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Everything posted by Winkerson

  1. Combat Overhaul final (3/3)

    True, perhaps, but your stamina is vastly reduced as you carry a LOT of load in areas you don't normally carry them - your legs and arms. I recently saw a study that said that reenactors burned twice as many calories on a treadmill wearing full armor versus CARRYING it on their backs in packs. Obviously both are much worse than not having all that weight at all. Knights might be able to sprint at near the speed of an unarmored person (which, honestly, seems rather unlikely to me but w/e) but they sure as all couldn't do it for very long. Just like they couldn't jog, or even walk, as long as an unarmored soldier. That's why they went everywhere on horses; they're carrying a heavy load, and they're carrying it in all the wrong places. On top of that, I think the speed comment applies to people who are CONDITIONED to traveling in all that armor. There being no stat or skill progression, steve can't exactly become conditioned, which means he would perform about as well as any average joe who put on a suit of steel which, I think it's fair to say, is horribly. EDIT: I think I thought of a better way to express this issue. I'm assuming you or someone else you've talked to on the forums is a reenactor, and you're going based on real world experience, and you've seen people in armor move about as fast as people without. You're talking someone who is conditioned to do that, however. So how fast did the person in plate armor sprint compared to a competitive sprinter? How fast was his 'cruise' speed when jogging long distances compared to a cross country or marathon runner? I think you're comparing someone who is conditioned to do what they do to the average person (who's conditioned to sit on the couch watching opra and shoveling twinkies ), as opposed to others similarly accustomed, which would be the equal scale. Still, though, a stamina system would probably be a pain to implement. This is probably why so many games use that mechanic of just slowing people down as they put on more armor - it makes sense, and it's relatively easy to do compared to coding something to represent how quickly the armored player gets tired, how much his mobility is hurt by all that weight at the extremities, how much his flexibility is hurt by having limiting artificial armor joints tacked over his own, etc. Much simpler to just say, "You take half the damage, so you go half as fast." Instant gameplay depth as players chose between mobility and survivability. If people were absolutely against that, and coding all the other drawbacks of full plate armor which would have made it absolutely useless in a world (such as tfc) that had no horses to get the knights where they needed to go was too much of a pain, it shouldn't be too hard to at least partially represent the limited agility of a person encased in steel. Simply reduce the secondary movements - a player can move forward and turn just as fast, or at a slightly reduced speed, but his sidestep and jump are greatly reduced, as well as his backwards speed.
  2. Combat Overhaul final (3/3)

    Yeah, I wasn't really expecting any, I seem to accidentally have posted on several old threads after looking at the suggestions index post stickied at the top of the page, sorry.
  3. HAY GUIZE.... oh, wait. Yeah, sorry, I just happened to see it in the suggestion index thingy at the top of the forums and didn't notice how old it was.
  4. Combat Overhaul final (3/3)

