Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by LarsonPacific

  1. [Solved] Food Decay Russian Roulette

    Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the support forum? (Yes/No):Yes TFC Version #:[1.7.10]TerraFirmaCraft- Forge Version #: v10.13.4.1558 SSP/SMP (SinglePlayer/MultiPlayer): Issue only affects busy SMP servers Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug? (Yes/No):Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed? (Yes/No):No Description: There was a change in a recent version of TFC, where decay NBT data was fixed to store four decimal places of decay, rather than two, to make sure that food ticks properly. After doing some calculations based on the TFC source, it indeed looks like most food in most climates, especially in the early stages of decay, was only receiving ticks occasionally when the conditions were extreme enough, making most all food everywhere last an artificially long time. So,first of all, nice catch on an obscure bug Fixing this, however, has created an unfortunate issue regarding the decayProtection mechanic, which now acts as a sort of russian roulette decay routine of sorts, for players logging back on to busier 24x7 multiplayer servers after several hours absence. The current default decayProtectionDays is 24 in game days, which can put up to 552 in-game-hour ticks of quasi-nerfed decay on a returning players food after several real-life hours. Now that the underlying decay mechanic is working properly and food is decaying faster, if a player logs back in after 7 real-life hours in most habitable climates while the server clock is still ticking, most all of their food will disappear seconds after it starts ticking. However, if they wait an extra few hours, they will take only 24 in-game-hour ticks of regular decay on their food due to the decayProtection mechanic kicking in; only a small amount of decay occurs. Understandably, this has frustrated many players on the server whose food in their perception, is randomly disappearing. Since 24 in-game days equates to somewhere around 9 real hours, players might log off to go to bed one day, and whether or not they have all the food they just farmed in TFC when they log on in the morning, may be solely determinant upon how long it took to get their morning latte. Bad traffic and slow barista? No problem, your food will be good. Speedy service and clear roads? Sorry pal, everything in your fridge is gonna be gone. That is to say, it's now a true russian roulette, whereas before with broken decay, there was hardly any decay at all, on anything, ever... so no problem. Which is equally not okay. To my understanding, the decayProtection mechanic is there to help with the issue of people logging off for a while on a server so they aren't losing all their food upon return, but also inhibit other players from exploiting that functionality and making an unloaded chunk fridge. Given that, I think that since the underlying decay mechanic has been fixed making most food in most places decay much, much faster, the decayProtectionDays default value should be revisited and reduced significantly to be in line with what currently observed decay rates have now become. To achieve the objectives the decayProtection mechanic sets out to accomplish, and after a reasonable amount of mathematical modelling, a default setting of decayProtectionDays ~6 (~2 real-life hours) seems more suitable to help reduce this russian roulette effect, yet still inhibit people from using unloaded chunk refrigeration. Thoughts?
  2. [Solved] Food Decay Russian Roulette

    In reply to Bunsan's post: The decayProtection mechanic only helps on multiplayer servers, and is only there to help with the following situation: 1. Guy makes a few sandwiches and/or harvests a bunch of food. 2. Guy logs off on a Friday night and logs back on Monday morning; server time keeps ticking as other people play elsewhere in the world. Without decay protection, if the temp where the food is stored is > 0 and the guy logs on where the temp is > 0, the food would be gone, which isn't really fair to the player; may as well call it Farmville 3, 'cause all you're going to be doing is harvesting food. XD If the suggestion you posted were followed, the guy in the above example would also still lose all his food. This is because unless the temp is < 0, 24 game days of decay (the current default decayProtectionDays setting in TFCConfig.cfg), is still enough to destroy just about anything. Thus it would defeat the whole purpose of having the decayProtection mechanic to begin with. Changing the default decayProtectionDays so far low enough to where it would be fair to returning players, however, would make it easy for people to exploit the feature and use unloaded chunk refrigeration. A balance is required between making the decayProtectionDays long enough to inhibit abuse of the mechanic to preserve food, but short enough to minimize the lottery/roulette effect about which this thread was started. So, since I don't think people should be penalized with max decay simply for having to sleep, work, or go to school, I think the mechanic should be left alone (other than being repaired ofc). Changing the decayProtectionDays config on your server, as previously recommended by Kitty (I chose the number 6, though you may want to go slightly more, or less, depending on the playing habits of your players and what you feel is the average habitable climate; though personally, I wouldn't bother going over 12, however, as it will just increase lottery effect and most food decays by then anyways), combined with a functioning decayProtection mechanic, should make everyone on your multiplayer server happy
  3. [Solved] Food Decay Russian Roulette

    Thank you soooo much Kitty! Good luck in the job hunt!
  4. [Solved] Food Decay Russian Roulette

    The decayTimer on the food increments by one each time the method is executed until it catches up to the current hour.
  5. [Solved] Food Decay Russian Roulette

