Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by ShadeOfDead

  1. Available on FTB Launcher!

    MODPACK CODE: shadeofdeadtfc


    Minecraft Survival. A thing we have all experienced, but perhaps it has lost it's fun and excitement?


    In a world where there are hundreds of modpacks for different playing experiences, Survival has fallen to the wayside. Well now it's time to see how Survival should have been in the first place!


    This is a collection of mods to give you a Minecraft Survival experience you may have never had before. Also. This modpack is for those of you who would like to experience TerraFirmaCraft with some addons and things that might be to intimidating to install and play with. This is the same modpack I use in my TerraFirmaCraft playthrough on YouTube!


    A simple and easy way to play TerraFirmaCraft. Enjoy!


    I built this modpack as I was doing my YouTube playthrough,  Here is a link to that if you are interested!  It's nothing amazing just a collection of some of TFC and some of my favorite addons.  I hope you guys enjoy it if you want a simple way of running TFC and these addons down below!  Enjoy!





    TerraMisc info: IGN:powerman913717


    This pack contains Fastcraft, by Player, enabled by default. Fastcraft enhances Minecraft with increased performance. Bug reports being made directly to Mod Authors should state Fastcraft is enabled.


    This pack contains the following mods by default:


  2. Okay thanks for the feedback.  Maybe the 1000 blocks is a little ridiculous.  Suppose I should say something more like what ChunkHunter stated.  I'll just work with what I can find.  It's difficult with what seems to be the fact that ores don't spawn in the same places, regardless of using the same seed.  Hmm.  Hard to make an adventure map like that.  I'll see what I can do.


  3. Hey guys...I'm building a HQM pack for TFC.  A storyline/lore HQM that also helps guide people through TerraFirmaCraft.  (not going to include any information in it that isn't on the Wiki of course)


    Basically I'm looking for a decent seed, with access to all ores. for version 0.79.27.


    Start point isn't a big deal as I can change the spawnpoint easily.  But more interested in something that does have access to all ores and fresh and salt water within a reasonable distance (a 1000 blocks in any given direction).  Other things I can include easily such as crops and fruit trees I think.  It's the ores part that concerns me.  Seems that world gen is better in 79.27 but...I'm still concerned, and don't know a good way to find all the ores easily in any given world that isn't going to require me to back up the gameworld and then go to town in creative with a propick.


    Thanks for any help!


  4. Can anyone help me out a bit...just how far south do I need to go to find some fruit trees?  I'd like to get just a couple to have around to make different kinds of alcohol.  ;)  Appreciate any help if you have a map pick that would be great or even some general coords.  Thanks!


  5. This would be wonderful.  I also wouldn't mind having the ability to just THROW stones a short distance as an early Stone Age ranged weapon.  Maybe knapping it to a size usable to throw easily.  I always wanted to be able to just throw rocks, and they wouldn't need to be really damaging, just a way to be able to slightly hurt skeletons at range and hunt small game.  Also to get that bear's attention and lure it to the cliff edge to knock it in the pit and slowly kill it with rocks thrown from above!


  6. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum?(Yes/No): 
    Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted.



    I was watching someone play some TFC on YouTube, they were in their home they had built and a knock came on there door.  This was obviously in the real world, but...It really got my mind working.


    It would be Interesting, I think, if there was the possibility of traveling Tinker's, Gypsies, and/or Nomad's.  


    If a Tinker would occasionally come by, perhaps once a year, and knock on your door,  (You would need a door for him to approach for him to stop)  he could offer you the possibility of trading with him.  Perhaps with a bartering system, not that standard trading that Vanilla Minecraft gives, but perhaps, trading based on true value.  Stones are basically worthless, clay pots and jars are useful and worth a value, and perhaps this could give an interesting use for those occasional gems that you discover.  Tinker would offer a variety of things, and nothing in large supply that isn't common anyway, (clay for instance), but perhaps, he has that orange sapling you are missing,  Or a couple Soybean Seeds... Odds and ends that maybe you hadn't found yet, but would love to have...perhaps set to the area he is in to carry a few items from other areas in the world based on Z coords.  Perhaps you are far north, and he has 20 or 30 ounces of bananas or a banana tree.  You trade him a lot, and he gives you something in return.


    Tinker is the main thing I want to suggest, but also...


    Gypsies!  Another idea like Tinker's except instead of just a fellow with a donkey following end up with a temporary structure (tents or perhaps something that looks like a wagon) that appears and has a few gypsies in it.  Possibility of doing some trading of some sort with them similar to above.  Magic has been suggested, perhaps the ability to buy a pendant or charm that has some really minor effect.  Perhaps increasing one of your skills while carrying it.  Making you a better butcher or prospector...Could use the Baubles mod to allow you a way to equip them.


    Possibly Nomads, friendly or perhaps otherwise??? that will occasionally spawn at one end of your known world and just travel through the area.  Allowing for you to have the ability to do some raiding, (difficult!) or be raided yourself.  Shouldn't be often, but having them come and raid parts of your crops or supplies would be a whole new level of scary.  Also giving you the chance to pay them back later on and raid them, taking their stuff, would be satisfying as well.


