everything does

    I was replying to Incompatibility, 2 posts above my original, not you =P

    I was agreeing with your idea and disagreeing with what Incompatibility suggested.


  13. I hate to be the critic but all that information can be found on the wiki.

    Instead you should do something like researching ores in order to smelt them, and anvils in order to work your newly found ore.

    I would much rather the information be in the game as well. There's no harm in having the information available in more than one location, not to mention a location that is accurate to whatever version you are using.

    I would HATE to have to research ore before smelting them. That is just forcing a player to make a 1 time sacrifice of material for each time they want to use a new metal. That is not rewarding at all. If we went with srgnoodles's idea, new players would have an in-game method of obtaining information on things they specifically want to know about. Investing more materials would reward more information.


  14. ...

    My only real gripe at the moment is the lack of any form of effective weapon early in the game .. as far as I can tell axes are the best defence.. other than a lucky drop iron sword from a zombie.

    It's not that the game is particularly hard early on, just very tedious.. it's not very inspiring having to face spending several minecraft days just chopping down trees to get enough wood to fill a charcoal pit.

    Have you tried the javelin? Also, if charcoal is such a problem to prepare, I suggest making a Willow Tree farm. Fast-growing and has more wood than the other plantable trees.

  15. I'll fix it But a forge is made out of cobble a Bloomery is made out of bricks. :D thanks for the comments

    Edit fixed the rock pages saying stone Scythe in their info and add a Forge link to all the rocks also the forge can be made out of bricks and cobble sorry for above saying it is only made of cobble :D

    Now to do some In game studying to see why certain ores say they are in certain ores

    You can make a forge or bloomery out of any kind of stone. There are only 2 restrictions on what shape of rock for these.

    1) The bloomery requires brick stone in its recipe.

    2) You can make a bloomery out of cobble, but the spot directly above where the bloomery item goes has to be some other kind of stone. Otherwise the cobble just falls down into the spot you want to put the bloomery in.

    I will edit this post with pictures to prove it as soon as I figure out how.

    Edit (I hope I'm doing this right, because I've never done this before):

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Posted Image


  16. I haven't heard any recent news about it, but last I knew Bioxx was talking or was going to talk to someone who knew more about terrain generation coding. It stopped getting mentioned after that, but it has been there.


  17. Actually I was ready to take a flying double-kick leap onto this thread's curbside head while wearing a pair of crampons, but Bsb kindly slit its throat while I was tying them up, so I don't even really need to anymore. He's said what needed to be said - this is more trouble than it's worth, and leather armor is getting a rework anyway so it's best to not even bother.


    I also love how I'm now well-known enough around here that people not only know me but expect me

    I hadn't heard anything official about the different leather working, only that some people posted ideas. If that's true then yeah paper/reeds/wood/etc armor is kind of unneeded.

    Also, EternalUndeath you post in everything. It would be weirder for you to not pop up somewhere eventually. Not that that's a bad thing.


  18. I'm waiting for the thread to evolve to the point where I can get eternal to come kill it with me.

    That's fairly hostile.

    I think fred da kiko made a fairly reasonable argument for the need of lower tier armors. People want armor. If there is a lot of people in a server, it puts a large strain on metal supply.

    Edit: Just a few seconds late it seems =P


  19. Paper is usable and effective-ish, but to get to that point it needs layers. I'm talking like a stack of 64 paper for each 1 piece of leather in normal armor recipes. Probably would have to be several pieces of paper crafted together, crafting several ofthe resulting item together, repeating process a couple times, then you get 1 unit that can be used in armor recipes. Probably would have to throw in a lot of adhesive or string sewn in as well.

    Actually that would be a good reason to have reed farms besides plans and the occasional cake.


  20. Hey... guess what Iiiiiiii got on my vacation?

    Here's a hint: it came from a wicca shop, comes in thick irregular chunks, and is very relevant to this thread

    Just admit it. You went on the vacation entirely to go get some Dragonsblood.

  21. fix'd

    ... Alright. I can accept defeat to that.

    it would be nice to see a more sensible mob spawning mechanic. mobs appearing out of nowhere when it gets dark doesn't make sense. it's a pain when you're trying to get started and it's just bothersome when you've got things going. mob nests would make more sense. they could work like dungeons, only above ground with specific rewards. maybe nests could be created, so you would have to go out and raid nests so that your village isn't overrun. i also like the idea of specific weapons working better on mobs, it would give a reason for specialized kits or groups of people having different weapons.

    Mob nests have been suggested already, and it had a fairly positive response from one of the TFC staff... Dunk I think? They are planning something with mobs and mob spawning, but it sounded like agriculture was going to be fleshed out first before they make any official work on it. I like JDCollie's idea because it involves things that effect interaction between the mobs and player. It was an angle that was fairly neglected from the previous discussions. I like the nests idea as well, but the damage overhaul might be a better way to start off.