Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by bilo666

  1. In my opinion the only 'magic' which could realistically be implemented is something along the lines of hallucinogenic drugs like from a rare mushroom which only grows in a certain light or something which when taken would put u in a trance like state, although I really don't see how this would benefit you, unless you would just like the effects or it could have some use like enabling a pathfinder which showed you the direction of the nearest animals for how long it lasted, I don't know but this seems a bit odd and unrelated to just eating a 'special' mushroom.


    The idea of other dimensions would just make the mod more complex as it already is and would take ridiculous amounts of work...


    Magic is just completely unrelated to the don't see why so many people are insisting it should be added in one way or another although i do like the idea of  simple brewing such as making poisons or 'pain killers' from something like tree bark or certain plants, which would temporarily increase health for a certain period, or have restorative properties but things apart from that in terms of brewing i think would make farming mobs and other things too easy.


  2. I agree that it is time consuming building a quick shelter every night when travelling and yes tents were used although more likely to be made from animal hide and bone/strong branches and these still would have had taken some time to set up. But the problem is that realistically hostile mobs, be they the monsters now or hostile animals in the future, would have torn tents to pieces unless well camouflaged or well lit up in the proximity around the site - a tent in the middle of the open isn't exactly going to deter or stop zombies :P. Maybe when the monsters are replaced by hostile animals it could be a possibility, but at the moment it would be just be a bit too simplistic just to sleep in a tent at night and pray zombies wouldn't come along and attack.Just do what I do at the moment - dig a hole and cover with thatch - saves the hassle of making a shelter!


  3. I would like something implemented like a dugout canoe, which would have been able to carry two people and some goods probably the equivalent of a single chest full of items. These were hugely popular during the stone age and throughout the bronze ages/iron age so in terms of dating for the boats it shouldn't be a problem.


  4. I imagine when food spoilage comes in it will make it better for balancing out nutritional values as well,


    For example potatoes, onions and squash tends to take a long time to spoil, where as peppers, tomatoes, soy beans all tend to go out of date really quickly, it would mean the quick growing or multiple harvest crops would tend to go off quicker and be used form immediate consumption whereas the slow growing crops which produce less would be used more for storage, for example over winter when very few/no crops grow.


  5. As a bit of advice its probably worth investing in making some straw blocks to make a portable home quickly. Just left click on tall grass whilst holding a knife and it will drop some straw, then combine 4 of them in a square to make a block, the can be placed and easily breakable, i take around 12 with me when ever i am travelling long distances to make basic shelters. 

    Also u should probably make some clay items (like stone tool making, just right click when in hand, use around 5 each time) recipes are in the link, u need to make a pit kiln for this as well...when u have made the items out of clay, make a 2 block hole in the ground and press shift and right click on the unheated clay items to place in the hole (4 items at a time), then place 15 pieces of straw (not blocks) in the hole, followed by right clicking + shift with a pile of 16 logs in hand, keep right clicking until they are all gone, then get a fire lighter and right click until it lights (may take a few attempts), after its finished burning u can use the items :) pots are very useful for extra inventory space early on, i recommend making at least 2 and at least 2 water jugs to start. Good luck!



  6. I really like this idea, this would defiantly be a good alternative to entities being the means of setting off the traps. Perhaps this can be incorporated with  traps to catch sea food? I suggested before about the idea of lobster pots and cages to catch things such as squid and other fish. 


    Although i think for this to be successful, the aspect of food spoilage would have to be incorporated with it, otherwise the amount of food sources a player has access to will seem overwhelming. But as you said if it takes up to a week to catch anything in a trap this may balance that factor out.


  7. I'm currently studying Archaeology at uni and have great interest in the Mesolithic/Neolithic period. During the mid- late Mesolithic many hunter gatherers formed communities on the coast and lived primarily off sea food, which consisted mainly of shell fish like mussels and oysters etc. 


    I was thinking what with animals being now much harder to find, being able to forage for shell fish on the coast or fresh water would offer a good alternative food source. Lobster pots and other things of that nature may also be useful for people living on the coast, although these would have to be placed in much deeper water.


    I was thinking this would also offer a decent food source for people living in desert biomes.


    I'm not sure exactly how this would be implemented, perhaps an adaptation to the current gold pan? Or some form of net?


    I also think fishing rods as the main tool for fishing should also be changed or edited at least. For example using wicker fish traps or placing large nets or traps and leaving them for a day or so before coming back to collect a bounty of fish.


    Although i do like the fishing rods, i think bait should be implemented with them. Perhaps digging up grass gives a small percent of dropping worms or some form of insect which could be then combined with a fishing rod to make a baited rod, or using bread as a form of bait? Maybe through breaking it up into bits of bread in a quern? I also think that a fishing rod should have a hook, maybe implementing bone to act like leather, through crafting with a knife it and then being able to make a fishing hook?


    I have to say though, I love this mod and the progress made with it has been amazing. Keep up to good work! 


  8. In-Game Name: bilo666

    Age: 19

    Country: UK

    Info about yourself: I've been playing minecraft for a few years on and off now, Have been playing TFC for a month or so now and pretty much know how everything works.

    How did you find us? TFC forums.

    Have you read the rules?: Yes, I have read the rules.

    Do you understand that if a friend/sibling borrows your account and breaks a rule, you will be held responsible?: Yep, I don't have any family or friends who can access my account.

    Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft Server? If so, for what reason: I have only a few hours of experience of server time, and in that time I wasn't banned as I just walked around for a few hours.


  9. Please may I be added to the whitelist? I have been playing minecraft for a while now but have next to no experience on servers and i wanted to try it out, I have been playing terrafirmacraft for about a month now and generally know how everything works and I think it would be a lot more fun playing with other people then just being a larry =/

    IGN: bilo666

    Some general info about myself: I'm 19, currently a student, live in the UK, played minecraft since I think it was summer 2011. And as I haven't really been on a server for more than a few hours when i was testing it out, I haven't been banned or anything of that sort.
