Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Rangendio

  1. 17 hours ago, Mathias Ademar said:

    I have been thinking about making a TFC and towny server, but i dont know how to get mods (forge) and plugins (bukkit) to work together. How did you do it for your sever?

    Thanks for taking the time to read this.

    If you cant figure this out then I personally wouldn't even try. There are so many configs you have to manually  edit to make the TFC work with the plugins. I get so angry trying to fix this stuff all the time lol. Right now I'm having issues getting Lockette(private doors) to work on TFC doors. You can use it on the default door just not the others even thought the TFC doors are in the list to be used... Yea its really really really annoying.



    So far everyone has voted and to keep it how it is, is winning. Ill leave the poll up for another 24 hours before I decide what happens to the server.

    Also mod pack has been approved finally check first post for pack info. If anyone needs help installing message me. Be sure to use legacy feed the beast launcher. Not the new Curse one.


  2. On 1/6/2017 at 2:27 AM, Pyr0mrcow said:

    My sandwich was too horrible for the server to handle. Sorry.

    Lol yea, as it says in spawn dont sell food in the /ah.

    ---------------Server Update---------------------

    Fixed the environment Damage/ mobs having default HP etc bugs

    Myitems plugin broke again its so weird so half the /tags reward items do not work now therefor temp removed the tags reward chest from the server.

    Uploading a mod pack(legacy FTB launcher) for the server to include Merchants and Cellar addon as well as 3d voice chat. This should go into effect in a few days after the pack is approved.



    Still talking to players to see if they would rather go Towny instead of Factions. This way raiding / Griefing will be harder to do.



  3. well it tells you roughly the cords of a player like X many blocks away from them which can be set in a config so you get a general idea around where they are


    Apparently I can also make it charge a player so much money each time they use the tracking system. so putting it to be around 750 blocks from the player and making it cost a good bit of cash will make people not want to track them. still havent decided if I will turn this on or off.


  4. Most players are against PVP and raiding on the server. So far for the past 6 days the server been online We had 50 members join and around 15-20 of them are around at some point of time. It's quite rare to see no one online at all now. And within those 6 days I don't know of anyone being raided or killed in pvp other then the accident from the bug we had but thats all fixed and should be fine now.

    Having the bounty system installed people will not want to pvp. Doing so will kind of make them an enemy of the whole server and will be hunted down. Debating about turning the track player system on that is built into the bounty plugin.



  5. for now the bounty system is disabled(since its not registering the kills when a player kills another player due to the bug) and keep inventory is on until i figure out what is causing this bug. Found out it wasn't factions causing it due to the fact I removed it and it was still doing this. In a bit ill go on to a test server and just test every plugin to slowly figure out which is causing this issue and if it's still going on then idk what will happen. So factions is still installed but things might change still. Hopefully I can fix this.

    ======= 3 hours later=======

    Finally got the pvp bug fixed and bounty is now installed and fully working. Was due to essentials protect(which i forgot to remove in the first place).Therefore Server will stay factions!

    Also added 2 chest at spawn one respawns gives a weekly reward the other is a monthly(28days) reward

    Changed games year length from 96 to 120



  6. -----------UPDATE LOG-----------------

    Well we ran into a bad bug today a very bad bug. After having the server up for 5 days a player has finally pvped another player. This was done on accident as they are in the same faction. The bug made all equipment of killed player vanish from the game. I tried to fix this in the factions configs but it faild. Tested and allowed a player to kill me who was not in my faction and it caused the same bug. Therefor the other server Owner and I have decide to set up grief prevention plugin with some config edits allowing players to raid. Or to try to set up towny(which I have never done and seems a bit complex).


    Disabled ender pearl usage in order to make players raid by making a creeper follow them and exploding a hole they can get threw. So there are ways to prevent being raided such as large trenches/moats around your base and walls.


    Working on adding a Bounty system to the game so you can place bounty on those who steal / grief you. Or so you can play as a bounty hunter.



  7. The Auction house is now working.

    Shop is done. You can sell all gems to shop, and all worthless minerals / metals. You can buy a few redstone things and a few basic Minerals. The minerals are expensive to promote players to buy from each other.


     The season changes every 12 hours about. I might change this a little. I would like it so each day in RL is a different Season. Might happen Might not just depends on what the players want.




    13 hours ago, MonyClair said:

    Will try maybe.

    Good luck.

    Cool deal hope to see you in game.


    -=Server Changes=-


    Animals age 4x faster for quicker breeding

    Max Faction Power per player is now 25 instead of 10 by default.

