Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by zomseffen

  1. [Request API Feature]

    Yeah I can see why it was a resource hog. Basically it iterated through each block in a 15x7x15 block around you whenever it wanted to apply local heatsources. I will try another approach. I will let each heat source register itself to the chunk it is in. Then I will only need to look for the neighbouring chunks around the player and their registered heat sources, which will be, in most cases, less than 15x7x15 and therefore more effective.
  2. [Request API Feature]

    Hello, I'm currently trying my hands at a addon that would include a more complex enviromental temperature model, i.e. rooms can be warmed up by campfires ect. The problem with that is that currently there is no way, that I could find, to replace or alter the temperature calculation in a way that TFC's original blocks also use it. I would request a slight change to the class so that there is a protected set-able static instance of the class. All static methods of the class would refer to the instance and the original code would be shifted into a privat method. I would attach a file where I did exactly that, but I can't. If you want it I can send it, but I wouldn't bother with git as it is only one file and I changed a lot of other stuff in my worspace to test stuff. Thanks for reading.
  3. [Request API Feature]

    The code in TFC is not fuunctional as extraFoodConsumption and extraWaterConsumption never are set to anything other than 0 (see line 61 and 62 the computation is commented out). The worldgen would not be affected much (except around lava and hot springs maybe) as everything that would change the temperature from the standard equation i.e. campfires can only appear after it was generated(placed by players). Yes I want to make something like that, but it would make no sense to ignore the existing temperature mechanic as it would seem strange if a plant freezes to death in a room you heated up as to not freeze yourself.
  4. [Request API Feature]

    And just with this comment you said why light level doesn't work. Hot springs do not spread light. Also heat distribution in reality isn't as disturbed by non see-through materials as light. For the new heat mechanic to affect vegetation is actually one of the main reasons for my API request, since it as it is right now would be impossible.
  5. [Request API Feature]

    So I guess I will need to make my own fork... At least if I want to continue with my idea. It would not be that hard to extend the Temperature model. For the simplest extension, that features actual heat sources I would add a cache containing listed heat sources (i.e. when you build a campfire it registeres itself under its coordinates) and each check for temperature would include a check of nearby heatsources and a heat calculation with those. The calculation could be as simple as calculating the distance and multiplying this with a heat-factor.