Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Gzack

  1. Astronomy/Calender!

    Astronomy (and calender's) helped towards farms back in the really old days, like 2000 B.C., and ancient Mesopotamia, and Sumeria. They used the moon and calculated years by astronomical observations, and if you were to be able to build a telescope, then you could receive info like when to plant or when animals will come for a great hunt. Some tiers of the telescope would go as follows, but also you need glass for lens and mirrors. First you have to develop these: >Stonehenge >Sundial >Water Clock Then you actually are able to advance to telescopes: >Tube Telescope >Refracting Telescope >Reflecting Telescope >Dobsonian Telescope Thanks for your time!
  2. Migration!

    Back in the dawn of man, humans were required to migrate, and I think that this should be implemented. Game and food will eventually run out, and you will be required to migrate, to say warmer climates? (Just thinking) Anyways, great mod!
  3. Migration!

    I didn't know that this would create such a big discussion.... Just was thinking....
  4. Astronomy/Calender!

    Lol, I see your point, and that same rage happened to me when someone suggested torches that burn out!
  5. Migration!

    I see, that's a good point!
  6. Astronomy/Calender!

    Well knowing what time of year it is would help for when to plant some types of food, and when prey will be migrating. Though I guess you would have to have a year cycle... hmmm....
  7. Cavemen to Hoplites

    Oh I didn't realize! Sorry! I will start a new one about my favorite suggestion, and then a few more.
  8. Cavemen to Hoplites

    I love this mod, and wish to thank the makers of the mod. Anyways, to me this reminds me of what I imagine a caveman's life would be. I would suggest something like foraging and hunting, greater fishing rewards, and thirst. Eventually after discovering seeds and agriculture, their should be a type of agricultural revolution, which made life a heck of a lot easier in early man's life. So greater rewards for agriculture. I love games like Sid Meier's Civilization, though I wish that beginning humans would be elaborated on, and I feel that this mod quenches my thirst for ancient history games. Again I love what you did, but my main suggestions are: Needed/Wanted: > Foraging > Hunting > Migration (Needed because food will move on) > Agricultural Revolution Maybes: > Tribes??? > Astronomy??? > Ice Age moving to Temperate Age???