    Faction claims no longer required to be connected to your current claim.



    Debating about adding a plugin that gives you 5 lives and after you die those 5 lives you get a temp ban for 20 mins. Would help with large raids of large factions. Can set it up to also reward you 1 life if you kill someone up to a max of whatever.


  9. Finally got everything working  how I wanted the game play to be. And now just looking to get the player base back to how it was. A few changes have happened. We still have pvp but you dont lose your inventory so only thing it does is send you back to your bed or spawn depending if you have a bed or not. I see people using this as a fast travel since there are no TP in the world so no biggy. The only other thing I could see happening is people going to steal other players ships which might have chests on them. No way to stop this and I guess its the only real type of "raiding" that is on the server but as long as you keep what you want to trade in your inventory you will only lose your ship. So once again not really that bad, just a bit annoying.

    I'm working on getting the Traincraft recipes going. I do not and will not have railcraft ever so don't ask.

    All Metals are now used for something as well as all useless minerals A lot of it will be for Late game for the Stargates system. Which will be very expensive to even use. The fuel for these will be crafted with a lot of things as well as in game currency coins. Not sure how much I should charge players for making the fuel yet but it will not be cheap at all.


    There is a small shop at spawn which has a few shops to sell all gems to other than chipped(these are needed for something) More gems you get the more money you can make. The /pay command is disabled meaning only way to give another play money is by giving them coins. These coins can be bought / sold to an admin shop at spawn. Coin values are $1, $5, $10, $25,  $50, $100, $500, $1000, $5000.


    There are no warp commands on this server and never will be well other than /suicide it warps you back to your bed....


    '======How to use the Claim system to make a Town=====

    Not my video just watch it and learn. Also I use a TFC stick for land claims instead of gold shovel. Can also use a reed to view the claimed areas


    All recipes are being redone for the new mod pack. Im just going to start over from scratch on them so I can find all bugs and make sure everything is working properly.

    Server IP :

    Player Slots : 42

    Server Discord

    Dynmap: (No player markers on map to prevent player hunting)


    Mod Pack Info

    Use old ftb launcher from

    Pack code : Waterhollow

    Pack version: 3.2.0

    Do not use the newer ftb launcher it does not list the 3rd party packs via packcode.

    If you wish  to manually install the pack ask in discord someone should be able to help you.

    ========MOD LIST==========


  10. Greetings all, I've been thinking of this for a while. What the game lacks is quality of items.  Best way for me to explain it is with a well wrote out example.


    Here Is an Farming/ Eating Example using lets say a carrot.  Keep in mind this is just and example making numbers easy to understand.

    Let's say you have a carrot seed at 100 quality. Eating a 100 quality carrot will fill your veggie bar by 10 points.  Depending on your Farming Skill and the Soil quality your carrot is planted in, will tell you how much quality the carrot will be.  Soil quality is 100 and players farming skill is at 25. 

    (Carrot seed + Farming Skill + Soil) / 3 = New Crop&seeds Quality          *we divide by 3 got get the average*

    So In this example the planted crop will have a quality of 75. When you eat the quality 75 carrot you will gain 7.5 points on veggie bar.

    Make default found quality anywhere from 25-150.


  11. Yea i had to unforntly change mods. Hate when I get going on a TFC then bug cause my client to keep freezing everytime i seen a zombie(really no clue why I tried fixing but no luck by lower graphics and stuff but no luck). So I had to change it to something else. Did not get a change to update this post. Really sucked i had to change I love TFC just not going to pay for a server i cant play on :(. Made me really upset this morning


    I installed fastcraft and optifine neither of those worked. also changed java arguments and still nothing.


    I figured out why it was messing up. I had a corrupt folder on my hard drive. Had to reinstall minecraft. Fixed but not sure if I'll still run TFC or a custom mod pack. Getting rid of the pixelmon that was only temp. Most likely going to run the mod pack so i can make quest with custom npcs.


  12. Hello all I'm new to the forums.

    We are currently running a Terrafirmacraft server with factions and economy plugins. 


    The way the economy works is players will sell items to the adminshop for cash. These items are mostly just gems and some mob drops. I have built a player mall where players can buy a store and set up chest shops to sell their items.


    Keep in mind a few things will be changing such as more plug-ins later.


    Player slots : 96

    Server Ip:


    Ram: 8GB


    Hope to see you in game. Also we do cuss on the server so if you have issues with that sorry then this might not be the place for you.