    Does it make sense what I said, about line 1135 being changed to update the decayTimer variable instead of writing it back usingFood.setDecayTimer?
  6. [Solved] Food Decay Russian Roulette

    No, I teleported to 0 144 10000, far, far away from spawn to make sure the chunk was unloaded, then teleported 10K away from it after placing the cheese in the chest, and then relogged to make double sure before advancing the time. Then waited 20 mins before returning.
  7. [Solved] Food Decay Russian Roulette

    Okay, so I double checked my configs, and it turns out I was using an old config file, TFCOptions.cfg, instead of the newer TFCConfig.cfg. That solved the issue with the FoodDecayMultiplier not working, of course. Thank you. However, the decayProtectionDays still does not work. I tried placing cheese in a chest in a new world, teleporting 10K away, exiting the world, opening the world, advancing a year, waiting 20 minutes, then going back to the chest, but as soon as the chunk loaded, the cheese would still rapidly decay to nothing. I believe I may have figured out why, however. The tickDecay method in starts by reading the decayTimer from NBT data on line 1124. When the "if" condition is met on line 1133 to apply decay protection, it calls Food.setDecayTimer to set the decayTimer to T-24. This is where it looks like there may be a problem. The original variable as read from NBT data, decayTimer, is not then updated to reflect the new value of T-24. What happens then, is later on in the tickDecay method, the original decayTimer as read at the beginning of the method is incremented, and gets overwritten to NBT again using the original value on line 1180, instead of T-24. This would mean that the decayProtectionDays variable, actually never does anything at all, because decayTimer always gets overwritten later in the method using the original value + 1, which would completely explain the behavior I've been observing. Adding the following line after line 1135, to update the decayTimer variable should fix it I think, so that the correct decayTimer value is written back later on: decayTimer = (int) (TFC_Time.getTotalHours() - 24); Actually, just replacing line 1135 with that line would have the same effect I believe, since decayTimer is written back later anyways Java isn't my native language though, so I may not be reading it right or be missing something...
  8. [Solved] Food Decay Russian Roulette

    I've been testing modifying the decayProtectionDays variable in the config, even in single player, and it seems to have zero effect. Even modifying the FoodDecayMultiplier to 0doesn't even stop decay. Steps to reproduce: With debugMode enabled in the config file and TFC Options set to where food should never disappear (protectionDays 2, multiplier 0 even): 1. /gamemode c, give yourself a stack of cheese. 2. /gamemode s 3. Add a year to the clock with the button in the time tab or using /time command 4. Watch the cheese disappear Tested this at temps of ~10 - ~45 degrees and a range of decayProtectionDays down to 2, with no mods but TFC, with same outcome. I know it's reading the config file, because changing debugMode worked as advertised. The decay options just seem to do nothing for some reason... What twigged me onto this, I was playing on a server earlier and visited a stack of smoked dried cheese, in a vessel, that had been there longtime. Over the course of several minutes, watched it decay from 0.2% to gone at a temp of less than two degrees. This server also now has the decayProtectionDays variable set to 6; so there is no reason it should have done that. So I tested in singleplayer with no other mods except TFC and had the same results. Every once in a while, decay will randomly stop ticking on the stack, but 80% of the time, the stack of cheese just disappears, even with I:decayProtectionDays=2 and D:FoodDecayMultiplier=0; which in theory, should not only limit the decay ticks to 2 days, but should not tick decay at all to begin with... If you could look into this, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks, Larson
  9. [Solved] Food Decay Russian Roulette

    Except that is exactly the problem. When they log back in now, the food in their inventory decays to nothing every time in most moderate to warmer climates if they get stuck in that ~200-575 in-game hour window; however, if they wait until after it, the decay protection system kicks in and they will take only 24 ticks of decay. It would make sense if returning players only took 24 (or even 72-96) ticks decay on inventory, but that's not how it works currently... For preservation of food at their base, if someone is else playing at their base in their absence, I feel they should be harvesting and properly preserving food themselves to keep the stock fresh anyways... so I'm really not concerned with that aspect. If that's a problem, they need to find better people to play with XD
  10. [Solved] Food Decay Russian Roulette

    That is also assuming that the server is ticking 100% of the time. Sometimes there are periods where the server does not, such as when no players are on the server, which simply exacerbates the issue. Sometimes even after 14-20 hours later, a player will log in and get taxed with the ~280+ ticks required to kill all their food. Given that there is roughly a six real-life hour and an unknown server-tick time lapse roulette window during which this effect will be experienced, this issue is affecting the majority of regular players. Those who work 9-5, or go to school will often play before and after work, a testament to how good TFC is , and play at night, then again in the morning... I don't expect a new release to change a default value, and understand that this issue is limited in scope to busier TFC servers. I also do not own the server, and cannot change the value myself, however, given the acknowledgement that this issue exists and will affect the aforementioned players, and that in such circumstances, server owners are encouraged to tune this particular value to suit their players' playing habits, then we can absolutely work with that. Thank you for your time