Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Unicorn

  1. My little world

    And then I lol'ed.
  2. My little world

  3. Coppicing

    Oh, fair enough....I tend to use that phrase more often than I intend to.
  4. I spend more time on these forums than I do playing the mod...just goes to show how much I enjoy people....I guess...

    1. LordOfWolves


      You're not the only one, because I'm noy playing so much. I'm waiting something that I don't know, maybe a new update, then I will start playing again.

    2. Unicorn


      It's not that I'm waiting...I'm just very lazy sometimes...and it usually happens 'round he weekends. :P

    3. LordOfWolves


      What JAG means is "Happy new year!"

  5. Coppicing

    Why is is that you and me seem to derail things more often than not?
  6. A wild idea: Corpses and burial.

    Fair enough, but I think we've reached a consensus on how we feel about the idea of corpses and burial tombs and such...and that's a "no"
  7. Coppicing

    Sorry, I'm just a very friendly person...I like to keep conversations alive ya know.
  8. Hair products...

    that was probably the most interesting thing I've read since ever...just sayin'
  9. Coppicing

    Not a bad idea friend C:
  10. "A new Age"

    I was speaking specifically about the what-like products...but I don't see why not. C:
  11. Coppicing

    Yeah, but it take one strong S.O.B. to do it...and if I remember correctly I saw a post about stat upgrades...and then everyone one was all like "NO!"
  12. A wild idea: Corpses and burial.

    It's okay, we still love youanally...
  13. Coppicing

    Fair enough, I think the big roots should be a saw-only item though.
  14. "A new Age"

    Tinder...we have those different types of wheat-like things... oats, barley, wheat...that would make perfect tinder
  15. A wild idea: Corpses and burial.

    Does that make me the second?
  16. Coppicing

    -The root that you can't see, it's below the ground level and it's easier to mine. You can find them at the end of the big roots. Like these, but obviously below a tree. Regardless, we still need a to figure out a way to acquire these roots...
  17. A wild idea: Corpses and burial.

    I always install mods by myself...I don't really trust third party programs... *mumbles about account theft*
  18. Coppicing

    The roots could be very hard to'd need some sort of tool...not an axe but not a shovel...
  19. "A new Age"

    I'm guessing you've seen plant(something-in-latin)'s thread on coppicing, check out my post about roots.
  20. My little world

    ABANDON THREAD!!! Lol, the thread became I tried to derail...and I failed miserably, Thanks for the support. I'll get a new world up and running. I logged in and my game just updated and reset everything.
  21. Coppicing

    Root blocks could be like clay...same texture as dirt but its not dirt...
  22. My little world

    everything was reset...