Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Rayere

  1. Food + Taste + Hunger

    I don't want to risk ban or anything, but I just want to mention, that original; TFC1 has 17 types of wood, 8 types of fruit trees, 11 berry bushes, 13 vegetables, different 6 grains, also 13 types of useless gems in 4 equally useless qualities (and one less useless quality), 3 types of copper ore, 3 types of iron ore, 2 types of coal bearing minerals, 2 types of redstone bearing minerals and last, but not least 21 different stone types. Why have these things just for variety sake? Make just one of each, that's enough! So that's bit hypocritical to say about variety, just for variety sake. :VIf I knew how to code I'd happily tag along to code it in.
  2. Food + Taste + Hunger

    All I really want to have in TFC2 is more cooking. Sandwitch and salad is not enough variety, I'd introduce cooking pot, you place on campfire, that requires you to make large batches of food at once from which you can dispence cooked dish to bottles/bowls/jars. Different dishes need different main/base ingridient and 3 slots for fillers, also during cooking player is required to tend the dish they are cooking from-time-to-time to not burn it. It'd give ability to make: - stews - protein based, uses less water than soup 500mB/320oz, needs second to last attention, - soups - veggie/fruit based, use most water out of 4; 1000mB/320oz, but pretty much cook by themslef - creams - milk based; uses no water, very easy to burn, cooks quickest, but has increased decay rate compared to other food, - jams - dedicated to fruit, have to use 3x as much sugar as fruit is used, takes 500mB of water per 320oz of output and has 90% decreased decay rate, but cooks longest; whole in-game day; and has to be tend most often. Jams can be used as fruit in rest of pot dishes, salads and sandwitches. Maybe with ability to brew some (flavoured?) tea and coffee in pot.