Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by KnaveErrant

  1. I didn't think I would like it but I think I really do - it actually gives players a reason to go to the tropics, and even gives incentive to live or build there - essentially, you're trading lower temperatures (and thus slower food decay) foran increased number of pure nodes! It's not an unattractive feature for a Thaumcraft base.
  2. It made plenty of sense, thanks! I'll reinstall NEI, I had removed it while testing the build that had the time issue in an effort to isolate the problem and had never put it back in for some reason. Side note: I know that the point of Terrafirmacraft is to add challenge, but are there any plans for rebalancing some early-progressionrecipes? Even things like paper and feathers can be hard to come by in TFC, but are essential for most Thaumcraft basics.I already generate bunches of worlds before I pick one. I know this is a personal project and you're still in alpha, but is the intention to leave these recipes as they are? If so that's fine, I'm just curious. I honestly don't even know how I'd address the paper issue. Honestly, asking this is making me consider an addon myself - doing things like spawning feathers as rare debris or leaf block drops and adding a jute/straw alternative to making paper (grind them and soak them in water, get blobs of pulp you can lay out to dry into paper). I have little experience in this but I might try.
  3. Hey, sorry if this has been answered before, but in the most recent version, is there any way to make a table/research table?
  4. Yes, that was what I meant, sorry I didn't respond sooner. I had NEI installed and I couldn't find the Lumber item (the single plank) for greatwood, or any recipeto process greatwood logs (the item) into greatwood plank blocks.
  5. In the case of iron transmutation, just make it give iron ore - I'm still not sure how nuggets solve the ore purification problem, but anything forcing you back to the blast furnace step might as well just be ore.
  6. For nuggets, I'd say mold definitely, with a possible anvil recipe for splitting an ingot into multiple nuggets more quickly with less inventory waste. Edit: Side note, I noticed the OP cites wood (including lumber) as being 100% done, but in the alpha I noticed that there was no way to obtain greatwood planks and (as far as I could see) no greatwood lumber coded in at all. I did not check silverwood, though I suspect it is the same. Just wanted to make sure you were aware.
  7. Is there a reason that 11 units = 1 metallum wouldn't work? That's pretty damn close to 9:100 at 9:99, and would put the three standard values at 1, 2 and 3 metallum each provided it just floors the values and doesn't try to give partial metallum (if that's even a thing that exists). It should scale pretty well with custom values as well! The only issue would be with ore amounts under 11, but honestly anybody who puts rich ore at 10 or less is enough of a glutton for punishment that they probably wouldn't mind having to get their metallum from ingots. Edit: Another note, in terms of finding a number of units of ore to equal 1 metallum exactly, 11 is the only value that does not immediately cause problems. 10 units = 1 metallum would cause ingots to contain 10 metallum's worth of ore for custom amounts (and technically give small ores 1 metallum), while 12 units would cause the defaultrich ore to have only 2 metallum, as 35 would just miss the cutoff at 36. Edit 2: Unrelated, I agree about giving Kimberlite greed at least. As a potential indicator of diamonds, it absolutely is associated with greed in humans (and if diamonds get greed, then obviously we're going by a human metric to determine what should have that aspect). Fire also makes sense, but only as much as it would for any igneous rock - I might suggest motion instead, as it actually carries diamonds up to the surface, or void to represent to the fact that it carries gems (most containers have void if I recall) Honestly I'd probably just have it as a weak source of greed and leave it at that.
  8. An aura node is a feature of the world, essentially a block that stores magical energy for the area. A wisp is a mob that spawns in certain magical locations, or anywhere where the local magical energy has become too high or unstable. They come in different colors and while all of them can attack, only some of them start out as hostile. Aura nodes tend to be harder to see without magical lenses, while wisps are pretty conspicuous, like the one in the screenshot. Look up Thaumcraft 4 for more info, as I fear I'm taking up too much space in this thread explaining already.
  9. I'm just going to say that I love you for doing this. A friend and I are both big fans of TFC and TC, and while we haven't played together in a while, we've agreed to start up a new world once this crossover is ready. That Pech screenshot is amazing, and looks exactly the way I hoped these mods would look together. Thank you for working so hard on this project! I like the sound of the trees in the magic forests - and yeah, not bothering with the climate checks and such means there's a chance you'll get wood normally unavailable anywhere nearby, which is an idea I'm fond of, and an interesting side-effect of mixing these two mods. As for the rendering of the flora, maybe talk to Kitty?