Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Krski

  1. Colonial Technology

    Well we have bows , we don't need guns what we really need is flaming ball canons , i mean what is a seige whitout a cannon squad ? xD IDK really , i would like to see the stuff we are aiming too , but minecraft doesn't alow it the servers are too small everyone is a griefer and no one can co exist and work together unless you know them IRL ..
  2. Additions to Barrel Functionality

    Can i get a barell filled with cabadge ?
  3. Ask the person below you

    Pepsi . Do cats hate water ?
  4. Ask the person below you

    It is the universe , that came to the point of understanding and comprehending itself , it has no real nature in the form of you ask but the nature of space and time , set by the rules of what we pecive using our minds that work by the rules of such simple things that we call make us understand and wonder there is no rock , there is an atom and a molecule or a strain of those to create a rock ,we go even deeper trying to understand but we truly cannot if we continue to be part of the rules of space time and the forces , human nature is a logical concicuence of force , enegry , electro -magnetism , mass and gravity , that were shaped in such a way in the beggining , the human nature is not something other than the nature of the universe . Is my red you're red ?
  5. 5 word story

    happelly ever after ......
  6. Ask the person below you

    Wrong (well the first part), there is only one electron , moving on ! How come i always complicate things ?>.<
  7. Farming addon ?

    1)Trees have a chance to tangle to the nearest water block in order to get aaces to water , especially in harsh water-free terain . 2)Then the trees can affect how the plants grow , also they should take nearby nutrients out of the ground . 3)Too much rain would kill the young crops very fast , and the others harder . 4)A lightning storm should cause too much water for them to handle , now it depends how long will it last .... 5)Crops are flamable ? 6) There is grass now when you hit tall grass , when it dryes out it becomes hay. 7)When you place the grass in the quern then you might get seeds or nothing . 8)There are stick piles , trow 3 sticks and right click whit grass you will get a stick pile . 17)When you righ click a stick pile whit a rock you will get unlighen fire. 18)To light use fire starter . 19)Fire starters actually cause fire but have far less chances to create fire on just grass , but on tall grass a little higher but not enought to actually cause a fire unless it is the 1000th try . 20)Sticks can be nitthed into a basket , or a water bottle , when combined whit clay to act like a bonding agent . 21)When you can put anything in the barel now ! Secret storage ? 22)Chests can be upgraded to locked chests , when you make a key . 23)Key is created using metal and plans . 24)When you are hit you slow down , and start lossing hearths very slow , the more you are hit the faster , when you are going to die you fall and can't move ,then if you're oponent spares you he can use a leash to drag you to his prison , maybe whit horses ? 25)You can use leashes and donkeys over a vertical plank or fence to create eleveators ! 26)Fish , rotten flesh or any other meat or vegetable can be decomposed over time if it has been siting in a chest or inventory enought time , then it can be used as ferteliser that will give back nutrient levels coresponding to IRL nutrient levels. 28)Plow for horses , if you have horses this will slow them down but will alow you too ho your land much faster . 29)You can leash almost dead animals , and the leash can be broken if you hit it whit a knife a phew times or whit a sword once. Anyone anything else ?
  8. Ask the person below you

    Because that is how normal human brains work in this kind of enviroment! How are electrons always the same in mass and in properties ?
  9. Ask the person below you

    (insert answer here) Why hasn't dukejuke posted a question ?
  10. 1.6 snapshot

    One problem whit that logic , squids would drown they're selves , and we would drown if they wouldn't
  11. Ask the person below you

    Go derp on youtube , play basketball , play games .... How much does a ton of money weigh ?
  12. Where is the "club"? :P

    Why would you need a club if you could use a rock ?
  13. What do you think?

    That everything is light
  14. Brewing and beverages

    Like vines , since they are a kind of "vine"? Moving on ...... Will there be a use of alcohol in the combat revamp , it burns fast and strong , it is not able to get put out by water and it can disinfect wonds , maybe using its properties to make a fuse barel full of alcohol to burn and then ignite the gunpowder barel ? Also alcohol soaked cloth turned ablaze for fire arows ?
  15. My Build 77 Wishlist

    My wish would be that the tfc boolemry is more like the inficraft smeltary , i just wan't it.....
  16. Ask the person below you

    Moths and words . What is math ?
  17. 1.6 snapshot

    Ok , thanks for the information , will we get a description of them any time soon so we can yell at each other ? Or will we have to wait ? But keep doing what you're doing!
  18. Salt Water

    Suggested before There was a better idea , i think i even suggested salt water in some topic of mine , idk right now.....
  19. 1.6 snapshot

    AD :L Why can't we have "fun" horses , ones that are usable and very fun to use ? But we can have a horse that is unreliable and terifying to use , i mean what is the point in that ? I chardge i miss my target and then do a 180 deggre turn in 5 minutes to atack again , time waster , fun wasted , anoying , easy to kill , not very atractive in the mean of use , by meaning that it is not very effective or really well good for use it can glitch in a fence really easy or be stoped by something , because you need momentume to ride it , if you hit something you are dead , if miss something you are dead , if you turn around you are dead , if you are starting to get use the horse you are dead , also the charging will be monotonus , as in anoying ,just like waiting for something for way to long ,in the period of time you need it that is 50 sec before it happens , not really liking that idea : P
  20. Discussion thread for the Combat Revamp

    That would be anoying you charge up someone pokes you , yea like someone would't be able to hit you whit a mace if you poked him.....
  21. Nothing special , just my intrige! This reminds me of a show that was about prison escapes , the prisoners really did do that , except they covered it up whit small paper paint so the guards don't see! Something special just my thought! What if there wasn't a death sistem but instead the player would be lying on the ground , randomly (or determined) in some possitions , he would be knocked out , or be able to move 1mm/s until he recovers or mends his wonds , if the player is in that state the mob will not atack him or kill him but will walk away to a certain point , but another player will be able to drag him , using a leash and a horse or by hand , this would alow prisons , and some difficulty aswell ! But he would die if he was thrown into fire or walked into lava ! Just think about it , walking in a cave exploring it , then you hear sssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh................. ! BOOM! ! ! !And a skleton infront of you , you fall on the ground or off a cliff or ravine near you , drop on you're back , bleeding or in pain , 1 leg could't move ,or an arm , no more monsters in sight , then you use (insert first aid here) and are lossing speed slowly , you pull you're strenght and sprint to the exit (some sort of buff that will slow you when mended ) draging you're leg , arow wised behind you , and you barely recover (maybe fractured bones implemented ? They could heal after a certain time , its not like they would prevent you from building) Also on the battlefield , you are knocked out and are going to burn or going to be emprisoned to not be able to attack again ! Griefers ? Report them to the admin , he will let you free , and ban the griefer ! Could this work for normal tfc?
  22. Discussion thread for the Combat Revamp

    Minecraft realms , a normal minecraft server has found the simple way to stop spam clicking , it uses the xp bar as the hp , and the green thing as the durration of sprint or bow tencety , or swing that you can make , you can spam click still but it has no efect , and it doesn't alow running forever on the plains
  23. Where is the "club"? :P

    Welcome to the forums , there is a knife in tfc do not post this in the suggestion section alot of people will have a seizure , do research and do not post small texts and call them features try to look on the moder point of view ! glhf on the forums
  24. 1.6 snapshot

    There you go ! We could use this for minecarts to make a elevator for ores and dust ! The only thing im not fond on is that you have to navigate the horse like a pig , it is really anoying when trying to charge a zombie or place a block or anything except ride the horse ..... But ok ..... i guees i won't like it too much but go ahead