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Posts posted by gandalfphysicist

  1. On 8/27/2016 at 1:35 PM, gandalfphysicist said:

    I like this concept a lot actually. I see this as a kind of elemental attunement with the natural world. I feel like this system would be best added as a subtlety at first, but eventually may evolve into something that progresses with the player. The type of magic I feel would fit best within the universe that will be created by TFC2 is a bit unorthodox as magic systems go, but I think it may work. By the way, this idea is something that would more reasonably be added after the mod is somewhere near completion and assumes magic to be something players will work at as a main focus throughout the game. Here is my idea:

    WARNING: This comment may get a bit complicated...well...I say a bit...:P

    Basic idea: (Apparatus, Transmutation) Source, Vessel, (Transmutation), Focus.


    Let's use fire magic as an example. Imagine you want to cast a flame spell. Instead of using a mana and pyromancy system (Using mana and channeling it into arcane fire), I would like to refer to the post quoted above. The energy would be drawn from like Sources.  (Source)

    - I want to cast a flame spell, so I must first absorb the flame from something that already contains some sort of flame (In the case of TFC1, campfire, kiln pit, forge, etc.)

    The flame will then be transferred from the source to the Vessel (the Vessel being the mage). This "vessel" would hold the raw magical form of the flame found in the source. (Imagine mana, but element-specific. I absorb fire, I can only cast fire)  (Vessel)

     - I hold the flame in my hand and see its power indicated by a new bar appearing on-screen

    From here the flame can be cast as is, or proceed to the next step. (Focus) 

     - I use my flame to cast a short burst of fire at my target (Imagine Igni from the Witcher series), The target is lit on fire.

    But, what if I require something a bit more powerful? From the vessel stage, my flame can be manipulated, the more drastic the change from the original source, the more energy it uses (as we are getting into alchemical transumtation territory at this point) Converting a flame into a firebolt would take more flame to provide the energy to manipulate the starting flame. (Transmutation)

    - I need to absorb more essence. I light a campfire and let it get really hot. I hold a hotkey over the fire and let my flame indicator fill as the campfire is drained of energy. After I've contained enough, I press another hotkey and a quick-select GUI opens. I can now select the form my flame will take. I tab over to the firebolt icon and my flame condenses into a castable firebolt.

    Now, picture this. I am under siege by three other players and magic is my only defense. (I went full mage. Never Always go full mage...) What do you do if you really don't feel like making a crap load of campfires and sluggishly casting your small flame burst at your adversaries as you are promptly overrun and destroyed? Here comes the apparatus stage!

    - I know this attack is coming for the sake of this post because of my spies strategically placed in the enemy base. I create an elemental crystal that i can cast flame spells into to fill its internal buffer. I see my enemies on the horizon and i right click with the crystal in my hand to fill my player buffer. I select firebolt and begin to rain fiery death on my foe.

    Now, the only thing I haven't mentioned thus far: transmutation from the apparatus stage. An elemental crystal is a type of apparatus that can be used to store magical energy absorbed by the mage, but others exist as well. Such as an apparatus used to convert flame into, say, frost.

    - My ally is by my side in my time of need. She uses an elemental crystal filled with flame and plugs it into a really interesting looking, 3D modeled, late-game device I've created and uses raw magical energy or specific raw materials to transmute her flame into frost. I see my enemies on the horizon and my ally sprints behind them and slows them with a frost spell. This makes targeting easier as I rain fiery death on my foe.

    This system can be applied to various types of magic, mixing multiple essences (Earth and Fire to create an explosive fireball), expediting growth of crops, cooling stored food, turning your enemies into ice sculptures, etc. I thought a system like this would compliment TerraFirmaCraft's In-world focus and TerraFirmaCraft2's Adventure focus. I just thought I should provide a bit of input because I love magic systems :P. I can see a few problems with my system though. In my personal opinion, a little semi-automation would be nice, such as a machine that assists in the absorption and storing of essence. I wouldn't want a feature set like this to feel grindy, so multiple ways of absorbing, channeling, and combining elements would make the system feel more complete. As for the art style of the various apparatus I was picturing something like the image below. If anyone is genuinely interested in this idea and would like a more balanced and non-grindy form of it, I would gladly write another post lol. I'm excited to see where the TFC2 magic system goes and I hope I've provided some substantial ideas for the developers.

