Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by KsterNator

  1. I hope this is still alive. I would hate to see another thaumcraft addon to go to waste
  2. Last comment wins

    *creates a core driller and extracts some of the molten iron and nickle. And uh, weakening the gravity a bit.*
  3. Ask the person below you

    Yes. Moving is too mainstream. What is you weapon of choice? Shotgun or assault rifle?
  4. Ask the person below you

    I dont know any other star so one that has habitable planets :3 If you were able to create wormholes at will how would you use them? It would take a who week to make one thats barely fits a human being.
  5. Last comment wins

    *decides to bury the hatchet make a civilization of my own and try to settle our differences*
  6. Last comment wins

    *Just straight up murders you and writes "weenie" on your dead forhead and hangs you on the wall*
  7. Ask the person below you

    Hmm, most likely Titan the moon of Saturn, bcuz of its liquid methane that can be turned into fuel and energy. After we get to mars what should our next planet/moon be to travel to?
  8. Ask the person below you

    Because the moon would be like the north & south poles and have extremely long nights and days and no atmosphere at all What is the meaning of "life"?
  9. Last comment wins

    *captures a black hole in my quantum thingymagigger 9001 and feeds it every star in the universe thus making every solar panel obsolete and opening that black hole next to your planet while im sitting in my 78th beach in the sirius galaxy* and if that fails *brings chuck norris in and roundhouse kicks you yesterday and today 3 seconds before it happens*
  10. Last comment wins

    *makes sure that the reactor goes into to deadly nuclear meltdown shoves your planet into a black hole and makes sure that NO ONE escapes winning this thing and feels assure that you can win because i killed u personally *
  11. Ask the person below you

    69,420 times. What should we humans populate next? Mars or venus
  12. Extinguishing Campfires/Forges w/ Water Buckets

    Just break the block underneath the fire pit or any around the forge ezpz
  13. One thing i never got...

    I have been playing tfc for a while now and i didn't get 1 thing... how come we use bronze for bloomeries if copper has a higher melting temperature than bronze?
  14. Changes how alcohol is made.

    Since alcohol is not used for much other than food preservation i don't think indepth methods of alcohol making is neccesary
  15. Ask the person below you

    Occasionally About how mlg are you?
  16. Last comment wins

    *Makes your reactor go into nuclear meltdown and the radiation makes the population into mutants*
  17. Last comment wins

    *shoots a super freezing ray making human Popsicle out of the population, then puts a fedora on my head and then blaze a blunt and fire the mlg lazr at ur poplation*
  18. Wild Crops = Weeds

    Actually i would prefer farming to be pushed to the metal age. When you explore out for metals and such you can find wild crops eventually and that would be enough for you for a while. Also why add 1 tool that doesnt have a feature every other type has? (Four if you want to go into detail)
  19. One thing i never got...

    I totally agree of needing bronze for advancing in progression. I just went off the wiki's chart ;/ pardon my mistakes
  20. Wild Crops = Weeds

    maybe wild food gives less food than tilled soil grown crops and possibly less chance for seeds, like 50% or 65%
  21. Ridiculous Suggestions

    Make tfc like modern warfare and frag all those nubs and skrubs of players n zambies
  22. Ridiculous Suggestions

    Rocket launchers so we can explode those pesky skeletons.
  23. Dump ability on crucibles

    Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum? (Yes/No): Yes Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted. When alloying in a crucible i tend to not be paying attention when making bronze and the sort and i add a bronze ingot to my copper and tin mixture. Resulting in a ton of unknown ingots. So i propose a button in the crucible gui that dumps the contents in the crucible into nothingness. To prevent accidents (aka deleting some hightiersteelaccidentally.) a warning message that says, "Are you sure you want to dump this material" then there would be a yes/no button(s). This would be a helpful little thing to be added.
  24. Green Steel.

    What would be the use of this new steel? How would it be different from the other steels?