Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Emris

  1. I was able to reproduce this by using NEI to get the MetalSheet block directly. This block should only be created using the MetalSheet item, but Cauldron may be trying to use this block directly for some reason, which will produce the NullPointerException. But all that should be fixed now
  2. TFC 1.8 ?

    No it will not, forge adapts to vanilla code, and vanilla code has changed so much(again) that it's looking more like a rewrite then an update, at this point.
  3. Help with Modding

    You can take a look at my simple TFC addon to get an idea of how the project structure should be set up. -->
  4. New version is out ! note: Because of all the new changes, there is a possibility that this version will not like the old items very much. I would suggest using (Shift + Right mouse button) before anything else
  5. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

    I added a few checks so the next hot fix release will not crash. The reason why something is trying to get info on a non existing block is still a mystery ... i blame cauldron.
  6. Chunk Gen Crash

    Memory: 38016 bytes (0 MB) / 1060372480 bytes (1011 MB) up to 1060372480 bytes (1011 MB) I would suggest you try using -Xmx2G instead of -Xmx1G
  7. Server crash on chiseling a dirt-supporting stone

    Data in your crash report is a bit strange. It crashed on, yet that class has only 230 lines. And you are using Forge version I would suggest you update to Forge version and re-download TFC, then try to recreate the crash.
  8. I think it's a Forge<->Optifine thing, has nothing to do with TFC.
  9. Help with Modding

    I use jdk1.7.0_71. I've been reading the forge forum and it looks like the latest Java 8 version works, haven't tried it myself though. --,25109.0.html --
  10. [B79.10] Sequoia Forest

  11. [79.8] Simple- Sequoia Forest Seed

  12. I'm not sure if there is a TFC deopf file that you can download, i always build one from the TFC master branch.
  13. Help with Modding

    If you give up so fast, then maybe moding is not for you. Anyway, how to run java apps in eclipse has nothing to do with minecraft moding, but you could setup a new separate forge dev env and have a look at the "Run Configurations..." there. Also -- -- is a good place to find the right info. I use these setting: CLIENTMain class: net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchProgram arguments: --version 1.6 --tweakClass cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker --accessToken modstest --userProperties {} --username=[your user name] --assetIndex 1.7.10 --assetsDir "C:Users[your os user name].gradlecachesminecraftassets"VM arguments: -Xmx1G -Xms1G -Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates=true -Dfml.coreMods.load=com.bioxx.tfc.TFCASMLoadingPluginSERVERMain class: cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.ServerLaunchWrapperProgram arguments:VM arguments: -Xmx1G -Xms1G -Dfml.coreMods.load=com.bioxx.tfc.TFCASMLoadingPlugin
  14. Help with Modding

    The warnings are ok, i see them too, i've been planing to get rid of them for a while now, can't seem to find the time tho
  15. Help with Modding

    That tutorial covers the standard forge setup, TFC is not using that setup, at all. And even if you manage to setup a dev environment with that setup, you will get errors because the TFC core mod stuff was not integrated correctly. All you need to do is use a few commands in the TFC directory. - gradlew SetupDecompWorkspace - gradlew eclipse Then import a new project into your eclipse workspace using the TFC directory as source.
  16. Trees, Trees and more Trees

    Yes, the way the schematics are being used, it is not important what type of logs or leaves are used, it just needs to be wood or leaves material.
  17. Trees, Trees and more Trees

    Server IP: Server Info: If you have a really cool idea for a tree, and you would like to design and present it, this would be the place to do just that Really cool tree designs have a chance to be added to the next TFC release. This Server uses MC 1.6.4 and Forge because WorldEdit is still not updated to MC 1.7.10. Needed Mods: Forge 1.6.4- I also recommend: Smart Moving 14.6.1 (also needs PlayerAPI_Core 1.2) That's it, have FUN
  18. Trees, Trees and more Trees

    It's just a second bigger plot for the 5th growth stage tree, but you can use both if you like
  19. Another server crash problem

    You are using the wrong Forge version --> forge-1.7.10- To copy&paste the info on the download page TFC Beta For MC v1.7.10 (Built using Minecraft Forge v10.13.1.1217) EDIT: And i think only Optifine Lite works good with TFC.
  20. Chopping tree game crash

    TFC needs more memory then 512MB Because you are on a 32bit system, try using "-Xmx1024M" or "-Xmx1536M"
  21. [Can't Fix] Boats break into vanilla sticks

    I found a way to fix this problem ... so it's fixed now
  22. The project is already updated to 1.7.10 and running smoothly, all i need to do now is add the new BC stuff and do some rebalancing so everything fits into B79. But because of sooo many new things on both sides, it may take some time before i'm done. I would also like to add a few new things like the rubber tree, and maybe change a few machines to multipart structures and some other things too All i can say is, i'll do my best to finish it as fast as possible
  23. Crash on Launch

    [09:36:18] [main/ERROR] [FML]: An error occurred trying to configure the minecraft home at C:UsersCharlie'sAppDataRoaming.terrafirmacraft for Forge Mod Loader What launcher are you using? Can you give us a step-by-step of how you are setting up things?
  24. For B79+ You can also use the "assets/terrafirmacraft/sounds.json" file to add any kind of .ogg music file you would like to hear in TFC. Just copy your .ogg music files to the "assets/terrafirmacraft/sounds/music" directory in the TFC .jar file and edit/add them to the sounds.json file. They will then get loaded on game start. example: "music.tfc": { "category": "music", "sounds": [ {"name": "music/m0", "stream": true}, {"name": "music/m1", "stream": true}, {"name": "music/m2", "stream": true}, {"name": "music/m3", "stream": true}, {"name": "music/m4", "stream": true}, {"name": "music/m5", "stream": true} ]}where "music/m5" is your music file. Do NOT add a "," to the last line ! Have fun
  25. I had a closer look and stepped through the water plants gen code, and you were right, there was a bug that skipped the 1 block deep water. But it's fixed now