    As a side note: If this becomes a thing, I have some experience with modeling and texturing and I would be willing to assist in that respect.

    Image result for alchemical distillery


    Thank you for your time reading this comment :) 


    Hello, I recently posted this idea in the wrong thread (sorry). It was pointed out to me that there is a massive outstanding problem in the system. The system I proposed doesn't really complement or go into detail about the other elemental forces the player should be able to harness, like water or lightning. So, I've decided to move the thread and tweak the idea a bit. 

    I feel that, to include the other elements, this system would have to be a primarily absorption and channeling system. This would put a heck of a lot more emphasis on material and technological progression rather than player specific progression (Which has a very TFC feel to it anyway, so it works out :P).

    I'm working on a more final idea and I'll post it when it's completed :) 


  2. On 8/28/2016 at 9:02 AM, Darmo said:

    Good post, but my question is, how does this work with anything other than fire?  Fire is easy - big exothermic reaction.  Lots of energy.  It's the obvious go-to.  But what else?  Lightning is very exothermic, but the player cannot control it (or at least, *shouldn't* be able to, until later game anyway).   Water?  Not exothermic, and personally I'm hoping colored buckets won't even be a thing in TFC2.  So if the player must destroy a source water, well, water sources are a finite resource, unlike fire.  So they player would be forced farther and farther from base as they dry up their area.  I'm curious how you envision other elements playing into this.  Because otherwise it seems like it's basically going to involve converting fire into everything else you want to do.  And at that point it seem like you've lost the charm of making it a 'conversion' system, because there's only one conversion happening.

    Edit: Also, this probably would have been better posted in the magic thread.

    Sorry, I'm still getting the hang of forum navigation. I'm going move the post over to the magic thread and see if I can find a solution to the problems that you've brought to my attention. :) 


  3. On 8/19/2015 at 8:36 AM, WillOfStone said:

    The law of Conservation of Energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but rather changes from one form to another.  Chemical energy, like food, is converted into kinetic energy, motion.  Perhaps in the TFC2 universe magical energy or mana, is simply another form of converted energy.  The elemental effects of heat and cold could be produced by  adding or removing energy from the atoms in a mass(item/person).  In order to add energy you would first need to remove it from another source and possibly store it.  Say, drawing the energy from a campfire, then channeling that into another form. 


    Just some stray thoughts.  I've obviously read too much Science Fiction/Fantasy. :D

    I like this concept a lot actually. I see this as a kind of elemental attunement with the natural world. I feel like this system would be best added as a subtlety at first, but eventually may evolve into something that progresses with the player. The type of magic I feel would fit best within the universe that will be created by TFC2 is a bit unorthodox as magic systems go, but I think it may work. By the way, this idea is something that would more reasonably be added after the mod is somewhere near completion and assumes magic to be something players will work at as a main focus throughout the game. Here is my idea:

    WARNING: This comment may get a bit complicated...well...I say a bit...:P

    Basic idea: (Apparatus, Transmutation) Source, Vessel, (Transmutation), Focus.


    Let's use fire magic as an example. Imagine you want to cast a flame spell. Instead of using a mana and pyromancy system (Using mana and channeling it into arcane fire), I would like to refer to the post quoted above. The energy would be drawn from like Sources.  (Source)

    - I want to cast a flame spell, so I must first absorb the flame from something that already contains some sort of flame (In the case of TFC1, campfire, kiln pit, forge, etc.)

