Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Antikas

  1. I am, and it's pure coincidence I used 'Terrafirmacrack' when I did season 1. I had no idea Pakratt was doing that at the time.


    To make the distinction clear, my series is called 'Terrafirmacrack Resurrection'. Not the same thing, at all. Since this is my second season doing a 'Terrafirmacrack Resurrection' LP... I feel entitled to continue to use the brand. :)


    I'll clarify up at the top of my first post.


  2. Episode 16: The Haunting

    'So much death. What can men do against such reckless hate?' --King Theoden


    Episode 17: The King of Zinc

    This is what happens when we stay up too late.


    Episode 18: World Tour Part 1

    We take a look at the Kapoc Forest Outpost, and mines.


    Episode 19: World Tour Part 2

    We showcase additions and improvements made to our main town, and mines.



  3. Episode 11: 5000 blocks from home

    Discouraged, wet and cold from the lower temperatures we continue Northward. I make something that doesn't resemble a house (at all), Gwth becomes a mute, and Sicken is lost at sea.


    Episode 12: Extreme lumber camp makeover

    Having our eyes assaulted by another ugly building, I go back in time using build 75 to rebuild the lumber camp. Interesting possibilities abound with this new 512-microblock chiselling feature! :D


    Episode 13: Parkour carepentry

    Today we show off some alternatives techniques to building with traditional dirt scaffolding, and discover some inconstent chisel behaviour.


    Episode 14: Micro-'rock' Chiselling win

    I break all my tools, and finish the house by making chisels out of the bones of the nearby hill ogres. I also check out micro-block chiseling.


    Episode 15: The Mineshaftinator

    We head back home, and prepare to build my best invention ever-- the human machine known as 'the Mineshaftinator'. I find out just how much damage a bow at close range really does.


  4. Episodes 7 and 9 are up, and we are growing from incompetent noobs into ... mildly foolish noobs. :)

    I would like to mention this is all still all in build 67-- because we recorded very long gaming sessions.

    Currently we are playing on build 72 and loving it! The chisel mode gui, and ability to shape the various woods into stairs/slabs is awesome. I love building in Terrafirmacraft. :)


  5. This is a really interesting topic for me, because I detest minecraft fishing.

    Trapping, or hand fishing immediately come to mind as a non-game breaking ways of getting food. Both return relatively low yields of food or require larger time investment to return higher yields of food.

    Hand fishing could be implemented a lot like gathering crops, but underwater-- where you would find a kelp bed or simply dig for clams/shelfish.

    Trapping would be more along the lines of how sluices work, where placement and geography would determine what kind of yield or sea creature you would get. There are tons of different styles of 'traps'... some are woven baskets, others like lobster cages so there is plenty of viable crafting recipes that could make use of string, sticks, and planks.

    Netting is a more active form of fishing as opposed to the 'set and forget' method I envision with trapping. Most nets require them to be trawled behind a boat or operated by hand (much like casting). Still, if the key to yield was based on location and choosing the right method to catch fish it could make for interesting game play.

    Overall however, accumulating food doesn't seem to be a big challenge. Currently there really are no steps required to preserve meat. We joke around in our LP about eating steak after it has started to rot but the reality is that it stays fresh forever!


  6. I'm not really a terrible builder. I published this sneak peak early (by mistake), so enjoy!

    Episode 8: Sneak peak!


    Also, in reverse order...

    Episode 6: As we near the 3AM mark on our first night playing Terrafirmacrack Aunt Jemima betrays us.


    Episode 7: A year has passed, and we are joined friends from the server. John, Gwth, Sicken and I decide to head out and find a sequoia forest.


    Episode 9: We continue north in hopes of finding a sequoia forest. I get stuck on a door, sicken gets his flower back, and well... plains.


    Episode 10: Confused, and somewhat lost we make camp and try to decide what direction to go next. Gwth gets stuck in a box, and I make fun of Sicken's pants.



  7. Thanks everyone!

    Hell yeah, our house sucks lol. It's embarassing. I will pass along hello's, and in terms of a spoiler... sadly, we are all destined to die horribly. :( The good news is you will get to see the mausoleum and I will come back as a ghost to haunt my teammates! ;)

    For episode 5, we pass the 2AM mark on our first night playing Terrafirmacrack I get friendly with a chicken, we blame John for everything (because he logged out) and we finally make an ingot!


  8. @dunkleosteus

    The death ban system is only per series. Once we are all dead, we reset. We've only done this to create some kind of end game scenario and make death very meaningful for everyone. :)


    Heck, no, that's great! I love your texture pack! :)


    I am going to check that out, it sounds terrifying! We are always looking to make our gaming harder lol.


  9. Posted Image

    Whats New!


    Terrafirmacrack Resurrection: S2 E23 - Ghostly tour

    Time for some pranks!




    Terrafirmacrack Resurrection (Season 2)


    Not to be confused with the official 'Terrafirmacrack' pvp tournament, the naming similarity is purely a coincidence. At the time, I had no idea that was a thing.


    Terrafirmacraft is very special to me-- it was the second series I featured on my Youtube channel, and I have many memories and a ton of laughs playing with friends during Season 1. Now we're back, with a revamped 'Resurrection' mechanic to make death and rebirth a more interesting experience.


    'Resurrection' is a set of mechanics we have implemented enhance our hardcore gameplay. When killed, you come back as a ghost-- a non-coporeal entity that has very limited means of interacting with the world around you. You have to undergo a quest, with friends or alone-- to bring yourself back from the dead!


    About Me


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    Hey Everyone,

    I started making multiplayer Minecraft video's for my kids because they didn't want to miss anything after they went to bed!. A year later, I find myself branching out into adventure maps, SSP, and other mods that cater to my short attention span!

    I love to interact with my subscribers so I'm hoping a little promotion here will provide some growth and keep my channel interesting. All my videos are in HD (720p), and I put a lot of effort into editing so the content is fun, and flows well. I publish 2-3 videos per week, and generally have several series running at once.


    Series Information


    Following are playlists for my featured series, although I may throw a few random things on the channel from time to time. I will make an effort to update this post as I release new content.




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    Contact Info


    You can find me here, on youtube, or on the forum.