    I like your combat rebalance threads, or at least the idea of making vanilla combat not... sucky. But for armor wouldn't it be simpler just to make you move slower the more, and heavier, armor you have on? Certainly you shouldn't be able to sprint in full plate, at least.
  5. I cringe every time I'm at the beach and see some kid throwing the gulls bits of bread or w/e. They never have the decency to shit on the ones who fed them. I like the idea of repair, but even more so of durability affecting the weapon. I was going to post a thread about this, but then checked the suggestion directory and noticed this one was very similar. My bit on the durability is, have it affect the item's PERFORMANCE. A sword that is less than perfectly sharp shouldn't do full damage, just as a piece of armor that is damaged and dented shouldn't give full protection. Not only would this give a reason to repair things (I particularly like the idea of sharpening stones (carrying some challenge to them just like the anvil's to use properly) repairing things from seventy five durability to a hundred, then a reforging (breaking the head from the handle, heating it to bright red or white hot, then going through the anvil process again) repairing things from thirty or fifty percent up, and those below that being useless except for melting down to recycle the materials, or risking them breaking and disappearing in traditional mc fashion perhaps), but it would increase the benefit of using a skilled weaponsmith instead of just hacking it out on your own. Combine this with an inability to ever repair a weapon above its original durability without reforging (so no sharpening a shitty sword into a work of art) and more difficult smithing (perhaps more randomization on the steps and quicker cooling of metals to put people into a rush or require them to reheat several times in the process) would really help to create a market for well smithed weaponry and armor. As to exactly how it works, I'd like to see the weapons' damage go down with their durability - very quickly between one hundred percent and seventy five (representing the sharpness of the weapon, as well as setting a large divide between good and shoddy weapons w/ the max durability cap) and then more gradually past that to thirty or fifty percent (as by this point it's more of a heavy blunt object than anything). Similarly armor would protect less and less as it decreased in durability, and past seventy five percent it would give the attacker higher and higher critical hit percentages, representing blows passing right through heavily damaged plating. Would not just add some more flavor to the combat, but create a binding factor amongst the community on a server (especially if you made the smithing and repair REALLY difficult to get just right) as pvpers and raiders would still need to maintain good enough relations to get someone with the right skillset to manage their gear for them from time to time, or suffer a large disadvantage in combat.
  6. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Lol, 44 pages of arguing and then he's like, "uh, hey guys, this debate is kinda... irrelevant." Glad I didn't read it all (just dunk and cev and a couple of others' comments who mostly responded to everyone else anyway). Still, though, would be nice to see some sort of ability to have aboveground functioning towns, which is more or less an impossibility in vanilla mc. If you just got rid of those damned nametags (hate those suckers, never understood why there wasn't a common mod for getting rid of them in pvp servers; I mean, I know it has to do w/ how it's handled, the only way the client displays a player is if the server sends a a package identifying that player which contains the name, but its hardly rocket science to figure out how to get around this and I've seen a couple of small mods that did it then just kinda faded away) then you could AT LEAST have viable underground settlements, which is currently made useless by nametag hunters on any good sized pvp server, but it'd be lovely to see some of those fantastic structures and towns constructed somewhere other than a creative server and, you know, fought over. Personally I always thought that a mod that added real difficulty to mining and construction would fix a lot of it - mining a cubic meter of stone or dirt takes at least minutes, you can't load your inventory up with it but have to (slowly) carry one at a time from place to place (they don't turn into items in other words) or load them in minecarts (would actually give minecarts a function, in construction projects), and ofc it would then take forever to get through a good wall. Perhaps even make it harder to mine blocks back out again after placement with the addition of some substance such as mortar which doubles their difficulty or somesuch. You could even Throw in lighter materials for unfortified buildings like real wooden planks that could be laid from support post to support post creating an enclosure out of two dimensional thin walls that were as easy to break thru as current mc materials but could be stacked to some degree in inventory. Ofc such a taste of realism (well, realism lite, because carrying a single cubic meter of stone over your head is still pretty fantastic) would be sacrilege to most MC players. What might actually work is something like the system originally suggested with the home stones or w/e, and the addition of -limited- siege equipment. So you can protect just like you can in factions and other plugins (though a larger area would be nice to encourage big farms and plantations) but they can get through without the whole water cannon thing (which would necessarily be removed). Basically you would create a catapault, ballista, or battering ram using assorted materials (wood, metal, and most importantly glues). These engines would have two very important characteristics - they would degrade QUICKLY when moving over unpaved terrain (dirt, natural stone, etcetera), breaking down in as little as a hundred blocks (something which could be adjusted for balance), and they would have a cooldown time between construction and first use. This would be explained by the drying time of the glue (this idea wholly nicked from a little mmo I used to play and love called haven and hearth, but it worked damn well there) or whatever else you wish. Drying time could be anything really, but twelve hours would work best. Once the thing dries you can fire on the wall, and the missile's hit would have the effect of a chisel, chopping off one or more layers of block (depends on the material of the missile and of the block being hit ofc) at a time whilst making a terrible racket that travels long distances and with considerable inaccuracy so that it takes a while to batter through any two block segment that you can fit your raiders in. Basic thrust of this idea is obvious ofc. If you want to raid a town (that didn't screw up and leave a route for you to parkour over their walls, such as nearby trees or something) you've gotta place your siege engine more or less WITHIN SIGHT, or at least within easy patrolling distance of them, which is realistic enough considering that until the construction of metal cannonry which made it impossible to assemble onsite this was how siege equipment was used, to keep it from slowing the army and arriving useless from the wear and tear of the march. Then you've got to wait half a day, giving them plenty of time, if they're active and alert, to find your ram or catapault and destroy it - or better yet break it down for materials and set it up nice and pretty on their wall as a sort of roundabout 'fu' to the raiders when they log on the next day. If they somehow miss it and they're online when the raid commences they're sure as hell gonna hear it, and be able to at least attempt a sortie. On top of all of that a wall chewed and chipped to bits by a catapault is going to look pretty friggin' awesome, which is a fringe benefit, but the whole town isn't gonna be wrecked and griefed because they're only going to be able to move the sucker around and do so much damage before it breaks down and requires glue and drying time to fix up again. I think it'd work pretty well. The siege engines would probably be a pain to program, but then what good mechanic isn't? It'd allow raiding, though, whilst still allowing even relatively small teams to protect their home if they bother to ass themselves just enough to look around the walls for bits of siege machinery hanging out and trying to look innocent every so often, and it'd make griefing (tearing down people's bases or burying them in cobble or w/e just to be an ass, without benefit to oneself) too much trouble to be worth it to the sorts that do it. The siege engines would also make MUCH better defensive weapons than offensive if you allowed them also to be loaded with stacks or rocks, which ofc would do no damage to blocks but would act like a flight of super high-damage arrows against players and siege equipment outside the walls, and ofc they wouldn't break down if they were just sitting on your walls and not being moved.
  7. Official modding API

