Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by rhodance

  1. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    --- please submit a full application. --- --- whitelisted.
  2. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    --- whitelisted.
  3. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    --- whitelisted. o.O you totally just listed out all of the games i like to play too. and it has literally taken years for anyone to notice what avatar i have been using here and on steam.
  4. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    --- whitelisted --- --- whitelisted --- --- whitelisted --- --- whitelisted --- --- proper app format please --- --- :/ i shut down the server for a bit, and then just did a new whitelist. i didn't cherry pick anyone. glad you are back now whitelisted --- --- gah, what is it doing now? --- --- whitelisted --- --- whitelisted --- --- whitelisted --- /cheer now i am caught back up
  5. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    Everything has been restarted
  6. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    Hmmm. My game server is mis-behaving. I am restarting it now.
  7. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    --- whitelisted --- --- whitelisted. --- --- whitelisted, fyi - there is a zero-tolerance policy for rule breaking for those 16-17yos on the server. --- --- hmmm, denied for now. --- --- whitelisted ---
  8. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    --- whitelisted. --- --- whitelisted. as you do not quite meet the age requirement, you are under a lower tolerance for rule breaking, so don't get an attack of the temporarily stupid. --- --- --- denied, too young. --- --- whitelisted --- --- ... age?
  9. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    --- denied, too young.
  10. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    Also, updated the restart and backup schedule. Backups are taken automatically at midnight CST and restarts are every 6 hours start at 1am CST.
  11. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    As a reminder from the first post: Rhodance's TerraFirmaCraft Server A mature, whitelist-only server. Hosted in Dallas, TX, USA --- Rules --- 1. Do not steal from, raid, harass, or murder your fellow TFC'ers 2. don't be a dick in chat. mildly offensive jokes are just funny, but if you are not cool with that, own up to your feelings and tell us. --- App format --- IGN: Age: Why this server?: 2 sentence description of yourself/interests: --- Server Address --- TFC Server: TeamSpeak3 --- Mod Information --- Minecraft: V1.6.4 Forge: (for MC 1.6.4) TFC: V78H17 Optional Additional Mods: Player API & Smart Moving (Player API is a required prereq. for smart moving)
  12. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    --- yes, the server is hosted in Texas, USA. --- --- whitelisted again rpg - i had to reset it a few months back and i missed re-adding some peeps. --- --- denied. too young. --- --- denied, too young. --- --- approved, but as a reminder, people who are 16-17 need to be acting at like an adult, or you will be kicked. --- --- no. why u no post application? ---
  13. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    --- whitelisted.
  14. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    Sorry about not being available. Very serious family stuff going on. I will probably be out of touch for several more days.
  15. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    --- whitelisted. just a tip, always capitalize the 'i' if you want to sound older. --- --- please answer the last question of the whitelist. tell me about yourself or interests.
  16. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    --- whitelisted.
  17. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    so. i am still sitting in the hospital with my dad, but i finally am getting a bit of breathing room and will be able to catch up with the whitelist. the server looks like it managed to keep itself up just fine.
  18. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    I am not going to be available the next few days, so please check in with ghostbear on the TS if you need a mod/admin to resolve something. the server is running scheduled restarts, auto restarts on crashes, and auto backups, so it should run by itself for the most part.
  19. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    --- whitelisted
  20. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    ---please talk to ghostbear in TS, he is a mod for me.
  21. Teamspeak for TFC for all

    Its a TS server. its always up.
  22. Teamspeak for TFC for all

    This is the address of my personal 50 slot TS anyone is welcome to use it. i know a lot of people use skype and similar programs, but i hope to provide everyone a place to speak using TS3.
  23. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    --- i need to speak to you first in TS before i will consider whitelisting. same deal for anyone younger then 15/16ish. --- --- i do not know. i am against the use of pirated MC launchers on principle. :/ if that is the only way you roll, try checking other places than in my server thread.
  24. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    --- whitelisted.