Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by UltimateCatTree

  1. [TFC 0.79.26]BetterStorage-TFC

    This doesn't have the backpacks does it? Copygirl's better storage mod has probably the only backpacks I feel are close to "vanilla" minecraft as they can get IMHO.
  2. So about wells. I've noticed in TFC, that sometimes deep, somewhat straight springs will spawn. Is there a way for wells to pull water out of these springs one block at a time until eventually the whole thing is drained? I've not used the mod yet so I thought I'd ask about that first, as I'm looking to use those springs somehow. (swimming down them is kinda fun w/ smartmoving)
  3. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    Btw, I meant to ask, how far are you from releasing this fix? I've gotten to the point where all the food I have left is seaweed, watermelon, and venison; and they're going quick cause I cant turn diminishing returns off.
  4. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    For anyone who's not aware, pumping more air adds more oxygen to the fire, allowing the fire to burn extremely hot. Much too hot to cook food with unless you are using instafire's inferno, a small fire can with a usb powered fan. Do note that this thing is small. Using full sized bellows on a camp fire would make it hot enough to melt a steel pot. So please dont use bellows on your food, that's how you burn food and ruin cookware. (The camp stove I mentioned. Saw it on youtube:
  5. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    Awesome dude! My first tree was a peach tree. Ironically I strongly dislike pitted fruits irl, with the exception of cherries and plums. Anyways, I'll keep an eye out for bugs. -Also, can I request that broth be drinkable? -And is there a way to quickly pull all the cooked food from a cooking pot? -and lastly, mushroom chowder? (mushrooms, potatoes, flour?)
  6. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    No problem man, take your time. Simply happy I'm able to help hunt the bugs.
  7. Apiculture in TFC2?

    Sorry to necro this, but I for one would love to keep bees. (cant irl due to sucky city life) Also, I believe beeswax was also used as a sealant to aid in preservation and watertightness. The medicinal properties of honey can be used for makeshift treatment of wounds. Mead of course. Symbiotic relationship of flowering plants and bees. Bees help plants reproduce and plants help bees gather more nectar for honey. The taste profile of honey (and consequently mead and preserved food) could be affected by surrounding plants (crops, trees, flowers) Plus it would be nice for hobbyists who like to use games to relax. Again, sorry for the necro, but I am hoping for this to either be a mod or core part of TFC2 Dude, you rock.
  8. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    If the option is set to true in the server config, then the server is kicking you due to differences in server/client info. Simple as that. On a related note however, even in SSP changing the option to false has no effect on disabling diminishing returns.
  9. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    I'm gonna run it in a test environment to see if it turns out the same. [EDIT] This bug occurs with cheated in watermellons. All is normal with farm-grown watermellons... -however- [EDIT the 2nd] if you harvest a melon, place it, break it(here is where I assume it loses NBT data), place it again, and then use the knife, you get bugged melon slices as well. ERROR: item.SlicedWatermelon is missing NBT information. Please report to TerraFirmaCraft Support.
  10. Cooking with TFC (WIP)

    For whatever reason, harvested melon slices have no mass or decay, and when put in a crafting grid get all sorts of preservation prefixes