    I never watched the whole thing because the questions section was just... painful with half of the people asking questions specifically covered in the panel before it or either that had nothing to do w/ the api discussion, but they did in fact mention that SOME of it would be in 1.5. Just sounded like it would mostly be the new texture system (named textures instead of numbered or mass texture files, animated textures, w/e) and maybe some other small client side things. As to the whole API, who knows? How long have they been promising this thing for anyway? Probably sometime around 2020 heh.
  8. Animals!

    Lord Goldeneyes. Though to be fair he's just a lord of humans and some of the wolves will sorta listen to him. The whole following him into the Last Battle thing is just b'cause they hate trollocs.
  9. Animals!

    This sounds like a pretty awesome feature to add to the game, quite reminds me of a little indy mmo I used to nolife on called Haven and Hearth. Honestly the whole of TFC reminds me of that heh, which is a seriously good thing imo. But if you attacked herd animals (aurochs and sheep, can't remember if pigs did it or not... or even if they were herd animals, I pretty much quit when the devs went off to make a commercial game that was almost exactly the same thing except in full 3d and with a different setting and started neglecting HnH, and this wasn't too long after pigs were added) the whole herd would aggro on you. If you were in the open, you were completely screwed unless you were a super high level wall punching fool. Ofc, for hunting people would just place signs (used for constructing buildings and boats) around themselves and grind away, but it was a pretty cool mechanic anyway. Would be neat to see in TFC to make getting food not quite so easy, perhaps even make agriculture worth it. Also like the idea of having to breed the animals to get the domestic versions. Also I remember a good while back someone made a MC mod, or was working on one, where you would have massive hordes of zombies instead of just a few. I recall that he mentioned that having all of the zombies more or less follow one instead of each doing its own pathfinding was a massive save on resources, allowing him to have these hordes of dozens or hundreds without his computer derping out. So that could be a fringe benefit of herds.