    The flame will then be transferred from the source to the Vessel (the Vessel being the mage). This "vessel" would hold the raw magical form of the flame found in the source. (Imagine mana, but element-specific. I absorb fire, I can only cast fire)  (Vessel)

     - I hold the flame in my hand and see its power indicated by a new bar appearing on-screen

    From here the flame can be cast as is, or proceed to the next step. (Focus) 

     - I use my flame to cast a short burst of fire at my target (Imagine Igni from the Witcher series), The target is lit on fire.

    But, what if I require something a bit more powerful? From the vessel stage, my flame can be manipulated, the more drastic the change from the original source, the more energy it uses (as we are getting into alchemical transumtation territory at this point) Converting a flame into a firebolt would take more flame to provide the energy to manipulate the starting flame. (Transmutation)

    - I need to absorb more essence. I light a campfire and let it get really hot. I hold a hotkey over the fire and let my flame indicator fill as the campfire is drained of energy. After I've contained enough, I press another hotkey and a quick-select GUI opens. I can now select the form my flame will take. I tab over to the firebolt icon and my flame condenses into a castable firebolt.

    Now, picture this. I am under siege by three other players and magic is my only defense. (I went full mage. Never Always go full mage...) What do you do if you really don't feel like making a crap load of campfires and sluggishly casting your small flame burst at your adversaries as you are promptly overrun and destroyed? Here comes the apparatus stage!

    - I know this attack is coming for the sake of this post because of my spies strategically placed in the enemy base. I create an elemental crystal that i can cast flame spells into to fill its internal buffer. I see my enemies on the horizon and i right click with the crystal in my hand to fill my player buffer. I select firebolt and begin to rain fiery death on my foe.

    Now, the only thing I haven't mentioned thus far: transmutation from the apparatus stage. An elemental crystal is a type of apparatus that can be used to store magical energy absorbed by the mage, but others exist as well. Such as an apparatus used to convert flame into, say, frost.

    - My ally is by my side in my time of need. She uses an elemental crystal filled with flame and plugs it into a really interesting looking, 3D modeled, late-game device I've created and uses raw magical energy or specific raw materials to transmute her flame into frost. I see my enemies on the horizon and my ally sprints behind them and slows them with a frost spell. This makes targeting easier as I rain fiery death on my foe.

    This system can be applied to various types of magic, mixing multiple essences (Earth and Fire to create an explosive fireball), expediting growth of crops, cooling stored food, turning your enemies into ice sculptures, etc. I thought a system like this would compliment TerraFirmaCraft's In-world focus and TerraFirmaCraft2's Adventure focus. I just thought I should provide a bit of input because I love magic systems :P. I can see a few problems with my system though. In my personal opinion, a little semi-automation would be nice, such as a machine that assists in the absorption and storing of essence. I wouldn't want a feature set like this to feel grindy, so multiple ways of absorbing, channeling, and combining elements would make the system feel more complete. As for the art style of the various apparatus I was picturing something like the image below. If anyone is genuinely interested in this idea and would like a more balanced and non-grindy form of it, I would gladly write another post lol. I'm excited to see where the TFC2 magic system goes and I hope I've provided some substantial ideas for the developers.

    As a side note: If this becomes a thing, I have some experience with modeling and texturing and I would be willing to assist in that respect.

    Image result for alchemical distillery


    Thank you for your time reading this comment :) 



  4. After reading this thread, I've concluded that if players do, indeed, want to remove the crafting table from TFC2 entirely, instead of making it a core mod feature and forcing others to adapt their mods to it (which has been clearly stated above as a bad idea) it would be best if the inverse was done: Keep the crafting grid as a core game feature and create a mod that removes it and creates its own crafting system. It would require jumping through a few hoops trying to get all of the items to register the way you want them to, but it can be done. (By the way, this mod could read the recipes of other mods and run it through a custom method to have it generate a recipe in your own system, which is a possibility too.) I have an idea of how this could work, and if I can find the proper mod thread to post it in, I will do so there. :) 
