Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by MCnoob

  1. Hey guys i have litle problem the first i want to mak a charcoal pit but i can´t make a log pile i have test it in creativ mode and have pressed evry button but i only set a wood the second problem is i can´t use a hammer on a ston in my biom is this normal? dose i need a speziale stone for smith work?
  2. Charcoal Pit and Metalsmiths work

    das heist ich kann erst in minen gehn bzw stein abbauen wenn ich einen ambos hab???
  3. Charcoal Pit and Metalsmiths work

    thanks now i have a copper ingot but now i can´t make a pickaxe head the wiki says it need dack red** to bright red** heat but it don´t work i can hit punsh and the other thinks but i dont become a order that it become a pickaxe head
  4. Charcoal Pit and Metalsmiths work

    sorry for doublepoast i finaly found a stone to smith but wen i began whit it the green point on the scala don´t move
  5. Charcoal Pit and Metalsmiths work

    yes i had seen the logo for a second and then i had a blackscreen
  6. Charcoal Pit and Metalsmiths work

    nicht fragen wieso nicht fragen wie ich das geschaft habe ABER es geht!!! ich hab mich mit zwei roaming daten gespielt, der alten und der neuen hab sie immer wieder gewechselt und jetzt gehts aufeinmal don´t ask me why don´t ask me how but i did it! it works!!! sorry but i dont know how i shold writ the second text in englisch
  7. Charcoal Pit and Metalsmiths work

    @ gorni kannst du mir das bitte übersetzen? wenn ich das spiel starte komme ich nicht über den mayong logo hinaus @thewolf jes it is lava because i startet a TFCmap whit out TFC so al the "special rock and dirt" was gone and it is funny when you start the map whit TFC in this state and take one block away its raining dirt^^
  8. Charcoal Pit and Metalsmiths work

    so hab sneak auf shift gelegt, hat nicht funktioniert dann hab ich es neu aufgesetzt und dann ist es garnichtmerh gegangen ich hatte nurnoch einen blackscreen auser ein zwei mal wenn ich mich gespielt habe und dann hat es nicht funktioniert also hab ich alles wieder zurück gesetzt was kommt raus wenn man eine TFCmap ohne TFC spielt? i placed sneak on shift it didn´t worked i instaled MC new but it only blackscreened only a few times the game works but not dhe stacking so i have bring back the backup
  9. Charcoal Pit and Metalsmiths work

    wenigstens einer versteht mich ^^ ok ich will eine charcoal pit machen kann aber die baumstämme nicht stacken egal mit welcher taste ich hab es mit jeder bis auf die f1 -12 probiert es kommt immer nur ein baumstumpf heraus die shift taste ist laut steuerungs menu nicht belegt
  10. Charcoal Pit and Metalsmiths work

    I am from Austria my native language is german my basic problem is that i mix the german and englisch grammar
  11. Charcoal Pit and Metalsmiths work

    i have checkt my keyconfiguration shift is not placed i have tested whit the sneak button but it didn´t work it didn´t work whit evry button
  12. Charcoal Pit and Metalsmiths work

    so AIP 1.1 is runing but i didn´t find a forg version only forge and it didn´t work
  13. Charcoal Pit and Metalsmiths work

    I updated it now but it won´t work the new mods: Minecraftforge-universal-1.4.5- MC 1.4.5-Player AIP universal 1.0 TFCraft-universal-core-B2-Build69 and [1.4.5]reiMinimap_v3.2_05
  14. Charcoal Pit and Metalsmiths work

    Minecraftforge-universal- MC 1.4.2-Player AIP universal 1.1 TFCraft-universal-core-B2-Build66 and [1.4.2]reiMinimap_v3.2_05 I have test it in the creative mode whit oak wood and in the survifelmode i have test it whit maple and willow but it didn´t woked
  15. Charcoal Pit and Metalsmiths work

    i did hold on to shift but it wont work
  16. Charcoal Pit and Metalsmiths work

    i have pressed shift but it didn´t workted i hav alle possibly button on the keybort whit out the f buttons pressd i have checkt the contols in the options but ther isn´t any funktione fixed
  17. Help to install

    YOU ARE MY MC HERO jakebalance i have serching for 5 days in the internet and now in 2 houers it´s don thanks! good by sleep hello TFC no jocke good night evry boddy
  18. Help to install

    how can i put it back to 1.4.2? API 1.1 render?
  19. Help to install

    i have make all that wood cutter writet and in the magic launcher says to minecraftforge-universal-1.4.5- 1 error and to the rest OK i have start MC for a sec. i see the mojang logo and then i have a black screen when i deacktivate TFC MC runs problemless so what can i do? i use MC 1.4.5, minecraftforge-universal-1.4.5-, and TFCraft-Universal-Core-B2-Build66 sorry for my bad englisch i can good read but whrite is a other storry and thanks