Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by sandur

  1. Official TFC Birthday Contest Thread Yay, I finished my entry to this competition! I decided to make a new TFC client in my computer made solely for this and went to creative (because I have no massive survival base since I only recently started playing again). There I hopped around my spawn point for a while, found a nice, flat area which I smoothed out further and layed a foundation for... something... which evolved... from a small school... to a church. I decided to microscale a church I am forced into each time school starts, when receiving winter exam grades and when school finishes but made my own stuff up for the second level. I decided to make a partially exposed pipe organ (I will have to personally apologize to my hands for all the chiseling since I chiseled the entire thing) with a keyboard, plus an as realistic rendering as possible of a single church bell with a slightly unrealistic tower. I chiseled the front to the shape you can see and used 'plank's for the windows and window design. The altar is the way it is because: A. I wanted to have some kind of books but I couldn't make them with chiseling or planks so enchantment tables it is. B. The brown splotch in the window was supposed to be a B, keeping in with the giant letters on the front of the church but I realized that it was impossible without chiseling and since this was made pretty late (at which time I had removed the chisel from my creative inventory because my hands hurt just looking at it) I tried to go for some kind of 3D B which didn't work out. The stairs are entirely made of planks and were supposed to look almost 'wheel-chair friendly' for whatever purpose. The second level is without seats because that is pretty much the way this church I mentioned earlier is like (jamming 300 people into a church made for 150 leaves many standing). On a side note: Bioxx, this church is dedicated to you, since you are a modding and programming god for the chiseling, plank-placing and all the other crazy features this mod has, especially the smithing and ore processing. Only thing I would ask of you is further optimization for the detailed blocks. When a chunk has enough detail it becomes so unstable and laggy that each time something (blocks/planks/whatever) is placed or destroyed, or the chisel is used on anything, the game freezes for a split-second and then has a chance for recognizing the one click as two, mucking things up for you. I had to develop tricks like twitching the mouse away each time I placed a 'plank' to reduce the chances of placing a plank wrongly and thus ruining a whole "block" of placed 'plank's. I suppose I will post this into the bug tracker later on but I also think few will go to the extremes in detail I did with this, and I will surely not be doing something like this again. Anyway, I guess this wall of text is big enough for now. If anyone wants to see the thing first-hand I can share the world as well somewhere. Mind you, this is made in build 72. Adios.