Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by MadeofMeat

  1. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Minecraft user name: MadeofMeat Your Age: 34 Your Time Zone: PST (UTC-7) Location Country and State: Washington State, US Tell us a bit about yourself: I've played TFC on several servers before, including Roanoke a vew versions back. I like settings that are as hardcore as possible. It's a relief to me to see that teleporting is disallowed here, because that means travelling across the map to trade goods map will be a meaningful part of the game. How can you help us: I help other players out when I can by answering questions about the game. When playing I try to find a niche in the economy that is not being filled and fill it. Sometimes this means joining a town or sometimes it means staying independent and trading; either way it is based on interaction with others not hermiting.
  2. IGN: MadeofMeat Age: 34 Why New World TFC: You have 79.10, and your plugins and theme are interesting.
  3. Ingame money

    Fiat means "decree". To get a fiat money system started you have to rule over someone first, so that they care about following your decrees. So for example, you and a group of friends could conquer and subjugate a SMP server by force, make all the players swear fealty to you, then issue a decree that everyone must accept your exquisite amethysts as payment for their valuable goods like food and metal. That would be a fiat currency, if you could enforce it. For a different example: suppose we are on an SMP server, and that you enjoy collecting gems and are willing to voluntarily give me your real goods for them. Of course I'll start saving gems and trading them to you (if you have things to trade that I want), but this is not gems being used as currency; this is barter. I value real goods like ingots and food that are useful in the game, and you value collections of shiny worthless rocks, and we are bartering. The proof that this is actually barter is that if you offer me a chest full of gems for a set of steel plate I will laugh at you. Now suppose that you invite many friends to the SMP server who also love to collect shinies more than collecting anything else in game, so that the number of "shiny collectors" outnumbers the people who care about having other things like steel and cheese. Once your group hits a critical mass, people from outside your shinies-collecting group might start accepting gems from each other as payment for things, based on knowing that you and your group of friends will reliably trade real goods for these gems. If this happens, the shinies will be functioning as an actual money (not a fiat money though). However, as soon as you and your friends stop making valuable things and using them to buy gems, this gem money system will collapse.
  4. Leaving TFcraft

    @Devlin, Gregtech is what you are thinking of, it's included in Mindcrack and maybe some of the other FTB packs (Garry's Mod is for a shooter). Gregtech makes the tech mods harder by changing the recipes, and although the result isn't TFC-difficult it's at least challenging enough to hold my interest. @OP, I too have been playing tech mods lately instead of TFC. TFC definitely has it's own brand of sheer awesomeness which the tech mods lack, but unless someone synthesizes the best parts of both into another metamod I'll probably be bouncing back and forth between the two worlds periodically.
  5. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    May I be whitelisted please. IGN: MadeofMeat