Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by deathcape

  1. true but 3000 north northeast from the islands is a surprising great area with tones of claw and biomes of marble/dilotie/ and limestone and a massive fresh water lake


  2. i was working in trying to get achient warfare 2 npcs to see them and this is fixed did not know the that names started with lowercase. werid thing is before i got this the achenint warfar npcs saw the mobs as freinds enough of friends some tried healing zombies as they burned


  3. as far as i can tell no and but there was one spot of standered grass so ill have to duble check but asfar as i can tell no on the big island will have to duble check the small ones but still for a spot of the world spawn its very nice place and would be nicer if the 2 small islands were difernet biomes


  4. this was a very unique seed i found its very interesting i may see what i can do with tie basically its a 3 island setup in a line going from northeast to south west all 3 islands are made of phyllite and all the islands are 98% covered by dry grass. the setup looks relatively like its was made the same way Hawaii formed due to 2 islands have mountains looking like they could be volcanoes at one point. if you dont know how hawaii was formed look it up. on the main island on the south and west side is lots of hot springs and there is rice on the north and in the mid a good patches of pumkins and sugar canes. i also say cows, sheep, and horses on the island. main wood appears to be spruce, maple, and oak


    Seed:  -981060831676343007


    Map of the islands generated by Journeymap




  5. so i saw this mod and started to make a private mod pack for terrafrimacarft. Ancient warfare in but when it comes to the automation and npcs and some of the recipes it somethings work with terrafrimacraft somethings dont like chest, food, ,damage, and seeds as far as i can tell so far.


    1. for chest the mod needs to see the TFC chest for crafting not the vanilla chest


    2. for food would be nice if the npcs use food like the players do in terms of how the stacks work so you could put like a full thing of bread in a town center block(feeder for the npcs) and they would eat like 1 Oz per action


    3. for damage well its self explanatory i would like to see them updated to TFC damage system because just punching them dose like 10-20 damage points which is 1-3 hits to kill a npc


    4. make the farms read the TFC seeds at all and this may also have to be done for the other machines like fish, wood, animal farm


    i think thats the major points for making this mod compatable with TFC
